This DLC will introduce the opportunity for the player to become Jarl of Ivarstead, and to enjoy all the luxuries that come with such a title – such as a magnificent castle! To obtain the title, you must first undergo an immersive, lore-friendly quest that offers several hours of new gameplay in itself. After completing the quest and becoming Jarl, the story doesn’t end… it begins! After becoming Jarl of Ivarstead, you are responsible for your hold and all its subjects – tending to day-to-day tasks, working with your nobility to protect your home, feeding your citizens and governing your city’s law’s, executing perpetrators and imprisoning criminals. Hold banquets and dances and other lavish soirées to enhance your reputation as a leader and a political figure. Will you be the benevolent ruler that Ivarstead is crying out for? Will you release the innocent, punish the guilty and defend your home, feed your citizens and home them fairly? Or will you become a bitter tyrant?

BadFlow says

2/10 - Agree Disagree

Nice mod, but he leave developing because - money .. Nice mod, but he leave developing because - money .. Nice mod, but he leave developing because - money .. Nice mod, but he leave developing because - money .. Nice mod, but he leave developing because - money .. Nice mod, but he leave developing because - money ..