A free unofficial expansion pack for Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge, which retells, expands and continues the story of the original game. Enhanced with Ares DLL, Mental Omega strives to bring many new features to the game, including a 133-mission campaign, cooperative and a brand new faction: the Foehn Revolt.

Alomalomynous says

1/10 - Agree (5) Disagree (22)

Soviets mostly has an advantage. Even thou with combine allied and epsilon faction. 2nd, Soviet cheats using saboteurs to infiltrate. And even damages every unit once it has been killed. Terror drones detect infiltration units. What about allies and epsilon? How come they don't have mechanical units that can detect infiltration units? 4th, The Yuri's revenge aspect is completely removed. Where mostly the campaign is limited to unit command.