Starting in 1519, India is Fractured into Several Hindu and Muslim Ruled Empires. Babur the Timurid begins his invasion from Afghanistan. The Portuguese, the first European traders to establish trade colonies in India, have begun their wars against the Muslims. Gunpowder is relatively new and having a strong effect on the peasant and elephant armies traditional to medieval India. =Simpler Submods for a 1725AD and 327BC start date are also in progress. HELP WANTED: historical research/editing models and textures/scripting help/and making custom battle maps and building models

Report RSS 1519 Factions and Units

Faction Descriptions and Unit Rosters. Suggestions Welcome

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[Map of Factions]

The Muslim Sultanates of Northern India
=Mughal Empire, Afghan Empire descended from the Timurids
//Strengths:Strong Artillery and Central Asian-Style Cavalry
//Weaknesses: Must expand quickly to secure wealth from hostile neighbors

=Gujarati Sultanate (Sultanat-i-Gujarat), Wealthy Muslim Kingdom
//Strengths:Trade Monopoly on North Western India, Persian style heavy cavalry, Rockets, Janissary/Turkish/Afghan/African Mercenaries
//Weaknesses: Claustrophobic Starting Position, Succession Civil War, At war the powerful Mewar Rajputs

=Bengali Sultanate (Shahi Bangalah), Wealthy Muslim Kingdom
//Strengths:Strong Navy, Good Missile Infantry, Elephants, and African Mercenaries
//Weaknesses: Religiously Fractured, Poor Cavalry, Lacking in Heavy Armour
begin game at war with pirate rebels to the east

=Delhi Sultanate (Sultanat-i-Delhi), North Indian Superpower
//Strengths:Great Cavalry, High morale slave troops, Very Wealthy
//Weaknesses: Land-locked, Expansive, Religiously and Politically Fractured Starting Empire

=Malwa Sultante (Sultanat-i-Malwa), Smaller offshoot of the Delhi Sultanate
//Strengths:Good Cavalry, High morale slave troops, Very Wealthy
//Weaknesses: Land-locked, Begin game at War with the powerful Mewar Rajputs

=Arghun Kingdom

The Deccani Sultanates of Central India.
-Good Cavalry and Mercenary Selection. Lacking in Heavy armor.

=Golconda Sultanate (Sultanat-i-Golconda), Map:
//Strengths: Good Telinga Spearmen, Diverse Mercenaries
//Weaknesses: Lesser Native Cavalry than the rest of the Sultanates

=Bijapur Sultanate (Sultanat-i-Bijapur), Map:
//Strengths: Maratha Light Cavalry and Habshi slave soldiers, Early users of the Cannon
//Weaknesses: Claustrophobic Starting Position and war with Vijyanagara and the Portuguese

=Ahmednagar Sultanate (Sultanat-i-Ahmednagar)
//Strengths: Maratha Light Cavalry and Habshi slave soldiers, Early users of the Musket
//Weaknesses: Claustrophobic Starting Position

=Berar Sultanate (Sultanat-i-Berar), Map:
//Strengths:Good North Indian Cavalry
//Weaknesses: Claustrophobic Starting Position

The Europeans
=Portugal (Estado da Índia)
//Strengths: Strong Navy and Gunpowder Units
//Weaknesses: Few Europeans, relies on Slave Troops, Native Indian Infantry, and Mercenaries.

Hindu Empires
=Vijayanagara Empire (Vijayanagara Samrajya)
//Strengths: A Large and Religiously Unified Starting Empire, Friendly with Portugal
//Weaknesses: Strong emphasis on Elephants and Levy Infantry, Lacking in Missile Cavalry and Heavy Armour. Relies on importing Arabian horses from the Portuguese to deal with the superior cavalry of the Decanni Sultans

=Mewar Rajput (Sisodiya Mewar Rajya)
//Strengths: Excellent Heavy Cavalry/Bhil Tribal Archers/Metal Armoured Elephants
//Weaknesses: No Starting Gunpowder, At war with neighbor Muslims, Lacking in decent infantry

=Mawar Rajputs (Rathore Marwaad Rajya)
//Strengths: Excellent Heavy Cavalry/Late game Camel gunners
//Weaknesses: No Starting Gunpowder, Lacking in decent infantry

=Garha Kingdom, (Garha Katanga)
//Strengths: Strong Navy and Gunpowder Units
//Weaknesses: Poor cavalry

=Kingdom of Orrisa (Suryavamsi Gajapati Rajya)
//Strengths: All castes are military members, Large amount of native elephants
//Weaknesses: Lacking in Cavalry and early gunpowder

=Zamourin of Callicut (Kozhikode Samoothiri)
//Strengths: Rich through trade, Early users of the Musket, Fanatic Nair soldiers, good sharpshooters
//Weaknesses: Claustrophobic Starting Position. Must import expensive horses. Begin at war with the Portuguese

=Kingdom of Venad/Tranvacore (Thiruvithamkoor)

=Kingdom of Mrauk U
//Strengths: Lots of Elephants, Pirate ships, Ronin Samurai mercenaries, Late help from the Dutch
//Weaknesses: No early gunpowder or cannons, poor cavalry, few heavy units, start at war with the Bengal Sultanate

////Minor Factions-Rebels
-Bidar Sultanate
-The Kutch
-Ahom Kingdom
-Bhutan, Heavy Dzong swordsmen and musketmen
-Shri Lankans, elephants/tribal sharpshooters

////Emergent Factions
-The Sur Empire
-Thanjavur Nayaks
-Madurai Nayaks



=General's Bodyguard
//Royal Light Cavalry
//Eastern Elephants
//Ronin Medium Archer Cavalry

=Heavy Cavalry
//Eastern Elephants
//Armoured Eastern Elephants

=Medium Cavalry
//Medium Arrakan Noble Cavalry
//Medium Indian Cavalry
//Mercenary Afghan Medium Cavalry

=Light Cavalry
//Indian Light Cavalry, low quality light cavalry
//Indian Light Cavalry on imported Arabian Horses
//Mercenary Manipuri Cavalry
//Mercenary Afghan Light Cavalry

=Light Javelin Cavalry
//Indian Javelin Cavalry
//Mercenary Burmese Javelin Cavalry

=Light Archer Cavalry
//Indian Archer Cavalry

=Heavy Infantry

=Medium Infantry
//Elite Indian Medium Spearmen, very rare
//Mercenary Afghan Medium Spearmen, rare
//Mercenary Ronin Medium Infantry, Elite Archer Infantry, very rare

//Elite Indian Medium Swordsmen, very rare
//Mercenary Afghan Medium Swordsmen (Talwarbaz), rare

=Light Spearmen
//Levy Indian Spearmen
//Tribal Indian Spearmen
//Indian 'Sheildbearers', Unarmored spearmen with large sheilds
//Indian Spearmen
//Mercenary Abyssinian Spearmen, upgradable to chainmail

=Light Club/Axemen
//Tribal Indian Clubmen
//Indian Garrison Axemen

=Light Swordsmen
//Indian Swordsmen
//Mercenary Abyssinian Swordsmen, upgradable to chainmail

=Light Javelinmen
//Indian Levy Javelinmen
//Indian Tribal Javelinmen
//Indian Javelinmen
//Elite Indian Javelinmen
//Mercenary Abbysinian Javelinmen

=Light Archers
//Indian Levy Archers
//Indian Tribal Archers
//Indian Archers
//Elite Indian Archers
//Indian Muslim Archers
//Mercenary Abyssinian Archers
//Mercenary Medium Ronin Archers

=Gunpowder Infantry
//Nafta Throwers
//Rocket Troops, infantry armed with ban (fire arrow) launchers
=(Late Era Gunpowder Infantry)
//Indian Tribal Gunmen
//Indian Gunmen
//Indian Sharpshooters
//Mercenary Abyssinian Gunmen
//Mercenary Portuguese Gunmen, Rare and expensive but the best early firearm users in India, high morale, good armour, although they tire quickly under the hot
Indian sun.

=Siege Equipment
//'Ban' Launcher, A simple rack firing long range rocket powered arrows
=Artillery (Late Era Siege Equipment)
//Grand Bombard
//Mercenary Portuguese Cannon

=Navy, Pirate navy; reduced upkeep
//Pirate Ships

-Pirate Portuguese
-Ronin Samurai Bodyguard
-Naval Help from Dutch in 1550s?


=Heavy Cavalry
//Sultani Khas-i-Khel (Elite Bodyguard Cavalry): These elite units represent the Deccan sultanates in a microcosm; made up of diverse recruits, from foreign stocks of Georgians, Turks, Habshis and Persians to the local Deccani Muslims and Hindu Marathas, Telangas and Kannadigas. However, what is standard is their loyalty to the Sultan and fighting prowess. Though as heavily armored as their norther counterparts, the Deccanis prefer swiftness over raw strength, wearing simple yet high quality light mail and quilted cotton jackets but no plates, and covering their steeds with felt and hardened cotton rather than mail.
//Askari Sowar (Noble Heavy Cavalry) From the far off regions of Khurasan and Iran, these heavy cavalrymen are always few and at premium in the Deccan. The only true
heavy cavalry that the Ahmednagar Sultanate has, due to the shortage of their availability, they are often used as elite reserves, expended only in the direst of situations. //Only Ahmednagar unit that can stand up to northern heavy cavalrymen//
//Heavy Indian Archer Cavalry, Noble cavalry with light horse armour and composite bows
//Light Elephants, (Must import elephants), Archers
//Heavy Elephants, (Must import elephants), Muskets, Late Era

=Medium Cavalry
//Habshi Cavalry
//Sipah i Sultanat (Regular Cavalry); Average and cheap medium cavalry, raised locally. Average morale, though undisciplined. Never to be relied without good backup.
//Mercenary Persian Lancers
//Pashtun Sowar (Afghan Medium Cavalry) While many Afghans have founded royal dynasties in the north, their brethren haven't limited themselves only to the Indo Gangetic plains. Enterprising men looking for opportunities have found gainful employment among the Sultanates of the Deccan, who are always in chronic need for soldiers for their squabbles. These medium lancers are invaluable in adding a firm thrust behind the light screen of the local cavalrymen.

=Light Cavalry
//Maratha Pathak Sowar :These superb light lancers excel at hit and run tactics, having both the speed and stamina to run rings around the enemy.
//Pindari Lancer Cavalry
//Deccani Pindari (Light Javelin Cavalry) The Pindaris are active in Central and Western India, however, they are outmatched by these rogues. A diverse bunch involving mainly Pathan and Maratha bands, these Pindari riders excel their northern counterparts as excellent predatory horse, having better stamina and melee combat skills. //Terrain bonus in Hills and Forests//
//Pathan Sawar (Pathan Javelin Cavalry):Light Jav Cav, Undisciplined and average morale
//Pashtun Light Cavalry
//Generic Indian Units, Light bow/javelin/lancer cav
//Mercenary Turkish Horse Archers

=Medium Infantry
//Habshi Spearmen and Swordsmen (Abyssinian Slave Infantry): These towering men from Africa combine their raw strength with steely discipline. Wearing light mail and wielding straight infantry sword, this medium infantry unit is the elite of the battlefield. High Morale and Disciplined.
//Pashtun Lashkari (Pathan Meduim Spearmen): While many Afghans serve as cavalrymen, in the Deccan, the hilly terrain and many arid and semi arid ranges of the Sahyadri hearken back to their similarly rugged homeland, thus they serve as excellent spearmen, defending the forts and the cities of the Sultan.

=Light Infantry
//Beydur Spearmen
//Telugu Spearmen
//Maratha Mavle (Light Swordsmen): Found in the Maval hills in Pune district, these hardy hillmen may seem semi civilized, yet they are arguably the Deccan's best hill and jungle troops, adept at ambushing or maneuvering around the enemy. Extremely vulnerable in the open field through. //Heavy Bonuses in Hills, Rains and Forests//
//Generic Indian Spearmen and Swordsmen, Levy, Tribal, Midgrade, and Elite

//Handcannon infantry, early firearm users, very short range
//Rocket Troops, Fire arrow launching infantry
//Habshi Javelinmen
//Koli Dhanudhari (Elite Tribal Archer) Like many tribal and other lower classes of India, Koli too have found themselves relegated into a wild existence in the forests or bonded labor. Thus, many took to the forest, and in the process became superb hunters. These archers continue that tradition, though are often difficult to recruit.
//Berad Archers, Expert Forest Archers
//Deccani Tirandaz (Deccani Archers): Though on foot and deprived of the glory of hand to hand combat, these are nonetheless important component of any army. Average morale and normal mentality.
//Telugu Archers
//Generic Indian Archers and Javelinmen, Levy, Tribal, Midgrade, and Elite

//Nafta Throwers
//Konkani Nafta Throwers

//Berad Musketmen, Late Era
//Habshi Musketmen, Late Era
//Indian Musketmen, Late Era
//Turkish Mercenary Gunners, Rare and Expensive Mercenaries
//Mamluk Musketmen, Rare and Expensive Mercenaries
//Jannisary Archers and Musketmen, Rare and Expensive Mercenaries

-Bonus in Forests, Accustomed to Heat
-Good Missile and Seige Units
-Regional units, Indian Units/Tribal/Paik
-Diverse Afghan mercenaries and local troops
-Expensive cavalry due to the climate

=Heavy Cavalry
//Elephants, abundant elephants

=Medium Cavalry
//Bengali nobles, Good but rare Archer Cavalry
//Zamindar Cavalry, Horsemen Raised by Feudal Hindu Landowners
//Taluqdar Cavalry, Horsemen Raised by Feudal Muslim Landowners
//Mercenary Afghan Cavalry

=Light Cavalry
//Mercenary Light Afghan Cavalry
//Generic Indian Units, Light bow/javelin/lancer cav
//Mercenary Turkish Horse Archers
//Bengali Light Lancers
//Bengali mounted archers

//Sultan’s Guard, Very rare but elite unarmoured swordsmen
//Assam Swordsmen, lightly armoured two handed swordsmen
//Bengali Spearmen
//Generic Indian Spearmen and Swordsmen, Levy, Tribal, Midgrade, and Elite
//Mercenary Afghan Swordsmen and Spearmen

=Missile Units
//Sultan’s Guard (Archers), Very rare but elite unarmoured archers
(Late Era) //Bengali Musketeers, good musketmen
(Late Era) //Bengali sharpshooters, good sharpshooters
//Light Bengali Archers, excellent light archers
//Koch-Bihar Archers, Mercenary archers using poisoned arrows
(Late Era) //Koch-Bihar Crossbowmen
//North Indian Crossbow hunters
//Generic Indian Archers and Javelinmen, Levy, Tribal, Midgrade, and Elite
(Late Era) //Indian Musketmen, low grade/midgrade/uppergrade
//Rocket Troops, infantry armed with ban (fire arrow) launcers
(Late Era) //Bengal Rocket Troops, Afghan ban firing rocket men, Best rocket troops available
//Nafta Throwers, naptha grenades

Siege Units
//Rocket Rack, 9 barrel Ban (Fire Arrows) Launcher
//Early Indian Cannon, stone shot, non-explosive
//Later Indian Cannon, iron shot, explosive shells
//Grand Bombard
//Monster Bombard
//Light Cannons/Field guns, late game
//Mortar and Howitzer, late game

-regional units
-Beydur and Martha units available from start

-Early Cannons
-Beydur Spearmen
-Qizilbash Heavy Horse Archers

=Heavy Cavalry
//Sultani Khas-i-Khel (Elite Bodyguard Cavalry): These elite units represent the Deccan sultanates in a microcosm; made up of diverse recruits, from foreign stocks of Georgians, Turks, Habshis and Persians to the local Deccani Muslims and Hindu Marathas, Telangas and Kannadigas. However, what is standard is their loyalty to the Sultan and fighting prowess. Though as heavily armored as their norther counterparts, the Deccanis prefer swiftness over raw strength, wearing simple yet high quality light mail and quilted cotton jackets but no plates, and covering their steeds with felt and hardened cotton rather than mail.
//Heavy Indian Archer Cavalry
//Light Elephants, Archers
//Heavy Elephants, Muskets, Late Era
//Qizilbash Horse Archers, Elite Persian Mercenaries,

=Medium Cavalry
//Habshi Cavalry, Elite
//Sipah i Sultanat (Regular Cavalry); Average and cheap medium cavalry, raised locally. Average morale, though undisciplined. Never to be relied without good backup.
?//Mercenary Ahir Cavalry, Pastoral Nomads
//Merceanry Rohilla Cavalry, Late Era
//Mercenary Persian Lancers, Elite Mercenaries
//Mercenary Pashtun Sowar (Afghan Medium Cavalry) While many Afghans have founded royal dynasties in the north, their brethren haven't limited themselves only to the Indo Gangetic plains. Enterprising men looking for opportunities have found gainful employment among the Sultanates of the Deccan, who are always in chronic need for soldiers for their squabbles. These medium lancers are invaluable in adding a firm thrust behind the light screen of the local cavalrymen.
//Mercenary Mamluk Archer and Lancer Cavalry, Very rare and expensive mercenaries

=Light Cavalry
//Maratha Pathak Sowar :These superb light lancers excel at hit and run tactics, having both the speed and stamina to run rings around the enemy.
//Light Deccani Cavalry
//Generic Indian Units, Light bow/javelin/lancer cav
//Pindari Lancer Cavalry
//Deccani Pindari (Light Javelin Cavalry) The Pindaris are active in Central and Western India, however, they are outmatched by these rogues. A diverse bunch involving mainly Pathan and Maratha bands, these Pindari riders excel their northern counterparts as excellent predatory horse, having better stamina and melee combat skills. //Terrain bonus in Hills and Forests//
//Merceanry Pathan Sawar (Pathan Javelin Cavalry):Light Jav Cav, Undisciplined and average morale
//Mercenary Pashtun Light Cavalry
//Turkish Slave Archer Cavalry, elite and expensive but low upkeep
//Mercenary Turkish Horse Archers
//Mercenary Tartar Horse Archers
//Mercenary Musket Cavalry, Present at Battle of Goa, Afghan/Persian?

=Medium Infantry
//Indian Mailed Axemen
//Elite Habshi Spearmen and Swordsmen, Very rare and expensive
//Habshi Spearmen and Swordsmen (Abyssinian Slave Infantry): These towering men from Africa combine their raw strength with steely discipline. Wearing light mail and wielding straight infantry sword, this medium infantry unit is the elite of the battlefield. High Morale and Disciplined.
//Mercenary Afghan Spearmen (Pashtun Lashkari/Pathan Meduim Spearmen): While many Afghans serve as cavalrymen, in the Deccan, the hilly terrain and many arid and semi arid ranges of the Sahyadri hearken back to their similarly rugged homeland, thus they serve as excellent spearmen, defending the forts and the cities of the Sultan.

=Light Infantry
//Mercenary African Spear and Swordsmen
//Habshi Watchmen, Cheap Slave Spearmen
//Beydur Spearmen
//Maratha Mavle (Light Swordsmen): Found in the Maval hills in Pune district, these hardy hillmen may seem semi civilized, yet they are arguably the Deccan's best hill and jungle troops, adept at ambushing or maneuvering around the enemy. Extremely vulnerable in the open field through. //Heavy Bonuses in Hills, Rains and Forests//
//Generic Indian Spearmen and Swordsmen, Levy, Tribal, Midgrade, and Elite

//Handcannon infantry, early firearm users, very short range
//Rocket Troops, Fire arrow launching infantry
//Habshi Javelinmen
//Berad Archers, Expert Forest Archers
//Deccani Tirandaz (Deccani Archers): Though on foot and deprived of the glory of hand to hand combat, these are nonetheless important component of any army. Average morale and normal mentality.
//Mercenary African Javelinmen and Archers
//Merceanry Pashtun Archers and Javelinmen, Late era Musketmen
//Generic Indian Archers and Javelinmen, Levy, Tribal, Midgrade, and Elite

//Nafta Throwers

//Steel Crossbowmen, Late Era mercenaries, used at battle of Talikota
//Karnataki Sharpshooters
//Marathi Musketmen, Good light musketmen, Late Era
//Berad Musketmen, Excellent Forest Skirmishers, Late Era
//Habshi Musketmen, Elite Musketmen, Late Era
//Indian Musketmen, Late Era
//Turkish Mercenary Gunners, Elite but Rare and Expensive Mercenaries
//Mamluk Musketmen, Elite but very Rare and Expensive Mercenaries
//Jannisary Archers and Musketmen, Elite but very Rare and Expensive Mercenaries

//Indian Bombard
//Mercenary Turkish Cannon

-A mix of Gond and Golconda Rosters

=DELHI SULTANATE, Good cavalry, lot of slave cav
-Regional Units, Paiks/Indians
-Afghan/Indian/Bengali(Purbiya?) Units from Start

Heavy Cavalry
//Jandars (Bodyguards): 'Givers of Lives', these are the most trusted warriors of the Sultan, ready to always, as their name suggests, give their lives for the glory of the Sultan. Elite Heavy Cavalry, Disciplined and High Morale.
//Khas i Khail Ghulam, Elite Heavy Slave Cav
//Jagirdari Sawar (Noble Cavaliers): Brash Heavy Cavalry, these nobles are proud cavalrymen, confident in both their skill and expensive equipment. Average Standard Heavy Cavalry, impetuous with good morale.

Medium Cavalry
//Lodhi Tabur Sawar (Lodhi Clan Cavalry): Best Medium Melee Cavalry, these traditional Lodhi clansmen were the backbone of Lodhi takeover. Disciplined with high morale. Light Mail and Lance.
/Pashtun Medium Cav, Light Chainmail lancers
/Ghulam Medium Lancers
/Sipahi, regular medium cav
-Sipahi Lancer
-Sipahi Archer
/Medium Gakhar Cavalry
/Medium Khokar Cavalry

Light Cavalry
//Turkish Slave Archer Cav
//Light Afghan Sword Cav
//Pathan Light Javelin Cav
//Talaya, Vanguard Scout Cavalry, Elite light archers used for scouting and raiding
//Generic Indian Units, Light bow/javelin/lancer cav

//Sultan's Foot Guard, Heavy Spearmen
//Medium Afghan Spearmen
//Barha Sayyid Talwarbaz (Barha Sayyid Swordsmen): A famed Hindustani Muslim group in the Indo-Gangetic. These are crack swordsmen, taking inspiration from local Gangetic traditions of dismounted Kshatriya warfare, combining it with their great zeal and pride as descendants of the great Prophet himself. However, their great pride does make them difficult to control. High Morale and impetuous heavy infantry.
//Generic Indian Spearmen and Swordsmen, Levy, Tribal, Midgrade, and Elite

Missile Infantry
//Huigm Andazi, Master Archers
//Teerandaz (Bowmen): Good bowmen, though vulnerable in melee. These are drawn from a diverse background, a grade above spearmen (save for the Royal Foot Guard) these are well paid and motivated soldiers.

-Levy Gond spearmen
-Gond Archers
//Generic Indian Spearmen and Swordsmen, Levy, Tribal, Midgrade, and Elite

=GOLCONDA, Telugu Infantry
-Telugu Spearmen
-Telugu Archers
//Generic Indian Spearmen and Swordsmen, Levy, Tribal, Midgrade, and Elite

=GUJARAT SULTANATE (Sultanat i Gujarat)

-Muslim Rajput Nobles, Habshi Slaves. Ottoman, Venetian, and Mamluk Mercenaries, as well as the standard African, Turkish, Afghan Mercenaries that are available in abundance through out India, as well as the less common Sindh/Elite Koli Archers/Persian/Arabian/Khorasan Heavy Cavalry/Tartar/Uzbek/Mongol Mercenaries

-Good access to horses, bonus in deserts

Heavy Cavalry

//Elephants, Normal Unarmored elephants, however lower upkeep and more recruitment availability and replenishment thanks to the Gir Forests of Southern Gujarat.

//Jandars (Bodyguards): 'Givers of Lives'. Elite Heavy Cavalry, Disciplined and High Morale.
//Khanzada Jagirdars (Khanzada Noble Cavalry): These chieftains may have converted to Islam, however they have retained their Rajput tradition of Kshatriya idealism and warrior code. Combining their Rajput traditions with influences of the Furusiyya code (Arab noble code) and Persianate traditions, these cavalrymen are superb heavy lancers with high morale (from their Rajput heritage) and highly disciplined (Furusiyya and Persianate traditions).
They are a mix between the Rajputana Heavy Cavalry and the Persianate Ghulam, however, they are not as good as their Rajputana counterparts in melee, and are more expensive and limited in recruitment and replenishment than Ghulams due to caste restrictions and aristocratic pretensions.
//Khurasani Askari (Khurasan Heavy Cavalry): The wealth of Gujarat attracts the finest of warriors. The Sultan of Gujarat hires these regiments to augment his own household and chieftains' troops by giving them honored stations. For their part these warriors are well motivated to serve as best as they can. Heavy Lance Cavalry with Good Morale and Disciplined.Again limited recruitment with long replenishment period and expensive, however, cheaper than the Khanzada Jagirdars

Medium Cavalry

//Ahir Cavalry, Good medium cavalry recruited from the nomadic Ahir caste

//Sipahi Chainmail Lancers, These men are the backbone of the Gujarati Army.
//Samanta Ashwaka (Local Feudal Cavalry): Well armed and equipped, these petty chiefs hold sway over the rural countryside of Gujarat. However, lacking in any formal training or coherent tradition, these troops lack discipline and are not the most reliable in a crisis situation. Average morale and not particularly disciplined either ('normal').

Light Cavalry

//Khanzada Baraccha Sawar (Khanzada Lancers): Just as not all Rajputs were wealthy cavaliers, their Muslim brethren, too had their less affluent lot. However, many of these men soon embarked upon a martial career, as dashing riders adept at making quick attacks and catching enemy by surprise. These lancers soon became a famous cavalry 'caste' renowned cavaliers, excellently mounted on their equally famous native Kathiawari horses. Good Morale and Disciplined. //Excellent charge, though average in melee. Best to avoid prolonged melee, and engage in cycle charges or flank and rear charge.
//Gujjar Ashwaka (Gujjar Cavalry): Light Javelin Cavalry
//Ekanda Ashwaka (Levy Cavalry):Gujarati Auxiliary Cavalry, light lancers
//Generic Indian Units, Light bow/javelin/lancer cav
//Mercenary Turkish Horse Archers


//Habshi Ghulam Paik (Abyssinian Slave Infantry): chainmail swordsmen
//Khanzada Jagirdari Paik (Dismounted Nobles): In times of great distress, when retreat is no longer an option, nobles often dismount and ready themselves for a desperate stand. Good Heavy Infantry with High Morale, though Impetuous.A lesser version of the Rajput Saka Yodha and Barha Sayid Talwarbaz
//Talwarbaz (Swordsmen):chainmail swordsmen
//Generic Indian Spearmen and Swordsmen, Levy, Tribal, Midgrade, and Elite
//Jat Spearmen
//Gujarati Levy Spearmen

//Tirandaz (Archers): Though on foot and deprived of the glory of hand to hand combat, these are nonetheless important component of any army. Average morale and normal mentality.
//Arabi Bandooqbaz (Arab Musketeers): These Arab mercenaries have a stellar reputation in India as consummate professionals, brave and resourceful in equal measure. While primarily musketeers, these men are superb at close combat as well, wielding the iconic Arabi scimitars (Saif Swords). These versatile units are one of the most sort after soldiers in all of India. High Morale and Disciplined. //Elite units, however available in very limited quantity//

-Nairs (Nayars), Lightly amoured but high morale, forest bonus
-No Heavy Cavalry or Infantry
-Bonus in Forests, Accustomed to Heat
-Regional units, Indian Units/Tribal/Paik
-Expensive and very rare cavalry due to the climate
-Very few Mercenaries

Heavy Cavalry
//Native Elephants
//Generic indian heavy cavalry, lancer and bow cav

Medium Cavalry
//Mercenary Medium Afghan Cavalry and Musket Cavalry, very rare
//Generic indian mailed lancer

Light Cavalry
//Nair Cavalry, Good light cavalry riding expensive imported Arabian horses, javelin thrown on charge
//Generic Indian Units, Light bow/javelin/lancer cav, very low replenishment rate due to the Malabar coast being unsuited to cavalry

Heavy Infantry
Medium Infantry
//Rare Ottoman Janissary Halberdiers
//Mapilla Muslim Swordsmen

Light Infantry
//Elite Nair Spearmen and Swordsmen, leather armor
//Nair Spearmen and Swordsmen
//Nair Levy Spearmen
//Malabrese Tribal Warriors like the local Adivasi, axe and club wielding mountain men who claim to be the true natives of Malabar
//Generic Indian Units, levy/tribal/midgrade/elite Swordsmen/Spearmen

Missile Infantry
//Rare Ottoman Janissary Musketmen and Archers
//Nafta Throwers
//Kurichiya Archers, Elite light tribal archers, good at ambushing
//Nair Archers and Spear Thowers and Musketmen, light armor, high morale, good at melee
//Mapilla Muslim Musketmen
//Karnataki Sharpshooters
//Generic Indian Units, levy/Tribal/regular/elite, Archers, Javelinmen
//Rocket Troops
(Late Era) //Indian Musketmen, lowgrade/midgrade/uppergrade

Siege Units
//Traditional Siege Weapons, Ballista/Catapult/Trebuchet were very uncommon
//Fire Arrow Launchers, The Zamourin fielded expert rocket users
//Heavy Siege Cannons, mostly used to defend cities
//Mercenary Turkish Cannon Crew
//Improved Artillery upon capturing better cannon factories from Portugal/Bijapur etc

//Ottoman Galley, The Zamourin was graced with Venetian and Ottoman naval help
//Muslim Trading Ships, low upkeep ships crewed by Muslim Mapilla and Marakkar sailors eager to protect their trade lanes

-Well balanced mixture of Pashtun, Hindustani Muslim, Rajputana, Purabhiya and Gond units
-Cavalry is mostly imported from either foreign lands or Rajputana, Gujarat and Deccan
-Elephants are available in eastern Malwa bordering the forested areas of Gond.

Heavy Cavalry
//Sultani Hathi Dusta (Royal Elephant Guard): Ample wealth and forest cover, especially in the eastern portion, means that the Sultans Malwa can afford to ride on the magnificent elephants into battle. Richly caparisoned and armored, these juggernauts are impressive to behold, yet very expensive.
//Hathi Dusta (Elephant Troop): Easy access to elephants and better handlers give Malwa an edge of over their rivals in Delhi, Rajputana, Gujarat and the Deccani Sultanate. Though inferior to the ones used by Gondwana, Gajapatis and the Bengal Sultanates.
//Jagirdari Sowar (Noble Cavalry): Like other standard Jagirdari Heavy Cavalry.
//Rajput Sardar Sowar (Rajput Chiefs): Lesser versions of their Rajputana counterparts, these Rajputs have lesser morale than the ones serving a Rajput ruler, however, when used properly, these are still excellent lancers.

Medium Cavalry
//Afghan Medium Cav
//Purabhiya Sowar (Eastern Rajput Cavalry):
//Generic Medium Indian Lancers
//Sipahi (Regular Cavalry); Local Medium Cav

Light Cavalry
//Mercenary Turkish Horse Archers
//Generic Indian Units, Light bow/javelin/lancer cav
//Pathan Sawar (Pathan Javelin Cavalry):Light Jav Cav, Undisciplined and average morale
//Pashtun Light Cavalry
//Khanzada Baraccha Sawar (Rajput Khanzada Lancers): Just as not all Rajputs were wealthy cavaliers, their Muslim brethren, too had their less affluent lot. However, many of these men soon embarked upon a martial career, as dashing riders adept at making quick attacks and catching enemy by surprise. These lancers soon became a famous cavalry 'caste' renowned cavaliers, excellently mounted on their equally famous native Kathiawari horses. Good Morale and Disciplined. //Excellent charge, though average in melee. Best to avoid prolonged melee, and engage in cycle charges or flank and rear charge.

Heavy Infantry

Medium Infantry
//Harem Guard Amazons, 1000 Turk and African Slave Spearwomen who guarded the Malwa sultans Harem
//Pashtun Medium Spearmen and Swordsmen
//Purbiya Spearmen
//Purbiya Talwarbaz
//Pathan Talwarbaz (Pathan Swordsmen): These stalwart infantrymen, armored in mail and wielding the iconic talwar. They combine the rugged hardiness of their Afghan heritage with the renowned swordsmanship of Hindustan. Heavy Infantry with great stamina and speed, second only to the Rajput Saka Yodha, however more disciplined.
//Purabhiya Paik (Eastern Rajput Infantry): The old fashioned Kshatriyas who still excel as elite infantrymen, these men of the east, follow the ancient style of fighting dismounted, armed with spear and shield. They are disciplined and have great stamina, though they don lighter armor compared to their western cousins of the Rajputana. //Excellent Medium Spearmen, good counter to cavalry.

Light Infantry
//Jat Spearmen
//Generic Indian Units, levy/tribal/midgrade/elite Swordsmen/Spearmen

Missile Infantry
//Tirandaz (Archers): Though on foot and deprived of the glory of hand to hand combat, these are nonetheless important component of any army. Average morale and normal mentality.
//Purbiya Musketmen
//Generic Indian Units, levy/Tribal/regular/elite, Archers, Javelinmen
//Rocket Troops
(Late Era) //Indian Musketmen, lowgrade/midgrade/uppergrade

//Siege Units

-Rathore Rajput Cavalry, high morale
-Rajput Camel Musketmen, late game unit
-Rajput Camel Spearmen, scares horses, bonus in deserts
-Camel Auxiliary Spear and Archers, local non-rajput soldiers on camels
-Rajput Musketeers, late game unit
-Elite Rajput Musketeers, present at siege of Chittor
-Rajput Heavy Naffutan Throwers, source?

=MEWAR RAJPUTS, excellent cavalry, lacking in heavy infantry, mercenaries, and gunpowder

Heavy Cavalry
//Sisodiya Rajashwaka (Sisodiya Royal Cavalry): The kinsmen of the Maharana, these Cavaliers are some of the finest warriors in India. Elite Heavy Cavalry, well armored with plate and mail, these are superb lancers and swordsmen (Khanda Broadsword). Extremely High Morale but impetuous.
//Hada Rajput Heavy Lancers, Vassal Cavalry
//Rathore Rajput Mandalik (Merta Rajput Vassal): Often regarded as arguably the bravest clan, if a bit mad. Stories abound of Rathore ferocity in the face of hopeless odd, and eventually even beating such odds. Heavy Lance Cavalry, extremely High Morale and impetuous.
//Mewar Samanta Ashwaka (Mewar Vassal Cavalry): Recruited from the premier houses of Maharana's own districts. These men and their retinue, along with the Rana's Sissodiya retinue, have the honor of representing the ancient fiefs of Kumbhalgarh and Chittorgarh.
//Kachchwaha Rajput Mandalik (Kachchwaha Rajput Vassals) Good Morale and impetuous Heavy Lance Cavalry.

Medium Cavalry
//Rajput Samanta Ashwaka (Local Vassals): Lesser Rajput Houses often join in to support their more illustrious relations as means to raise their own standing by great deeds on the field of battle. Though some times they are too eager for their own good. Good Morale but Impetuous, Mail armored medium lance cavalry. //These will match the Afghan Elite Medium Cavalry in stats, but will lack their discipline//
//Rajput Dhanudhari Ashwaka (Rajput Horse Archers): The Rajputs preferred fighting up close, yet they had great proficiency over weapon of 'Arjuna'. These mailed medium horse archers, are versatile units, excelling both at archery and melee. Good morale, however are impetuous, thus lessening their utility as horse archers.
//Bhumiyar Samanta (Non Rajput Nobles): While not Rajputs, these are High Caste nobles still who have been granted land by the Maharana. And so they are duty bound to provide armed support. These mailed medium lancer cavalrymen look to imitate their Rajput counterparts. Average Morale, though disciplined.

//Rajput Camel Musketmen, late game unit
//Rajput Camel Spearmen, scares horses, bonus in deserts
//Purbiya Cavalry

Light Cavalry
//Gujjar Barachha Ashwaka (Gujjar Cavalry):Light Jav Cav, Average Morale
//Ekanda Ashwaka (Levy Cavalry): Not belonging to any group or tradition, or simply too poor to have any equipment. These men come alone (ekka) and are given rudimentary equipment by the State muster. Many are willing to prove themselves for more opportunity, but most lack the training or the means to do so. Average Morale, poor discipline, with just a lance, and no armor.

//Camel Auxiliary Spear and Archers, local non-rajput soldiers on camels

Heavy Infantry
//Rajput Saka Yodha (Rajput Ritual Warrior): Though Rajputs mostly do not fight on foot, they nonetheless do so, when left with no alternative but to win or die honorably. Saka is that ancient tradition of victory or honorable suicide. Thus, to avoid fleeing, these heavy mailed infantry men, with sturdy bucklers and heavy broadswords (Khanda) charge into battle seeking glory or death. Elite Heavy Infantry with Locked High Morale and Impetuous state of mind.

Medium Infantry
//Purabhiya Paika (Eastern Infantry): Often seen as lesser Kshatriya cousins, having lost their lands to the Muslims in the Turkic invasions. They now serve their Western cousins, though often discontented at being treated unequally. Although not great horsemen, they are nonetheless good medium infantry, having enough income to be outfitted befitting a Kshatriya, thus being mail armored and wielding deadly maces and axes. Average morale and disciplined.
//Purbiya Medium Swordsmen
//Purbiya Talwarbaz, chainmail swordsmen

Light Infantry
//Jaat Bhala Paika (Jaat Spearmen): Hardy agricultural caste, however, due to the Rajputs' lack of interest in infantry, they are modestly armored, wearing only quilted cotton or leather. This neglect is also felt in the ranks. These are good against cavalry in extended melee, being spearmen, but still prone to routing due less armor and morale.

Missile Units
//Heavy Rajput Naffta Throwers
//Rajput Musketeers
//Rajput Elite Musketmen
//Purbiya Musketmen
//Bhil Tribal Archers



=MUGHAL EMPIRE (Silsila i Gurkaniyya)

Heavy Cavalry
(Late Era) //Ahadis Bodyguard Cavalry
(Late Era) //Mansabdari Heavy Cavalry
(Late Era) //Rajput Vassal Cavalry
(Late Era) //Generic Indian Heavy lancer and archer cav

Medium Cavalry
//Herat Slave Cavalry, expensive but capable melee cavalry
//Keshik (Early Mughal Bodyguard): Originally assigned as Guards of Mongol Khans and their important Generals, this institution developed as Princely Household Retinues for Turco Mongol Warlords. The Mughals are no different. Well armored in mail, these superb horsemen excel both as archers and melee fighters, a perfect unit for guarding the Commander. Excellent Discipline and High Morale.
//Mughalia Qurchi (Mughal Medium Cavalry): Excellent medium mail armored horse archer, and more than competent in melee as well. These are backbone of the Mughal army, versatile units that are equally home at skirmishing or charging a weakened foe. High Morale and discipline.
//Mughali Sipahi (Mughal Medium Lance Cavalry): Average medium mail armored lance cavalry. Used mainly to compliment the Horse Archers. Average Melee, though good charge. Good Discipline and Morale
(Late Era) //Rajput Vassal Cavalry
(Late Era) //Purbiya Sowar
(Late Era) //Rajput Vassal Lancers
//Qizilbash Horse Archers
(Late Era) //Silhedar Sowar
(Late Era) //Generic Indian Medium Lancer

Light Cavalry
//Qazzaki (Traditional Mongol Horse Archer): Light Cavalry and Horse Archer par excellence, these hardy cavalrymen have dominated warfare since the days of Chingis Khan, and even with modern inventions, they are still one of the most dangerous units, subjecting the enemy to a hail of arrows while riding rings round them. High Morale and Excellent Discipline.
?//Turkish Slave Archer Cavalry
//Tribal Turkish Archer Cavalry
//Mercenary Turkish Archer Cavalry
//Baluch Sowar (Balichi Lancers): Superb Light lancers, bonus in deserts
//Pashtun Sowar (Pashtun Light Cavalry):. Light Lancer with good morale and discipline, bonus in deserts
//Tajik Sowar (Tajik Javelin Cavalry): Valuable mounted skirmishers, decent in melee. Good Morale and Discipline.
(Late Era) //Camel Zamburak/Jingall, Light Artillery
//Camel Spearmen and Musketmen
(Late Era) //Rajput Vassal Cavalry
(Late Era) //Rajput Camel Cavalry
(Late Era) //Marathan Horsemen
(Late Era) //Generic Indian Units, Light bow/javelin/lancer cav

Heavy Infantry

//Dakhili Archers and Musketmen
(Late Era) //Barha Sayyid Talwarbaz (Barha Sayyid Swordsmen): A famed Hindustani Muslim group in the Indo-Gangetic. These are crack swordsmen, taking inspiration from local Gangetic traditions of dismounted Kshatriya warfare, combining it with their great zeal and pride as descendants of the great Prophet himself. However, their great pride does make them difficult to control. High Morale and impetuous heavy infantry

Medium Infantry
//Afghan Infantry, spear/swords/axes
(Late Era) //Mughali Shamsherbaz (Mughal Medium Sowrdsman): Expert Swordsman, well armored in medium mail. Best used to protect the ranged units. Vulnerable to heavy charges though. Good Morale and Discipline.
(Late Era) //Pashtun Medium Spearmen and Swordsmen
(Late Era) //Purbiya Spearmen
(Late Era) //Purbiya Talwarbaz
(Late Era) //Pathan Talwarbaz (Pathan Swordsmen): These stalwart infantrymen, armored in mail and wielding the iconic talwar. They combine the rugged hardiness of their Afghan heritage with the renowned swordsmanship of Hindustan. Heavy Infantry with great stamina and speed, second only to the Rajput Saka Yodha, however more disciplined.
(Late Era) //Purabhiya Paik (Eastern Rajput Infantry): The old fashioned Kshatriyas who still excel as elite infantrymen, these men of the east, follow the ancient style of fighting dismounted, armed with spear and shield. They are disciplined and have great stamina, though they don lighter armor compared to their western cousins of the Rajputana. //Excellent Medium Spearmen, good counter to cavalry.

Light Infantry
(Late Era) //Naga Sadhu Swordsmen and Spearmen, naked fanatic Hindu infantry
//Generic Afghan Infantry, Spearmen/Talwarbaz
//Jat Spearmen?
(Late Era) //Conscripted Spearmen, All males 15-40 must serve under Akbar
(Late Era) //Chela Spearmen (Hindu Slave Soldiers), high morale, low upkeep but poorly armoured slave soldiers
(Late Era) //Generic Indian Units, levy/tribal/midgrade/elite Swordsmen/Spearmen

//Turkish Gunners, An early gift from the Ottomans
//Afghan Archers, levy and midgrade
//Pashtun Qabail Lashkar (Pashtun Tribal Regiment): Superb javelin-men and expert ambushers.Good Discipline and Morale.
(Late Era) //Mughalia Teerandaz (Mughal Archers): Excellent and well trained archers, good morale and disciplined.
(Late Era) //Mughal Sepoy Musketmen, Lowlevel musketmen with light cloth armour
(Late Era) //Shah-Ala Regiment, (Mughal Elite Musketmen)
(Late Era) //Mughal Rocket Troops, Well trained rocket troops
(Late Era) //Bhil Tribal Archers
(Late Era) //Bengali Rocket Troops, recruited from the Afghans of Bengali who were said to be expert users of rockets
(Late Era) //Purbiya Musketmen, Excellent musketmen with medium leather or light chainmail armour
(Late Era) //Indian Muslim Archers, Native archers with turkish bows and light cloth armour
//Naffatun Throwers, small unit with short range nafta pots
(Late Era) //Mughal Naffatun Throwers, well trained nafta throwers
//Rocket Troops
(Late Era) //Generic Indian Archers and Javelinmen, Levy, Tribal, Midgrade, and Elite
(Late Era) //Indian Musketmen, low grade/Midgrade/upper grade
?(Late Era) //Rohilla Riflemen, late game mercenary
?(Late Era) //Mercenary Portuguese Musketmen
//Charkh Crossbowmen, Afghan crossbow mercs

-Dhow, small trading ship
-Cannon Dhow
-Baghlah (Arabic) and Ganjah (Indian), larger versions of the Dhow
-Cannon Baghlah and Ganjah

//Siege, Mostly manned by untrained Purbiya infantry
=Artillery in Babur's Time, only stone shot, Akbar used brass/iron shells allowing for explosive shells
//Turkish Cannons, Gifted early by the Ottomans to deal with the Delhi Sultanate and Rajputs
(Late Era) //Zarb-Zan, 4-6 pounder light cannon
//Kazan, 30-50 pound heavy cannon
//Kazan-I-Bozorg, up 100 pounds or more
(Late Era) //Firingi, swivel/antipersonel guns
(Late Era) //Deg, Mortar
//Rocket Rack, 9 barrel fire arrow launcher
//Monster Rocket Launcher, massive multi-barreled fire arrow launcher
(Late Era) //Elephant Artillery, light cannons mounted on deafened elephants

=ORISSA, WORK IN PROGRESS, -Poor Cavalry and Gunpowder, No Heavies/+Lots of Eastern Elephants, good light jungle infantry.

=Heavy Cavalry
//Elephants, Excellent access to Eastern Elephants

=Medium Cavalry
//Bengali Light Lancers
//Bengali mounted archers

=Light Cavalry
//Generic Indian Units, Light bow/javelin/lancer cav
//Orissan Light Cavalry, low level cavalry on native indian ponies

//Orrisan Medium Spearmen
//Elite Orissan Medium Spearmen (Dandasena Paika), excellent spearmen used as frontier guards
//Orissan Heavy Spearmen (Aguanithata Paika)
//Orissan Clubmen (Pradhanavala Paika), mace weilding chainmail soldiers, forming the core of Orissa infantry
//Generic Indian Spearmen and Swordsmen, Levy, Tribal, Midgrade, and Elite

=Missile Units
//Vanguard Archers (Hantakarudala), excellent archers armed with axes, extra bonus in forests
//Light Bengali Archer Mercenaries, excellent light archers
//Generic Indian Archers and Javelinmen, Levy, Tribal, Midgrade, and Elite
(Late Era) //Indian Musketmen, low grade/midgrade/uppergrade
//Rocket Troops, infantry armed with ban (fire arrow) launcers


=Heavy Cavalry
//Portuguese Heavy Plated Knights
//Conquistadors, heavy lancers
//Portuguese Men at Arms

=Medium Cavalry
//Mounted Musketmen
//Mounted Crossbowmen

=Light Cavalry
//Native Indian 'Sepoy' Lancer Cavalry

=Heavy Infantry
//Heavy Pikemen
//Halberd Guardsmen
//German Zweihander

=Medium Infantry
//Sword and Bukler men (Rodeleros)

=Light Infantry
//Handpicked Nair Spearmen
//Nair Spearmen
//African Combat Slaves
//Local troops, Gujarat Lascarin Spearmen,etc

//Indian Archers and Javelinmen, tribal and midgrade troops
//Nair Archers and Javelinmen
//Sepoy Musketmen
//Slave Musketmen
//Swiss Crossbowmen/Musketmen
//German Musketmen
//Portuguese Arquebusiers
//Portuguese Grenadiers
//Portuguese Marines, late game unit
//Elite Portuguese Sharpshooters
//Goan Longbowmen
(Late Era) //Mestizo Musketmen


=Heavy Cavalry
//Elephant Bodyguard
//Elephants, good availability from eastern provinces

=Medium Cavalry
//Medium Indian Noble Cavalry (Emperor's Bodyguard)
//Medium Indian Nayak Noble Cavalry (General's Bodyguard)
//Palace Guard Cavalry, elite medium cavalry
//Mercenary Medium Afghan Cavalry
//Mercenary Persian Lancers, excellent mercenaries, rare
//Mercenary Arabian Lancers, rare but elite mercenaries, very expensive
//Vanguard Archer Cavalry

=Light Cavalry
//Indian Light Cavalry
//Telugu Cavalry
//Mercenary Badaga Cavalry
//Halepaika Light Cavalry, good, for southern standards, spear cavalry recruited from the Halepaika Indian military caste, decent charge and morale
//Poligar Cavalry
//Nayak Cavalry, the best native cavalry in southern India
//Mercenary Light Afghan Cavalry

//Indian Javelin Cavalry
//Indian Archer Cavalry
//Komarpant Light Archer Cavalry, A social group, originally from the Keladi Nayaka Kingdom, known for their horsemanship and archery

=Heavy Infantry

=Medium Infantry
//Royal Macemen, light chainmail wearing palace guards
//Chitradurga Axemen, light chainmail wearing axemen
//Mysore Poligar Spearmen
//Indian Mailed Swordsmen

=Light Infantry
//Levy Indian Spearmen
//Tribal Indian Spearmen
//Indian Spearmen
//Telugu Spearmen
//Indian Kshatriya Spearmen
//Elite Indian Spearmen

//Indian Swordsmen, A near rabble of lightly armoured swordsmen
//Indian 'Sheildbearers', Unarmored swordsmen with large sheilds
//Badaga Swordsmen
//Nadavaru Spearmen
//Indian Kshatriya Swordsmen
//Elite Indian Swordsmen

//Indian Garrison Axemen

=Missile Infantry
//Indian Archers and Javelinmen, Levy, Tribal, Midgrade, and Elite
//Muslim Archers
//Royal Guard Archers, elite archers with axes
//Moorish Javelinmen, only available from the Moorish quarter of the Capital and Madurai
//Elite Mercenary Berad Archers

=Gunpowder Infantry
//Rocket Troops, infantry armed with ban (fire arrow) launchers
//First Musket Regiment, early era musketmen
//Mercenary Berad Musketmen, Expert skirmishers and among the first of the native Indians to use firearms
//Mercenary Portuguese Musketmen, Rare and expensive but the best early firearm users in India, high morale, good armour, although they tire quickly under the hot Indian sun.
=(Late Era Gunpowder Infantry)
//Indian Musketmen
//Indian Sharpshooters
//Mercenary Arab Musketmen

=Siege Equipment
//'Ban' Launcher, A simple rack firing long range rocket powered arrows
//Mercenary Portuguese Cannon
=(Late Era Siege Equipment)
//Grand Bombard
//Mercenary Turkish Cannon Crew

=Random Mercenaries
-Sindh Archers
-Tibetain Heavy Lancers
-Tibetain Marksmen
-Dzong Guard Infantry
-Shri Lankan Sharpshooters
-Assam Swordsmen
-Kamrup Archers
-Dzong Guard Infantry
-Ahir Cavalry

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Guest - - 693,721 comments

Thank you soooo much for doing this! India is criminally underrepresented in Total War games. As far as I know, the only game that let's you play an Indian faction is Empire Total War.

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KingKorgoth Author
KingKorgoth - - 195 comments

You Are Welcome! I was surprised an Indian mod hadn't been done before. I wanted to do an Asian Total war mod at first but that was too ambitious so here we are.

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Sir_Cloudy - - 19 comments

-Nairs (Nayars), Lightly amoured but high morale, forest bonus
(These are the basic units. There were 10s of 1000s of nairs under local chieftains working for the zamorin.
There were several families of nairs who were better swordsmen with better leather armour than the regular nairs which could be implemented in the game.)

-No Heavy Cavalry or Infantry
(Keralite kingdoms never had any cavalry at all except maybe a few nominal jav cav.)

-Bonus in Forests, Accustomed to Heat
-Regional units, Indian Units/Tribal/Paik
(There were several tribal units fighting for the king- an example could be the ‘adivasi’ who lived up in the mountains, who were the original inhabitants of the land. These could be armed with giant clubs called ‘gaddhas’ or axes called ‘kodali’. These peoples skin colour were similar to the africans and is now known as ‘negritos’.)
(There could also be tigercloaks – men who hunted and killed tigers or leopards and wore their skin into battle - these were seen in mysore army if u have read ‘sharpe’s tiger’ by Bernard cornwell’).

-Expensive cavalry due to the climate
(There was little to no cavalry in the zamorins army)

Heavy Cavalry
//Native Elephants
(zamorins armies fielded hundreds of light elephants which could be made cheaper in the mod to recruit)

Medium Cavalry
//Mercenary Medium Afghan Cavalry
(Little to no cavalry)
Light Cavalry
//Nair Cavalry, Good light cavalry riding expensive imported Arabian horses
(this could be the nominal jav cav)

//Mercenary Light Afghan Cavalry
(afghan cavalry rarely got this far down to the south, so this wouldn’t be seen)

//Mercenary Turkish Horse Archers
//Generic Indian Units, Light Cavalry, Light Jav Cav, Light Archer Cav
(Keralite armies never fielded horse archers as the terrain was unsuitable for cavalry in general. Filled with rivers and hills and forests, cavalry was unsuitable in kerala)

Heavy Infantry
(there could be a western trained line infantry like the one that was trained for the kingdom of venad by ‘Eustacius de lannoy’ after the battle of kolachel in 1741.)
(The infantry could be split according to the weapons:
Uraval pada – swordsmen
Kuntha pada – spearmen
Kuthira pada – horse men)
(There was a whip like sword called urumi which were used by the most skilled in the arts of kalarippayattu – but I have no idea how the animation can be coded in to the game)
Medium Infantry
//Rare Ottoman Janissary Halberdiers
//Mercenary Afghan Swordsmen and Spearmen?
(mercenaries were rare in kerala due to the location)
(one option would be to look into religious armies ;
Hindus excelled in light swordsmanship
Muslims usually made up the heavy infantry role with better armour due to trade.
Christians were also light swordsmen but weren’t that great. They made better musketeers.)

Light Infantry
//Elite Nair Spearmen and Swordsmen
//Nair Spearmen and Swordsmen
//Nair Levy Spearmen
//Malabrese Tribal Warriors ( I could help with finding a range of tribe names to have better variety)
//Tribal Spearmen and Axemen and Swordsmen
//Paik Levy Spearmen
//Generic Indian Units, Swordsmen/Spearmen

Missile Infantry
//Rare Ottoman Janissary Musketmen and Archers
//Mercenary Turkish Gunners and Archers
//Kurichiya Archers, Elite light tribal archers, good at ambushing
//Nair Archers and Spear Thowers and Musketmen, light armor, high morale, good at melee
//Mapilla Muslim Musketmen
//Karnataki Sharpshooters
//Generic Indian Units, Indian Archers/Javelinmen/Swordsmen/Spearmen/Musketmen/Sharpshooters/Rocket Troops
//Paik Levy Archers and Javelinmen, late game Paik Musketmen
//Tribal Units, Archers and Javelinmen
(there could be grenade throwers as this were quite common in the early armies.
Siege Units
//Traditional Siege Weapons, Ballista/Catapult/Trebuchet
//Fire Arrow Launchers
//Heavy Siege Cannons
//Mercenary Turkish Cannon Crew
//Improved Artillery upon capturing better cannon factories from Portugal/Bijapur etc
(they never used catapults or would be better to stick to ladders. on the other hand, they were experts in the use of rockets.)
//Ottoman Galley, The Zamourin was graced with Ottoman naval help (Egyptian)
//Muslim Trading Ships, low upkeep ships crewed by Muslim Mapilla and Marakkar sailors eager to protect their trade lanes

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Sir_Cloudy - - 19 comments

hi this is lionheartofengland, had to make a new account - forgot the old password... my opinions are highlighted via brackets.
i will research more and come up with a better roster.

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KingKorgoth Author
KingKorgoth - - 195 comments

Looks good! Thank you! I'll do some more research too and see what i can find

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KingKorgoth Author
KingKorgoth - - 195 comments

Raahhhhh Aside from the Chavur suicide squads how do you think the Tranvacore/Venad army would differ from the Zamourin's

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lionheartofengland - - 83 comments

KingKorgoth Hi, sorry for the late reply just saw this. The main difference is the religious difference. The Zamorin recruited 1000s of muslim soldiers from the north and settled them in the southern areas of his kingdom. So Armies of zamorin would contain a high number of muslim soldiers. Travancore army would be predominantly hindu with a scattering of christian units as they were friendly with the western powers and even had a line infantry trained in the western ways.

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KingKorgoth Author
KingKorgoth - - 195 comments

lionheartofengland No worries! thanks for the info

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Guest - - 693,721 comments

wouldnt rajputs have fought with camels? indian army patrolling the desert border between pakistan in rajasthan uses camels.

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KingKorgoth Author
KingKorgoth - - 195 comments

You are correct, thanks for pointing that out, the rajputs still need quite a bit of work

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lionheartofengland - - 83 comments

Rajput camel archer (it was me who posted above):

it also shows camel lancers. I just wanted to highlight a quote "Horses were trained to stand firmly before artillery fire and charge into armies wielding firearms, while camels would shy away even from a distant fire." this could prolly be implemented as low morale when facing gunpowder units?

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lionheartofengland - - 83 comments

I was reading up on mysore. It seems mysore had french trained line infantry to use against the brits. the main emphasis on the other hand seems to be on the rockets followed by a mass cavalry charge.
They also must have had huge artillery and cannon capabilities. there is a city in present day northern malabar called 'Sulthan Bathery', where tipu sultan had placed his artillery battery, hence 'Sultan's Battery'.

Tipu attacking the 'lines of nedumkotta':

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments

Yup exactly,tipu hope to make good use of english french rivalry to achieve his ends....he even had a correspondence with emperor napoleon......Napoleon even came as far as egypt to link with tipu.....

His army was trained and organised by french captains....Mysore was among the states that had its armies trained along European lines....many credit tipu to be a pioneer in his unique usage of rockets against the british

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lionheartofengland - - 83 comments

Just read today that from the port of Ponnani, ottoman soldiers in 'red tunics' were available for the zamorin. these should be ottoman musketeers.

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KingKorgoth Author
KingKorgoth - - 195 comments

huzurat lionheartofengland
I've read this too, can we confirm it was or was not the janissaries?

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lionheartofengland - - 83 comments

i would assume it were musketeers as i highly doubt the ottoman sultan would send his elite jannissaries halfway around the world. You could name these units ottoman marines?

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments

.....yes highly unlikely....unless he was stupid enough to do that...theres no way an elite force (viz usually considered an expensive investment by the king) would be sent on a mission without any support half way across the world

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KingKorgoth Author
KingKorgoth - - 195 comments

KrishCN lionheartofengland
They were present here, if the article is correct, 1500 of them were at the
I had them included as a rare and expensive mercenary option to factions that they historically helped, but you're right they wouldn't be sent alone, so I'm not sure if they should be included then, but for now I will for the sake of variety, and bc they're cool
This says there were about 8400 reported janisaries in 1530, so over a fifth of them were at Diu

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lionheartofengland - - 83 comments

at the battle of Diu, they fought under ottoman command, not under the zamorin's or marakkar's. But I agree that it would be cool to hire them out as mercenaries. Maybe script in an event saying the ottomans are willing to help out in exchange for a giant fee and maybe provide a handful of units with high maintenance so the player wouldn't always risk hiring them to supplement his army and would have to budget carefully.

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments

But also on another front .....the ottomans actually lent emperor Babur a contingent of Turkish gunners along with an ottoman captain named Ustad Ali quli who specialised in that field...the ottomans even lent Babur artillery pieces...these forces went on to play a great and decisive role on the fields of panipat.....this was basically because the dominantly Shia Safavids and Babur were getting close and warming up to each other...the sunni ottomans feared that if their Shia rival in the east backed by mughals and European rivals in the west attacked them at the same time,they would get sandwiched between the 2 instead they appealed to babur's Sunni origin and befriended him and lent him military support in his invasion of India in we cannot altogether rule out an elite force either....

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments


Just watch out for this bodyguard switcher let's the general switch his bodyguard to any unit you want...can come in handy since we may want to change between elephant guard and cavalry guard antytime midgame

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KingKorgoth Author
KingKorgoth - - 195 comments

KrishCN Thanks! I have that noted so I'll add it some time soon

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lionheartofengland - - 83 comments

I was watching a game in medieval 2 online today and one player brought priests as the aztecs who raised the morale of units. Would it be worth implementing this into one of the rajput factions with maybe a unit or two of the 'aghori's from varanasi who may terrify enemies and raise morale of the troops?

and also i doubt many people play the kingdoms expansion. I had never seen many of the units for egypt. These units could easily fit the description of rajput or mughal forces.
also units like templar gunners from the mod could be changed slightly as musketmen for various factions.

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments

actually we found a mod called Asia empires that igdood posted it in unit appearance section......all these units are perfectly accurate for mughals and marathas...they have a full roster so no need to worry about those...we can use broken crescent for rajputs......regarding your suggestions i don't think aghoris have ever been used for intimidation by rajput militaries......the aghoris are mostly less understood and people always stayed away from them due to their unusual practices(like nudity,urine consumption,Necrophilia,drugs,sleeping amidst dead carcasses etc etc) far as intimidation goes,i dont think there was anyone better at it than rajputs themselves.....rajput approach to warfare is an intmidation in itself....the rajputs usually doubled their dosage of opium when they went to battle to numb their sense of fear....with rajputs on the battlefield it was literally "do or die"
...........just to put it in perspective....when faced with certain defeat,the rajput women and children self-immolated themselves in a huge fire(which was called "jauhar") and the very next day the men would smear their faces with the ashes of their women and children ,dress themselves in saffron,place tulsi leaves in their mouths(a sign of which is an acceptance of impending death) and sally out of the city gates to face their enemies and kill them or be killed.....
.....on the eve of the battle at khanwa....the entire 5000 advance guard of babur was cut to pieces by sanga's rajputs.....this incident mortified the mughals.....the reputation of rajput valor and the very thought of facing them in such large numbers spooked them....the very incident shook the morale of the entire mughal army and an astrologer made it even worse by predicting a response,babur emptied all his wine and broke all the jars and made a vow not to drink wine ever again in his life....he further declared jihad on rajputs and afghans and asked his men to fight with him and win or die with honor....only after this propagandistic act,were the soldiers ready to fight...babur himself mentions this is as a clever act on his part in his memoirs....

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments

moreover varanasi lies in the indogangetic belt towards the east of delhi.....the rajputs are politically restricted to rajputana in the west at the beginning of the it wont be geographically or historically accurate

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KingKorgoth Author
KingKorgoth - - 195 comments

I'm pretty sure Varanasai is in the right place, the map is just distorted slightly, look at both of these, I've underlined the rivers

As far as the rajputs, they owned Nagda in East rajputana, so which regions do you think are wrong?

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments

yeah i saw it once again its at the right place....but prayaga stands at the confluence of ganga and yamuna rivers...the yamuna is a tributary of ganga

so basically what you have to do is....draw the main ganga river and continue its path while prayaga lies between the already existent yamuna river(that u have already drawn) and the new ganga path u have to draw....this new path(or continuation) of the ganga river flows above the city of kannauj

also u need to draw another tributary of ganga called gumti....the jaunpur city lies above the gumti river....however lakhnau lies below the gumti river....

refer to this image for next release on these city locations

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lionheartofengland - - 83 comments

I think he is trying to say that aghoris from varanasi should not be recruitable because varanasi lie far away from the rajput dominion.

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KingKorgoth Author
KingKorgoth - - 195 comments

KrishCN lionheartofengland Oh! Sorry my bad I didn't see the aghoris comment, I thought he was referring to the map

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments

Small edit to mughal faction the latest release

Change silsila-i-gurkaniya to "Padishahi-e-Mughalia".....not many will recognise the gurkani origin

I'll see if I can find some time to review the latest release in detail

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KingKorgoth Author
KingKorgoth - - 195 comments

KrishCN It should be pâdişâh-i Hindistân or pâdişâh-i Gürgânî/Gūrkāniyān for the time period, I've read early mughals did not like the term mughal and didn't call themselves that so that wouldn't be appropriate for them, I understand your familiarity concern, but very few english speakers would recognize the term Mughal either, we already have many unknown words like Sowar/Rajput/Estado da Índia/Gajaptis that most english speaking people also won't know. I'm open to more discussion on this though

Also for the review, don't worry about the settlements, I know a lot of them should be more developed I just haven't finished them yet, please focus on the rosters instead, just the 1st era units on the custom battle screen, I'd like to know if there are any really important units I left out or any units that should be removed from certain factions or all together

Thank you!

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments


....i actually cut down on the text and re-edited 4 faction symbols.....however i'd like to see if they scale down properly and don't get these are basically test symbols....if they work fine we continue with these...and i'll do the same with other faction symbols....korgoth could u just check if these
look fine in the menu and elsewhere wherever it gets scaled down to low resolution and let me know???.....

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KingKorgoth Author
KingKorgoth - - 195 comments

KrishCN Awesome thank you! I'll put them in and see how they look

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments


How do the faction symbols look??....are they fine ??

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KingKorgoth Author
KingKorgoth - - 195 comments

KrishCN Yeah they should work fine

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments


There is a mod called "de Bello mundi" and it's 1.2 version includes a vast campaign map spanning from Europe to entire Indian subcontinent...
Initially I thought Indian part would be of very small size but i checked it out today and it hasn't cut down the's the same size as the Indian map we are using plus all the way until Europe....maybe there's something we can take from this mod...

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments

As for the wagon forts....if we could somehow design our own 3d model and make it placeable for spear troops during the deployment phase.....I'm guessing that if units can be deployed on a 3d fort wall,they should be deployable on a wagon as for musketeers,if they can have a protective mantlet/wall model during the deployment phase it would be fine....we need to give this freedom to all factions later with gunpowder access...player must be free to choose....
I've also seen an image of a trench model available in Gallipoli 1915 mod...albeit this model has a barbed wire mesh...if we could modify this model a little bit and make it deployable,then it can impeded charges...although I've never seen exactly how it works
....we can also possibly allow stockade and picket fences during deployment phase for other panipat,khanwa and elsewhere Babur was actually combining trenches and stockades to virtually increase the length of his line and to impede the enemy cavalry from surrounding his smaller force..
With virtual length of the line considerably long and other avenues at the wings impeded by trenches and stockades(and the only assailable target on the wings being Babur's cavalry),the majority of the enemy forces had no choice but to assault Babur's centre where they became a packed vulnerable mass( which is exactly what he wanted )

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments


Ok I just downloaded and went through the 1648 mod.....I played a custom battle and came across 2 units.
1)supply wagons
2)war wagons

1)the supply wagons are only a morale unit....they don't have any melee or missile attack but they raise the morale of nearby units in combat...

2)war wagon unit has 20 wagons per unit...each wagon has 3's the problem they deploy in a square formation and they are movable...the shooting also releases a lot of smoke(but I think smoke can be reduced right)...besides this war wagon has a bonus against cavalry so it will protect against cavalry charges I guess

Both these units have very high defence stats which makes them robust in melee probably and since they are 3d models thy will act as obstacles and be relevant as a fortification

Now the thing is I have some doubt about the historical usage of wagons at panipat...while I'm well read about tulghuma and the details in general,I'm not sure if the musketeers stood on the wagons or the mughal Spearmen stood on it....from what I read the Spearmen stood on the wagons giving them necessary elevation while the musketeers fired from the gaps in between the wagons with mantlets for protection while cannons fired from a vantage point behind the wagon line...alas I dunno so much detail enough to be 100% sure about it..

I'm pretty sure the wagons can be modified (in the edu file formation line) to remain in 1 line infantry or 2 line infantry formation so that they can form a long line

I dunno if we can remove the horse models from the wagon unit and keep only the wagon model...if this is difficult then we need not worry about this and we can let the wagons be mobile afterall whilst editing it to take a line infantry formation(either 1 or 2 ranks deep so that they appear in a line)

As for the musketeers on the wagon I was thinking if they can be replaced by Spearmen model

For musketeer units we can either code stakes or give some kind of a shield wall to deploy while stakes or any other obstacle should suffice for cannons and artillery

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments


Dunno if u are aware of the mount and blade warband game...the game is old(mid 2000s) and very of the mods for the game features wagon carts that act as obstacles...some mods have trenches..
Is there any way these 3d models can be imported into med 2??(atleast the wagons)

Have a look at this

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments

Had a discussion with huzurat bout cavalry warfare balance a long time ago.
..just posting it here so it doesn't get lost in the general info section

Cavalry Balance idea:

conclusion of the above discussion regarding melee cavalry is that

1)All cavalry have high charges.....but not high enough to wipe out nearly an entire regiment like in stainless steel

2)All cavalry have somewhat equal melee stats with slight differences
Elite Cavalry > Heavy Cavalry > Medium Cavalry > Light cavalry

3)like I said difference should be subtle not obvious.... a well trained light or medium cavalry with decent experience,good armor stat upgrades From buildings or traits or ancillaries must be able to stall even elite and heavy cavalry...and of course heavy and elite must have the advantage here...but they musnt be able to wipe the floor with them easily or crush them within seconds like in vanilla or SS...the difference in melee between inexperienced and experienced light cavalry must also evident but again not shouldn't too easy to crush inexperienced light Cavalry also within seconds..

4)As a follow up to the above ensure that light and medium don't get crushed,the number of horsemen per unit in
Light Cavalry > Medium Cavalry > Heavy Cavalry > Elite cavalry

The difference in numbers must be decent enough they don't get unbalanced...

5)All cavalry must suffer in prolonged melee(though they may dominate other cavalry and infantry)...but to balance it, charges on flanks of infantries must decrease morale and inflict casualties on the flanks (much more when charging the rear) than the frontal charges(frontal charges musn't be successful and should cause losses to both) unless it's an infantry of lower tier, repeated charges also should decrease morale but being charged on your flanks when u are already engaged must cause instant rout….after my discussion with huzurat ,im inclined to believe that well trained cavalry can make short work of any lower tier,rural levy and light infantry while medium heavy and elite put up a good show before they succumb to repeated cycle charges

Ofcourse these matchups can and should produce logical and varied results depending on the melee ,armor and morale buffs and debuffs depending on traits,ancillaries and other factors that normally affect battle

(Continued below.....)

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments

(continued from above)

6)Finally no Cavalry(whether elite/heavy/medium/light)must be able to shrug off a well timed cavalry charge(whether it is by elite/heavy/medium/light cavalry) and must receive good losses(more so when it is hit on the flanks and much more when charged on the rear)...the only way to stop it should be to counter charge it in time .. this should minimise losses(for the recieving unit)

Thus when a elite/heavy cavalry charges a medium/light Cavalry unit...the recieving unit suffers heavy casualties,but their greater numbers (together with faction traits,ancillaries, armor upgrades from buildings,defence and melee upgrades) will balance the gameplay..


When a light/medium cavalry charges a elite/heavy cavalry unit..the recieving unit suffers only decent to considerable casualties,but their better melee and armor stats will enable them to put up a good defence ..
This will force the player to refrain from committing his cavalry(whether elite/heavy/medium/light) to senseless frontal charge and prolonged melee on infantry or prolonged cavalry melee since the Cavalry melee together with faction traits,faction character traits,ancillaries, armor upgrades from buildings,defence and melee upgrades,on the whole will turn out to be a costly affair and a meat grinding match…

The player will instead look to

a)judiciously use his elite/heavy cavalry to charge opponent's flank or rear(since they are relatively lesser in number compared to other cavalry and Infantry) whilst taking care to ensure they don't get surrounded and caught up in a long melee
b)use them as a late battle reserve
c)use his medium/light Cavalries to stall opponent's elite/heavy cavalry while surrounded them and performing rapid cycle charges on their flanks and disengagements

1. Advantage of elite light cavalry (think early mughal qazzaki, turco-mongols, pindaris, marathas), will be in their very high stamina, very high defence skill (not armor) and very short charge distance (most heavies and mediums will 40-60 distance to charge, while lights will 10-20). Since light cavalry will never charge stirrup to stirrup they need not form up like others.

2. Greater terrain and weather effects on units, especially cavalry. Steppe and plain units will struggle in rugged terrain and jungles.

3.Up until the 18th century, nowhere has an Indian infantry unit, be they elite or ordinary, have ever successfully fought off a cavalry unit, unless in a specific terrain. In raw melee, one on one, even without charge, heavy cavalry should beat light and medium infantry, while heavy infantry will need to charged. Exceptions will be the iconic Ahom Assamese and Karanataka and Telugu elite light and medium infantry who can defeat heavy cav if not charge first. Infantry in most cases was little better than camp sentries, fleeing at the first sign of trouble.

Further more such an approach will force the player to recruit and field a balanced and diverse army and not allow him/her to blitzkrieg his/her way through factions in mid/late game with elite/heavy melee Cavalry...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
KrishnaCN - - 371 comments


One particular thing that is inaccurate in the game engine is how it displays movement of artillery in the battle map

Whether a pre-gunpowder catapult/trebuchet/mangonel or cannons,the game shows a bunch of 10-15 men moving the equipment at a snail's pace which makes the battle's not easy for 10-15 people to move a heavy equipment such as that

Which is why guns of these times were often hauled by animals of burden like horses,camels,oxen and elephants...not to say men didn't push or manuever artillery at all but even an average light gun would be very heavy and would require combination of animal and human labour

Light guns would be hauled by either horses or oxen most of the times while the crazy big guns would need multiple oxen or elephants

This is In stark contrast to how that large Turkish cannon is shown in the game being moved by a handful of people

Even with extensive labour effort many cannons wouldn't reach the battle on time and it would be foolish to think 10-15 men can move 4 cannons(per unit)
Besides the artillery wouldn't serve its purpose if it moved so slowly as shown in vanilla and most mods

Many of these guns would be dismantled and upon reaching the battlefield the equipment would be unpacked and assembled...this also drastically solved the mobility issues

We probably need cannon units with horse instead of the normal vanilla cannon

The only artillery that I can see being manuevered easily and quickly by men(and that too only on the battlefield... not while travelling usually)are the mobile artilleries,multi barrel light cannons,rockets and falconets

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KingKorgoth Author
KingKorgoth - - 195 comments

KrishnaCN Good point, I'll need to find a modeler to help with the horse/ox/elephant drawn artillery. And the in battle movement speed can be altered by adding this line below attributes; move_speed_mod 0.25

I'll slow down the big ones/speed up the little ones for the next release

Reply Good karma+1 vote
KrishnaCN - - 371 comments


It's better u open a separate article page for faction symbols and banners so that we can discuss and far except for Deccan Sultanates l,I've finished or have an idea for all the faction symbols(not to mention we already have 5 finalized and finished symbols)....what's actually remaining are the banners and there's lot of scope for discussion and research on those

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
KrishnaCN - - 371 comments


Did we finalise the Vijayanagara roster?.....the last time we ever discussed Vijayanagara roster was when u posted a list and I translated them in native....I believe it hasn't progressed since then right ??...we never discussed about it later

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments

Vijayanagar roster

Since huzurat is afraid to mess up,I'll post the translated finalised form

There were multiple posts by huzurat,so I'm a bit confused if I translated the correct huzurat please lemme know if I covered all ur suggested units and if it's English description matches ur understanding of the roster

1)Aramane Kaavaligara Ashvapade(which means 'royal palace guard cavalry')
2)Aramane Gadhadhaarigalu( means 'royal palace macemen')
3)Keladi Nayakara Ashvapade(Keladi Nayaka cavalry brigade)
4)Mysuru Paalegarana Paikaru(Mysuru is shorter and better than Mysooru which would make the name too long)(footmen of Mysore poligars)
5)Manasuri Kaala Pyada (Manasuri footmen)
6)Arabbi shoola Ashwadala (Arab lancer cavalry)
7)Turushka kshipani Ashwadala (Turkish Horsearcher auxillaries)
8)Sarvabhaumana/Vijayanagara Khadgadhaarigalu (Emperor's/Vijayanagara/central/imperial Swordsmen)
9)Sarvabhaumana/Vijayanagara Shooladhaarigalu
(Emperor's/vijayanagara/central/imperial Spearmen)
10)Sarvabhaumana/Vijayanagara Billugaararu
(Emperor's/vijayanagara/central/imperial archers)
11)Kampana Shooladhaarigalu
(District Spearmen)
12)Kampana Billugaararu(district archers)
13)Sthaliya Grameena Paikaru(village/rural levy Spearmen)
14)Sthaliya chakamaki Yodharu (Skirmishers)
15)"Senapati Gajapade" (elephant general bodyguard)(this becomes a general bodyguard)
16)Aramane Gadhadhaarigalu(palace macebearers)
17)Chitradurgeya Aghatakari Chhedakaru
Note : Chitradurge is how chitradurga is pronounced in Kannada....ya is the suffix indicating "of"......Aghatakari since u mentioned them as elite shock units.....since u mentioned them as Cleavers,they'll be called Chhedakaru
18)Beradna Chakamaki Billugaararu
(Berad's skirmish archers)
19)Beradna Chakamaki Topugaararu
(Berad's skirmish musketeers)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
KrishnaCN - - 371 comments

Vijayanagar roster

huzurat i've finalised the roster with description

1)Aramane Kaavaligara Ashvapade(which means 'royal palace guard cavalry')

Palace Guard Cavalry:Elite guards of the Raya himself, these rightly awed the foreign observers and dignitaries with they rich accouterments for war. Sworn to the Raya's service, these are often gifted rich land grants in lieu of their services. Lance and heavy Mace wielding anti armor Slow Medium Cavalry. While they lack the speed and stamina of other medium cavalry, the Palace Guard Cavalry is a brutal anti armor cavalry unit, expert at using maces to bludgeon their enemies in melee. //These troops seem to be mostly drawn from the Vijaynagar's core urban and agricultural areas, thus despite lacking in natural hardiness, they were very well trained in martial arts//

2)Aramane Gadhadhaarigalu( means 'royal palace macemen')

Palace Mace Bearers: Elite Palace infantry, medium armored and having deadly heavy maces as anti armor weapons, these champions often are the crushing vanguard or the elite reserve, ever decisive rending their enemies to pieces in brutal melee. Best used to compliment their mounted counterparts. Highly disciplined and good stamina.

3)Keladi Nayakara Ashvapade(Keladi Nayaka cavalry brigade)

Keladi Nayaka Cavalry: Elite light lance cavalry. Famed horse traders and horsemen, the Keladi Nayakas boast the pick of the great Arab horse trade between Arabia and South India. Donning their famous quilted cotton tunics, these troops strike hard and fast, forming Vijayanagar's much needed elite light cavalry arm, ever ready to provide their valiant cavalrymen to the Raya's service. These dashing horsemen often race ahead of their more cumbersome colleagues to take the lead. //Comparable to the Maratha Light cavalry, however, they are much better in melee, but lack their stamina and terrain bonuses. Similar to the Northern Light Cavalry, though with lower charge, but again and better melee. Thus, they are an 'anti-light cavalry' light cavalry, good at countering other light cavalry in protracted melee, however, less effective in light cavalry hit and run tactics against heavy cavalry and infantr due to their low chargey//

4)Mysuru Paalegarana Paikaru(Mysuru is shorter and better than Mysooru which would make the name too long)(footmen of Mysore poligars)

Mysore Poligar's Contingent: Elite medium spearmen. One of the longest and mightiest line of Nayakas, the Wodeyars have several Poligars of their own that they often send to aid their overlord. However, the wealth of Mysore is reflected in the equipment of these mailed spearmen, their immaculate training and discipline. The Nayakas may often be accused of outshining the Emperor's own troops on the field, these troops in particular though have developed a habit of it, much to pleasure of the proud Wodeyars.

5)Manasuri Kaala Pyada (Manasuri footmen)

6)Arabbi shoola Ashwadala (Arab lancer cavalry)

7)Turushka kshipani Ashwadala (Turkish Horsearcher auxillaries)

Turkic Cavalry Archers: Prized horse archers from Central Asia and Persia, these mercenaries hold a high position in the Vijayanagar military infrastructure ever since Deva Raya II. It is said that the tradition of employing Muslim Horse Archers began in the reign of Deva Raya II, who having been defeated by his Mulsim rivals, was advised by his ministers to employ larger number of cavalry, especially the horse archers. Since then, the Vijayanagar Empire has employed these Light Horse Archers in their ranks.

8)Raya/Sarvabhaumana/Vijayanagara Khadgadhaarigalu (Emperor's/Vijayanagara/central/imperial Swordsmen)

Vijayanagar Swordsmen: While not having the special martial traditions of the Nayakas or the mercenaries usually employed, these men are still competent swordsmen, trained and equipped by the State. Good at holding the line and effect garrison troops, these men are reliable medium infantrymen, ever ready for service.

9)Raya/Sarvabhaumana/Vijayanagara Shooladhaarigalu
(Emperor's/vijayanagara/central/imperial Spearmen)

Vijayanagar Spearmen: The most common of the Vijayanagar units, these troops are often underestimated, however good commanders understand the value of a disciplined and professional force, even though as warriors these maybe average, their true utility as great tactical holding unit cannot be emphasized enough.

10)Raya/Sarvabhaumana/Vijayanagara Billugaararu
(Emperor's/vijayanagara/central/imperial archers)

Vijayanagar Archers: While not having the special martial traditions of the Nayakas or the mercenaries usually employed, these men are still competent archers, trained and equipped by the State. Good at holding their own against any enemy ranged units. Reliable archers, with ability to employ stakes.

Continued below....

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
KrishnaCN - - 371 comments

Continued from Above...

11)Kampana Shooladhaarigalu
(District Spearmen)

District Spearmen: Though not quite professional, these local troops are a testament to the local administration and effective bureaucracy of the empire, which had been able to provide these troops as an effective first line of defence beyond the Imperial City and Forts. //Free Upkeep//

12)Kampana Billugaararu(district archers)

District Archers: Though not quite professional, these local troops are a testament to the local administration and effective bureaucracy of the empire, which had been able to provide these troops as an effective first line of defence beyond the Imperial City and Forts. //Free Upkeep//

13)Sthaliya Grameena Paikaru(village/rural levy Spearmen)

Rural Levy Spearmen: In times of crisis, the local villagers are often called upon the provide conscripts for the Empire. However, unlike in many other Kingdoms and Empires, these Peasants feel a deep sense of duty to their Imperial Benefactors that have provided them with such prosperity and identity, thus, these levies exceed others of their station in all their martial exertions.
//Free Upkeep//

14)Sthaliya chakamaki Yodharu (Skirmishers)

Local Skirmishers: Locals who are ready to harass any would be invader, lacking quality but not the motivation. These easily raised troops are ideal for creating a significant nuisance for the enemies of the Empire. //Free Upkeep//

15)"Senapati Gajapade" (elephant general bodyguard)(this becomes a general bodyguard)

Vijayanagar's Elephant Guard: The Emperors and the high Generals of the Mighty Vijayanagar Empire ride into battle atop the fearsome war elephants, armored and made regal, these majestic mounts offer both a perfect vantage point, and also their immense weight into a charge to change the course of battle. Acquired from the Eastern frontiers of the Empire, and some from beyond into the Gajapati areas, these beasts are picked from the prized elephant breeds of India. Best mahouts are procured from the East and some from the Tamil country, nothing less to ensure the victory and safety of the Commanders of the Imperial Military.

16)Chitradurgeya Aghatakari Chhedakaru
Note : Chitradurge is how chitradurga is pronounced in Kannada....ya is the suffix indicating "of"......Aghatakari since u mentioned them as elite shock units.....since u mentioned them as Cleavers,they'll be called Chhedakaru

Chitradurga Black Infantry: Elite Medium Mail Armored Ax Infantry, makes enemy fearful. These dreaded cleavers are seen as elite shock troops, capable of tearing the enemy to bits. Over the years their fearsome reputation seems to precede them, shaking the enemy's resolve before even the first of ax swings to claim their due on the field. //Elite shock anti armor units, does major morale damage to the enemy//

17)Beradna Chakamaki Billugaararu
(Berad's skirmish archers)

Berad Skirmishers: Elite Light Archers, bonus in forests and hiding. Hardy men with bows, these are expert sharp shooters, particularly proficient in ambushes and nimble movements. These auxiliaries are often feared and despised for their preferred mode of war, yet all can agree on their value as soldiers.

18)Beradna Chakamaki Topugaararu
(Berad's skirmish musketeers)

Berad Musket Skirmishers: Elite Musketeers, bonus in forests and hiding. One of the first Indian groups to adopt the musket to their native system of war, these Berad musketeers have far excelled anyone's expectations and become highly deadly shots, combining it with their already formidable fighting methods.

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments

Guys been a long time...was a little busy so research took a backseat for a while...However I'll resume my Deccan region research and post the same soon

Meanwhile I'll post some details below on the battle of Samugarh...because there's a lot of insight it gives into the warfare of the imperial era

A lot has already been said and explained...but I shall aim to delve a little deeper into the subtle details for a better understanding

The basic approach of early Mughal and Imperial Mughal-Rajput warfare

The entire army mostly cavalry is divided into 3 wings

(The dots "." Are to be read as gap between the army divisions as the texting box doesn't let me display it to help u visualise)

In general like any medieval army,the Mughal army had 3 wings


Each of these 3 wings were further subdivided generally into 3 more divisions viz left(L) right(R) and vanguard(V)


Note since the vanguard of the army is the foremost division,the Vs will be slightly ahead of the of the Rs and Ls

So proper depiction will be


Now this is a simple explanation...let us extend this definition to the Mughal scene

Continued below....

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments

There will be some things slightly different as the Mughal centre was a little more complex in the way it was deployed

The main divisions(along with their subdivisions) in the Mughal army were

1)Center Wing
The center of the army had no perfect name as it has multiple divisions catering to different needs.It was however subdivided into

This is the foremost part of army.Apart from "Harawal" it was also called "Muqadammah-ul-Jaish".Like I explained above the Harawal or the vanguard would be deployed on all 3 wings if the force was large.The vanguard is to be seen as the first cushion of the army rather than an attacking force as seen primarily in other armies.The Harawal would be the first line of defence and would be left to stall,fend for itself or attack and reinforced by the subivisions below depending on its status

ii)Iltimish-Advance guard
The Resume of the vanguard was called
Iltamash/Iltimish.This bore the Chaghtai name for the number sixty, that is Iltimish. Possibly it may have originally consisted of this number of men, and the name having been once adopted.This force performed two duties. First, while acting on the offensive, it tried to destroy the enemy before its commander moved for final attack.Secondly,if the army was defeated,it checked the enemy from attacking its camp.An Iltimish was stationed midway between the vanguard and center and acted as the cushion for the latter.

In simple terms for better understanding Harawal and Iltimish can be labelled collectively as (VofC) in above context

iii)Qol-Perfect Center
The perfect center or the center proper was called a "Qol".This was the main body of the army and also the strongest.The general or the Mughal Emperor himself would be stationed here(seated on a howdah and possibly armed with musket...there would bodyguards as well)and would also issue commands or direct reserves and contingents from here to elsewhere on the battlefield

The Qol here would include both (LofC) and (RofC)

iv)Tarah-2 Flanking parties of the Center
The Tarah contingents were deployed on the flanks of the Center.They were to protect the center from being attacked on the flanks and also strike the enemy center when convenient.The 2 parties were

a)Tarah-i-Dast-i-Bast (right flank)

b)Tarah-i-Dast-i-Chap (left flank)

v)Chandawal-Rear guard
The Chandawal/Rear guard was primarily responsible for the protection of the Baggage train and camp.It was also tasked with protecting supplies.Many camp followers,attendants and suppliers were also included in the Chandawal.Hence it was also called "Bheer" which means crowd

The Tarah and Chandawal are mughal addendums to the simple battle array depicted in the previous post

Continued below...

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