Try out this F.E.A.R. map contest submission by VMan called Operation Masada. A weapons testing facility in a desert seemed like a normal op, until you have lose communications with command & hear alot heavy firing.

RSS Reviews

makaro says

Agree Disagree

THere is so many thing wrong with this mod. It pure garbage.Hand down the worst FEAR mod I ever played. It learned nothing about the game level design.
-THe author didn't bother tell us how to install the mod specifically.You supposed to edit the Default.Archcfg files and add Masada.Arch00 line in. But there is a problem.Where do you put the line ? Took me some fiddling around but I know that you supposed to put in under FEAR.Arch00. Anywhere else and the mod won't work.
-The beginning helicopter sequences you could rotate your mouse and reveal your headless body.
-When the heli drop (literally) you instead of using the cool rappelling animation from the game turn around and it disappear.There is 2 delta force solder on the heli but they won't drop with you so why bother ?
-The skybox is so odd, You are at night yet the mountain afar are well lit and fully 3d
-You are dropped directly into enemy fires with zero cover.Enemy holding corridor have the high ground and shoot at you .
- Architecture make no sense. Why does a military base have narrow ramp corridor right next to landing pad ?
-There is a usable minigun at the helipad but there is no ******* cover so you just asking to be shot at .
-Instead of the arena level design like original FEAR this mod is a corridor shooter. This don't work with the AI and the mechanics of the games as there is barely any flanking route.
-WHo the **** put a REV6 boss fight that shoot explosive missles next to a ladder in a tight corridor ?
-Overuse of cutscene that serve little purpose.
-The sequence where Fettel knock you out take control away from the player. in the original games you still have some control over your character.
-In the main game you are almost always the one initiate combat.This game is the other way around. It even have the tendency to spawn enemy behind you. THou it did try to warn you with cutscene that take control away from the player but that goes at odd with the design philosophy of the original games.
- There is some enemy spawn trigger that you can abuse to give yourself an advantage so you don't have to fight them all at once. Some replica supposed to spawn in after the melt down but if you like exploring like me. you accidentally walk behind a trigger and the game spawn enemy behind you.
-Prone to crash with no error warning.It locations specific. One just in the tunnel, behind the office with the shotgun. AFter it play the cutscene it will crash.
After crash it after you fought the Asssasin after the meltdown. THis literally prevent me from finish the mod.


KodoL says

Agree Disagree

Качественная карта. С кат-сценами и стрелять здесь очень весело.


Phantron says