StoryYour Mission: You are a crew member of Vortex Rikers2, which will get a signal from the planet (Na Pali). The message came from 3 survivors of the old Vortex Rikers, the prisoner ship that crashed on the planet some months ago. Now you will be let down on the planet to rescue these 3 survivors. Unfortunately you were sniped down by a Skaarj right after you landed. New mission: Rescue your own ass. You are in a Skaarj prison, they destroyed all your equipement. You'll have to try to get out of the prison and find the old Vortex Rikers. If you are lucky it's computers are still working and you can send a message to your mothership, so they can come rescue you.... Overview Operation Na Pali is one of the best Single Player mods out there, with great detailed landscapes, intense fighting sequences, and great Cut-Scenes at the beginning and end of the mission, detailing what has exactly happened too you. There is a total of around 40 maps in the story, taking you to Old, Ruined...

Half-lifeblazen says

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