Command & Conquer: The Downfall is my project, which was created in 2010, but then, due to my inexperience with editors, nothing worthy came out. In 2023, I decided to resurrect the project in new colors, refining a significant number of missions, changing them to modern Remastered, and creating many missions completely new in new colors.

RSS Files
Red Alert Remastered: The Downfall - Full Version v1.02a

Red Alert Remastered: The Downfall - Full Version v1.02a

Full Version

Command & Conquer: The Downfall is my project, which was created in 2010, but then, due to my inexperience with editors, nothing worthy came out. In 2023...

Command & Conquer: Red Alert Remastered Brutal mod 1.00a

Command & Conquer: Red Alert Remastered Brutal mod 1.00a

Full Version 1 comment

This modification complicates the original story missions of the Alliance and the USSR to a brutal level of difficulty, which significantly complicates...

Red Alert Remastered: The Downfall Full Version v1.01a

Red Alert Remastered: The Downfall Full Version v1.01a

Full Version

Command & Conquer: The Downfall is my project, which was created in 2010, but then, due to my inexperience with editors, nothing worthy came out. In 2023...