Silent Shout - Mod for Doom3:RoE ...released!

RSS Reviews

GhostoftheNavigator says

Agree Disagree

Excellent mod, the opening puzzles are a little tricky, but if your observation skills are good you won't have a problem. Overall, the maps are really well thought out, I liked the nods to Half-Life 2 and Portal in the design choices and the enemy placement is good, furthermore the ammo dotted around is usually just enough to scrape by so this bolsters the challenge. The texture work is good and the environments don't just feel like Doom 3, for example there is an industrial area which is quite expansive with great attention to detail, and there is plenty of opportunity to experiment with different combat tactics. My only qualm would be it would have been even better if all the weapon & monster models had of been totally redone, but as it stands, this is a fun & interesting mod - worth playing in my opinion.


motorsep says

Agree Disagree

While I am not sure about the fan factor, I'd say it looks pretty well modded. It's not a simple "add maps, textures, etc." mod.

I like how cursor changes shape and displays a hint!


Xsasternh says


darkyuri says


frpnt says