This mod has been in development since 2007. Some major features are: Corpses of the fallen will now permanently stay, population caps have been increased, and new units. Each faction receives one hero unit, you can play with and against any faction, and there are Heroes, crazy stuff (like The Maus, Powell, zombies,...). It also contains an Infantry Only mode, Early war mode, No Pop-Cap mode, and Quick Start mode in the victory conditions. This mod is only for fun! If you are looking for complete realism, try another one. Some combiners with other mods like Star Wars Frontlines - The Galactic Civil War & Eastern Front are also available.

MasterofMetal says

10/10 - Agree (3) Disagree (3)

One of the best mods I've ever played. And great to see a mod that has the Maus. If they can find a 3D modeller, that'll be great because then they can end the Maus's tyranny with the allied heavies (T-29, T-30 etc) if they decide to put them in. An equally daunting goliath to the Germans would be the T-95. This experimental Tank Destroyer was only able to pass trials right before the end of the war.
Once they find a 3D modeller, this will be absolutely perfect!
Also, think of the other two factions; British and Panzer Elite. For Britain, I say the Tortoise, and Panzer Elite have the E-100, or maybe stick with the non-realistc theme and go for the LANDKRUEZER!