Since the dawn of time, just beyond the veil of the known, souls of the dead have gathered in battle to determine their fate. It is on this plane, the gateway between the realms, the bridge between Heaven, Hell and the mortal realm, that Angel, Demon and mortal will battle to decide their fate. A place where you will fight for your very soul. A place Where the weak will perish and the strong will prevail. A place where mortals and the forces of Heaven and Hell collide in a titanic battle. This is the Crucible: the ultimate trial. The Crucible is a new multiplayer based game, that will feature a unique 1st/3rd person combat and movement system blended with traditional FPS play. The Crucible will place a heavy emphasis on action, violent gun battles and brutal melee combat. Players will be afforded a great deal of customization for characters, gameplay and gametypes.

|KILroy| says

10/10 - Agree Disagree

Weapons are fun to use.
Impressive art direction.
EXTREMELY fun maps to play it on.

I can't wait to try this new version. Thanks for the update! You guys are phenomenal!