"Congratulations, stranger. After a long observation by the magic talent scouts of Baldumir, it is now certain that you have the potential for magic in you. This makes you to one of a few beings who have the honor of studying the art of magic at the academy of wizardry." This mod adds a long main quest and various side quests to the game. The main quest isinterwoven with the side quests to tell a story full of suspense. Everything is set on a lonely island, which has been created by the mages themselves. The Elder Scrolls lore had been considered while modding the area. The island is in a separate world space with about 320 cells, including various surprises like a little flying isle in the sky. But how and why is another question. A question that can be found in the story itself.

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News from Baldumir. The exteriors and interiors are finsished.

We are still working on it...

We are still working on it...


Hey there, we are still working on "Baldumir - Academy of wizardry and sorcery" and almost finished landscape- and interiordesign. The next steps are...