The story of Rebellion starts where the Vengeance one ended. You have won the battle over Gargantua but this last one had leave you in such a shape that even your mother would not recognize you. You have lost all of your weapons during the battle and you're are severely wounded. Nevertheless, some scientists who kept themselves away during your last fight are coming to give you first aid... They don't have the time to help you. A marines platoon arriving begins to shoot them down and one of the grunts puts a highly explosive satchel charge a few meters from you that cause the ground to collapse when exploding.

Weperlol says

8/10 - Agree Disagree (1)

This mod is brilliant. The level design is great and differs from an area to another which never gets dulls at all.

The voice acting is ok. (even if most people never understood it...)

The mod has a good length and can be rather challenging at times (This mod is swimming with grunts so beware).

The mod also has new realistic gun sounds and nice models (but the minigun model was just a reskin of the hornet gun which sucks for a minigun).

And lastly, the mod has some epic cutscenes especially the ending cutscenes it's so awesome better than the their other mod (Vengeance).

Anyone who is curious about this mod should totally check it out. :D