You wake up on a rainy night to a bang on the door and thunder. You get up to see a letter in a puddle of water next to the door it's from your brother telling you that you need to come home... that dad has found something of much power and he has gone mad in science. He goes on saying that he read some of dad's notes saying he has found a way to live for ever and to bring the dead back to life to do his bidding. I fear for my life and mother's... The rest of the letter is too wet to read. You must travel to the village of Chupa and get in your dad's castle there and find out what's going on.

thehonestgamer says

10/10 - Agree (2) Disagree

So I did a Let's Play of this game on my Youtube channel, and personally I absolutely loved it!

The storyline is gripping and brilliant, the graphics are superb and contain elements that I havent seen in the actual Amnesia game itself, the levels were large and filled with interesting things to see and do.

The length of this game is long, longer than the actual game I would say and its also a tough Custom Story so be prepared to have your work cut out for you!

Overall I rate this game a 10/10 and I hope you have found this review to be useful, Doom2299 the games creator deserves a lot of praise for putting together this mammoth project!

The Honest Gamer.