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Gasph, blog post

zurotio Blog

Considering that i've basically ghosted my presence for the past year or so from the site i figured i might aswell post something to clarify my absence.

From jumping around learning new stuff, going to college and battling my inner perfectionism, i've come to the conclution that my little project so called Suppressed Memory has to take the time it needs to. or else it won't be what i sought it to be. With my change of structrure about how i handle level construction and change of story progression i've come to delay everything further and further. But that may be just fate for passion/hobby project.
Story short, i've iterrated levels to follow my new perspectives and changed progression which have cause delays upon delays of actual releases. And further on i think it's for the best that i shall remain ghosted until i see a change in results.

For the moment here's some pictures(mix of mod and other maps), nothing much, but something.

Mod maps:

Deathmatch map:

Cheers, Z

A Slight Update

zurotio Blog

Since Juli last year i've barely made any progress regarding my mod and that's because i've postponed the problems which has occurred while i was still learning the program and that i've changed from LDR to HDR.
But also that i've lost my touch a little so to say. I'm not as passioned as i was before, about when i first released the alpha version.

And as i view it right now is that there won't be any more releases for a while and that's because i feel that i've lost that passion when i'm working with the maps and due to that made me stop doing anything related for a good while.

Also a thing i've maybe mentioned before is that i can't stick to doing one thing at a time and plus to that is other things going on in my life meaning that i can't do this hobby whenever i want.

But beside my rambles (if my point was even understandable).

I've done something atleast and that's "fixing" the lights.(changing from LDR to HDR messed some stuff up and made me unhappy with how the majority of the areas look).

I know there's barely anything changed but subtle changes



zurotio Blog

The Sewers is the second map in my mod Suppressed Memory and it's been a while since my last update so i'll show some layouts from this map

As again nothing is final, it can or will be updated to look to my pleasing.

This is generally the layout of the map as of now

This is generally how the sewer system of this map will look like, for the moments i'm rather pleased with the design though it needs more decals and pipes but that will all be for the final production.

Another look on the sewer system, newly made room aswell so there's not so much to look at.

hl2 2017 06 15 00 44 21 81

A hallway with a small storage area right after the first pictures area.

A big hallway where some event will occur, i've also shown this area before on my mod page.
Still need to fix the lights!

The other end of the map, same kinda area like the first picture just other way around i guess.

Split hallways that lead from one part of the sewer to another and i've also made a tad big area change as i thought the map was a bit small

This was about a wrap for now about the Sewer systems, i'm still steadily working on the mod.
Sadly because i'm making the maps bigger there won't be much of a demo that i promised, but i'll get there eventually, i rather have it looking great than good.


Preview images

zurotio Blog 2 comments

As some might know of, i'm working on a mod called Suppressed Memory which is a mod about a man that has lost his memory in a corrupdet city and throughout that he'll have to find a way to regain those memories. Anyway, i've come to share images from the maps that is currently in the mod.

Keep in mind these images aren't the final product and can be changed by time.

This one room is about 60% done, it's just that i have to change it up a bit to make it more realistic.

This room is the way between the lower and upper sewer which divides the sewer. And i'm not done with how the light spreads it's very dark which has to be fixed.

The laboratory is in a bit of an early stage where it's a bit open which i will later on fix but tighten up the place.

This is the view of the foggy forest from the inside of the laboratory building. The only thing that i'm bothered about is the glass which doesn't fully work when looking in some directions other than that it may be in the final stage.

The view of the forest area from the outside, what i like most about the forest i've created is the fog. i've always likes the atmosphere that the fog creates.

This is the hallway that leads from the laboratory to other areas, it's a bit empty as of now but will be filled once i decide what to add

The locker room can be found from the hallway area, this room has not been touch since the start of the completion of the hallway and it will be heavily edited when i come to terms with tidying up the maps.

This is inside the apartment that you start in, since its previous design the look has gotten better but it still needs some refinement as it still feels a bit empty.

This is also in the apartment which you start in, it's a vivew of the living room and kitchen.
There could be more update from this room as i feel it's a bit tight so to say.

This is a big room filled with sewage and rust, it's not a bit near my intensions but hopefully i can achieve a better design. As of far it's on a bit of hold while i tidy up the other maps.

A corridor from the second sewer system, i really like the design i got from this view. It really gives a certain spooky feeling of abandonment. Also i've been given help on this particular design from others.

This is the same hallway system as the previous image, in this scenario you encounter a zombie which you must gun down before it can get to you.

These were all the images that i'm happily willing to share, some of the images i'm not that happy to give out but i'll share it anyway because of future comparisons!

This was all.