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What's good everyone,

I'm currently on Youtube, about to livestream and new project I'm working on. Come and join the stream whenever you can.

What's good Everyone,

I'm here to say that the project that I've been working on is now live on IndieDB and will be releasing around December 21st.

Link to the Page: here

See you all there,



What's good everyone. As of today, I'm here to announce that I have now begun work a small arcade project about a mouse trying to save food from being eaten by zombie rats. This is small project before I'm focusing getting better at my programming skills and trying to release something that doesn't have any major bugs at launch.

My goal is to finish this small amount of time, probably around January, but don't quote me on that. In addition release this on and the Microsoft Creator's Collection on PC and Xbox One. I'm gonna see if I can balance the time I have for school and social interactions to get this project a float.

Also, I might do a video series documenting progress on where the project is going so that might boost interest.

I have some concept art and footage on my INSTAGRAM here.

Thank you for your support,

What's good everybody,

I haven't been on the platform in awhile, even though I said I was gonna be on here more often. So what's new?

Well, besides me almost finishing my first semester of college and midterms are coming up, which I should be studying for, everything's been decent as of right now.

For any projects I've been working on, I haven't started or finished anything yet due to school. I'm doing Game Development stuff over there so I haven't lost my mojo just yet but I haven't worked on anything personal lately. Maybe I'll try to work on something before the year is over, I'll see.

But until then, I see you guys next time,



What's good everyone,

It's been awhile, since I've last posted on here. However, I have an announcement, I am currently working on the sequel to The Quest of the Golden Potato 2 and as of that I'm now working live, as we speak, on concept art and sprite work for the game. Come Join if you can on Mixer.

Join Chat Here: CHAT


Another month, and another update. So what have I been doing?

Well, I've been working on some of my projects and don't quote me on this but I may have a demo and an IndieDB and for one of them ready by sometime in May. If you want to have a little bit of insight on what I've been doing, follow me on YouTube and My Instagram(I'm mostly been frequent here).

On the personal side, I've also been getting my college stuff in order and I've decided I'll be attending this art school near me and I'll be studying Game Art and Design. It's very exciting to know that I'm going some where that will make use of my talents and put them to good use. The stuff that I do were self taught and getting advise and learning techniques from professional professors are going to be steps in the right direction to help accomplish the goals I set for myself.

Alright, that's it for now. See you all soon.



What's up everybody,

Just here to say I've got an Instagram. My instagram has updates on my latest projects and progress of The Quest for the Golden Potato 2. Plus, you'll be able to see sketches and concepts of drawing I do on the side and for the game.

Check it out here: The Link is here



What's good everyone,

I haven't been on this site in a while, so what's up?

Well, after my little hiatus, I'm working on some new projects before the year ends and I would like to share it all of you. As of right now, I'm working on the sequel of The Quest for the Golden Potato. I originally made that game in RPG Maker VX Ace and after certain events and my new computer I'm working on doesn't have the software on it, I decided to start from scratch and use Unity to build a system similar to RPG Makers to make it easy to translate ideas I can do there to Unity.

The difficult part of this that one, I'm not a great coder. I just now was able to pickup and retain information on how to do things on my own without use of tutorials...well for the most part. This will be very interesting experience for me and I'm trying to get the basic framework in order just so I can work on it.

If you want to see my progression on this game, check it out here.

Also, I'm working on another game along side of my RPG game, but you'll learn the reason why when you watch the video about.

Anyways, that's all I wanted to say. Sorry if I haven't been active lately. Thank you for tuning in.



What's good everyone,

Man, It's been awhile since I've been on this platform, so what's up?

For the past couple of months, It's been rough on my end. A lot of personal stuff going on, but as of right now, things should be good for a little bit until life shifts again. Thank you all for being patient for my updates, means a lot to me talking to a wide audience.

Now that stuff is out the way, I got a surprise for all of you guys. I made another game with in that time frame. Well...started a month ago but I finished it yesterday and it is ready for people to play. This game is just a demo of what I can do using Unreal Engine. This is also for my college portfolio for later on so that something.






Banner launch

This game is about a rouge robot trying to escape a robot facility from being destroyed and other robots are trying to take you out. Its up to you to take them down as you find your way out.

JetBlue Game Preview Standalone

JetBlue Game Preview Standalone 2

This game is about 3-4 mins long, but this is just a game to help me learn the fundamentals of using UE4 and has some issues with the A.I. Roaming but its a pretty good attempt of getting things to work and I'm very proud of what I've came up with. This is my very first "completed" 3D project that I've worked on. Majority of the 3D stuff I worked with was experimental and were ways to teach me how to understand the fundamentals of how game development is.

If you wanna try the game out here is the link:

Thank you all for tuning in, and I hope I make more games like these in the future. Also, I haven't forgotten about Open Dimension Portals, I'm still trying to figure out what is the best direction to take this game in and I don't want it to come out crummy. That game is Phase 1 of my dream project.

Again, thank you all for tuning in.



p.s. If I don't update anything after this one, Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Years to everyone. This year, in general, was a rollercoaster.

AYE! What's good everyone,

It's been awhile since the last update, so what have I been doing?

I recently just got back to school and this is now my Senior year of Highschool. Finally, I'm almost of out of high school and now looking to expand my reach more on Game Development through college. I mean YouTube is great in all for tutorials to show me how to do certain things but I prefer actually working with people and I don't have the time to reply to the author of the tutorial and tell them if I had a problem with my code and they don't respond in a short duration.

Ok now that personal stuff is out the way, let's talk games. Open Dimension Portals has been switch for Unity to Unreal Engine 4. This is the third time on this project I had to switch engine due to workflow issues. As much as I like Unity for it offers, especially it latest 2018.x updates with new Shader Graph, Nested Prefabs, Built-in Post Processing, etc. I still wasn't able to get a grasp on how to prototype a 2D character without running to problems. Sometimes when I add animations to a sprite, physics doesn't work. There where times I went online for a 2D controller script so I don't have to go through the hassle of writing everything out to later find out when using it, it still gave me problems from not being able to move.

I appreciate what Unity has done for me for the last 6 years of using it, but I gotta be honest, somethings don't work out right in some situations. As a result of that I switched to UE4 and surprising after an hour of setting up animations, adding level geometry and some U.I stuff I actually had a prototype running. That's crazy! After months of trying to figure out how to move a simple character in 2D space in Unity using a complicated system that still did work compared to the short amount of time of setting up Blueprint Action for everything to function right is amazing. I still had to look up some tutorials just to check If I'm doing things correctly since I haven't used UE4 in a while, but it paid off.

Here is a sample screenshot of what I have as of now:


I manage to get mobile controls to work, expect for laying on the ground (I still haven't figured whether it required axis input of action input, but I'll figure it out later)

So what I'm gonna do next? I'm going to trying add climbing and attacking enemies in the game and maybe try to make dialogue system. I'll see what I get to as of right now since school is probably gonna majority of my time.

Ok, I think that everything I have as of right now. Stay tuned for the next update and thank you for your support.

