We are indie developers who wish to showcase the talents of everyone involved in making games. We make our own but we support anyone wish a passion for the same!

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Development/Deployment Considerations

z3roram Blog

Below is a sample of some things we are going over in hopes of releasing this game, take a look and I hope it helps, can be seen a pretty common sense, but putting things can help.

Gameplay Element Creation -Creating custom gameplay elements
is an integral part of getting this off the ground. Gameplay
elements include HUD/UI (Heads Up Display / User Interface). The
foundation of the game framework and are common to all games and, as
such, can be replicated. This game is based on Puzzles, colors and

Level Creation - Levels, or maps, are collections of items
that together form the world or environment in which the game takes
place. Building environments and worlds for your game is obviously a
very important aspect of the production cycle. The process of
creating levels involves a broad collection of topics, but at its
foundation it involves placing various types of Actors into a map
within our Editor.

Content Creation - From static meshes to create the

Compiling and Testing - Should be set in automated manner, a
great deal of what used to require manual intervention. Testing and
debugging can be a tedious process, but there are tools included
which can help to track down bugs, performance issues, and tweak
gameplay in a very efficient manner.

Packaging and Distribution - In cases where storage space is a
concern, it is important to make sure that only including that
content which is actually used by the game. Need to ensure to follow
any license agreements that exist with any software to be included
with your game or dependencies on third-party software our game may
have. Deployment Considerations - Compile Scripts, Package
the Game, binaries matched with the engine used, standalone

- Early access release: possible

- VERY GOOD TRAILER VIDEO- Must have a good trailer video