This is a procedurally generated attempted reaction of the upcoming Amnesia: The Bunker which was made during the 2023 Frictional Winter Monster Jam. Considering this uses a lot of procedural generation and random values, bugs are to be expected. Enemies have a broken navmesh as unfortunately navmesh edits after map creation are only available through source code which I do not have access to. Ready to play? Here are the basics! - While exploring an abandoned WW1 bunker, the door you came from gets caved in. Overcome fear, persevere, and make your way out alive. Don't get close to noisy holes - Don't go insane - Find the key and escape. This mod was made in collaboration with NutBoi (The gun)

RSS Reviews

KiraImmortal says

May contain spoilers Agree Disagree

Currently, this is the most advanced technical feat done on this game. The random generation and gun is super cool, but is currently plagued by a few issues, like the lack of usefulness for the gun, and the lack of confirmation whether a holed wall is safe to pass or not. Not to mention the confusion about which buttons to use for what if you use custom controls, but I doubt any of this is beyond repair.

Despite the time and engine limitations this is seriously enjoyable and has replay value. Really excited to see where these lead in the future!