This mod takes classic LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga character hair, and replaces it with modern LEGO Star Wars hair.

RSS Reviews

Jesse1066 says

Agree Disagree

I'm SO glad you made this! Some of the old hairs (like AOTC Obi-Wan) look really bad now, and this pack freshens up the game nicely. All I'd change would be to put the files in folders matching the ones in CHARS so it's easier to install, and maybe add some more hairs, in particular Leia and Han.
Along with Ingwar's updated weapons, I'd say this is a MUST-HAVE mod for people that want an updated LSW experience while waiting for The Skywalker Saga!

Edit: One more thing. ANAKIN_VADER_PC has the original helmet, and LUKESKYWALKER_CEREMONY_PC and LUKESKYWALKER_PYJAMAS_PC have Luke's original hair. It'd be good to give these the updated models for consistency, but all playable versions of Luke and Anakin are updated, which is awesome!