Story: The year is 2832, Earth is going to its fall. Many citys has been destroyed. You are a man called Edvard Jones. Your parents was killed in a hoover accident, so your closest relative has bring up you, until now. You live in a city called Rodor. You are on the way home from your work, when you hear a explosion. You run out and see that the whole city is destroyed. When you stand there you see a room in a building that still is light... Fact: 1. This is not a Black Mesa copy, we have custom textures and models.

TheUnbeholden says

4/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

+Combat is somewhat decent.
+Ammo is fairly scarce although you don't do much fighting.
+Some levels are decent like the first one.
+Medium length.

-Very inconsistent
-Level design is decent to under average
-Levels are really short
-Moving from one level to another has little logic, it all just seems rather random, the path you take. Usually by blowing a hole in the ground (yeah original).
-Ending is strange, level transitions are oddly placed.