In the Year 2199, Earth was attacked by the Gamilas Empire, Earth was nearly defeated if not for the valiant efforts of the Space Battleship Yamato and her crew. The Yamato and crew would then face many foes over the next five years, nearly facing destruction at every turn. You play as the Commanding General of the United Nations Cosmo Navy during what became known as The Five Years of Fire. In this total conversion mod, you will be able to chose playing as the EDF, Galman Empire, Gatlantis Comet Empire, Bolar Federation, or The Dark Nebulan Empire as you battle across space. Will you take command of the mighty Yamato and protect the Earth or work to bring about the absolute domination of the Galaxy?

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Update regarding some meshes and announcing a design contest!

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Work continues smoothly on the mod! We've got some new models done thanks to Dj_Cheef and his creation of the Goruba from 2205 and he continues to work on Gamilas/Galman ships though we don't have any previews of those yet. However, we've run into a small bump in the creation process! While scouring the web and all of the various source material for Yamato, we've found that, with the exception of the Time Fault, there are no Orbital Construction Platforms or Space Stations in the Yamato-universe sans Goruba and the Gatlantis Comet Fortress. SO with that said, we're opening up our first round of FAN CREATED DESIGNS!

We would like you, the fans, if you're willing, to design UNCF and Gamilas inspired Stations to be used in our Mod! You will be given proper credit in the credits list under Concept Artists! We need designs for the following Stations! All three shipyards (Light, Capital, Titan) these should be designed so that players can build ships in their fleets, they must also allow for the visual of ships being built within the shipyards. Military and Civilian Research Stations, these allow you to progress in the various Tech Trees, unlocking new ship designs, planet buffs, and other upgrades. Communications satellite, this spreads your influence across the map allowing you to prevent rapid take-overs of your space and vice-versa. Refinery, this buffs your Metal and Iscandarium (Crystal) outputs. And Trade Station, this buffs your Credit Income.

I will be creating a separate channel for this shortly, we're looking for images of all sides of your design, not just a side view. So we'll need, Top, Bottom, Side, Rear, and Front views of your designs. Once submitted, we'll pick the designs we find that fit the Yamato theme the best and incorporate them into the mod. Regardless of being picked, anyone submitting will get Concept Artist Credit! Have fun with this challenge and we cannot wait to see what you come up with!

We're looking for ONLY UNCF and Gamilas at this time, when we start work on the other factions, we'll do this again! You MUST be part of our Discord server to partake in this contest, please join us via:

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