Sequel to 7th Serpent: Crossfire, Genesis puts you into the skin of Vincent Petero, the 7th Serpent, a killing machine engineered to perform the Serpent Industries’ dirty work and keeping its enemies at bay. One of them is H.A.B.I.T. – Humans Against Biological Intrusive Technologies, actively fighting against the deeds of Serpent Industries, or at least what leaked out to the public throughout the years. Along with a peer, another Serpent prototype, you are sent into the Conference Center, where the heads of the organization are having a meeting, with a simple goal: making sure they can no longer slow down the progress of SI’s researches.

TheUnbeholden says

8/10 - Agree Disagree

This was almost as intense as the previous 7th serpent, only you don't come up against no where near as many guys nor any heavy armor... or snipers. I liked the office buildings but you mostly go down corridors and not many actual offices. Its got the works though, voice acting, some new weapon sounds and new models. I think this is a mod that shows off what MP2 can do to this day.
The minigun was awesome while it lasted and I liked having a team mate that you can actually rely on for once. I think it would have been better if this one was longer.