CHAPTER 2 IS OUT NOW! A new story. New puzzles. New enemies. Over an hour of gameplay. Welcome to the beginning of Raven Brooks. Put yourself in the role of James Peterson, son of Lisa Peterson. After the events of Act 2, in the original Hello Neighbor game, your uncle Theodore Peterson, famous for making impossible theme parks, has gone missing. Having an old bond with him, and a knack of investigative skills, you set out to try and figure out what happened to him, because you know that this isn't just some normal disappearance. You move into Raven City, on the outskirts of the town Theodore grew up in, to start off the search of your uncle.

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A Night in Raven Brooks - Mod Rebrand and new info for the next version!


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Hey everyone!

I just wanted to make a post about the rebrand of my mod, A Night in Raven City. This happened in the beginning of the week, and was revealed during the new trailer that I had released that same day.

Chapter 2 is going to be a huge update coming soon for ANiRB, which will have 5 whole brand new gameplay centered levels, and 3 new cinematic type levels. This chapter is going to have a custom Forest Protector AI, which only moves when you aren't looking, but this one isn't scared of you, so he never runs away. You'll also get to explore tons of new locations, like the tunnels, a factory where the Forest Protector used to live, and a creepy forest where many things may lurk in the shadows. This update will also bring visual changes and more pieces of the story, along with updating (most) cutscenes! Along with all of that new stuff, I also reworked some of the levels in Chapter 1, and worked out a lot of the kinks that I saw players run into, along with fixing some puzzles. I hope you guys can be patient for a little while longer so I can make this update the best it can be, and I am very thankful for everyone who has supported the mod thus far.

Download the first demo now!

A Night in Raven City Chapter 1 Demo Patch 1.0.3

More News!


So far I'm around 50% done with Chapter 1, which will also be the demo for the mod. I estimate there to be at least 1 hour of content for this demo, and it will contain around 4-5 to five parts. This mod is really shaping up to how I envisioned it, and I can't wait for everyone to experience it! I will be releasing a trailer shortly, expect it to appear in around a week, and I'll also make a post on it. And for the release date, I expect December 2020 to January 2021, but that all depends on how fast I finish these next few areas in the mod. And for all you people who look at mod posts, here's a special teaser for you.

He's been here the whole time?

Hey all, Update Here


So, after finishing the first rendition of the main gameplay area, I completely dislike it, and am starting over. This will get the mod delayed but it didn't have a release date to begin with so oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. The mod will be going for a more open level gameplay style instead of tight corridors like I originally planned, but the opening area will stay mostly the same. Because of the delay, I'll show off some scrapped area screenshots and send a teaser that some people might be so scared of they literally die when seeing it.

