I am the Cheese on Toast =] Dev on Freeworlds: Tides of War and Admin of the biggest Freelancer mod resource on the net - www.the-starport.net

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An update.. of sorts

xcheeseontoastx Blog

this won't be much because I gotta leave for work in 15 minutes..

Basiclly, I now own the domain www.the-starport.net and am doing Dev work for the Total Conversaion, Star Wars based mod Freeworlds: Tides of War, which is shaping up to be a landmark within the Freelancer modding community.. So many new features that are completely unique to the mod and the Freelancer graphics its un-parralled.

I'm still cheesey and thats pretty much it..

Bai. =]

Change of Pace

xcheeseontoastx Blog

Been a while since ive managed to post anything worth value on here, not because we dont have stuff that is not good enough to upload, its just, finding the damn time! i mean hell, for once ive managed to find time (at 3am in the morning of all bloody times!) to make a small rant and blog 0 post about my life and WT lol. enough random crap, lets move on to the juice bits!

Whats going on eh?

well, im kinda stuck atm, im busy trying to do 2 - 2,500 word essasys that have to be in very soon and i havent even bothered to put finger to keyboard yet, gotta "revise" for my driving pratical in a weeks time and im bricking it (change trousers 3 times today! :D) aswell as my various other RL issues n stuff im like juggling like mad, and i cant juggle to save my life. All in all........ "pleh" is the word of choice to describe my word atm.


As i the blog title states, a change of pace. its been very slack as of late, Me on the most part havent been doing alot to the mod as we have been stuck sorting out the balancing for the missiles aswell as the guns and some other stuff - namely ALe editing which i find terribly fun but its also not on the "critical" list for us lol. Today we DID managed to get alot done, values are getting put in place, and things are really starting to shape up! we hope to god that we can get a public beta out soon as we have fears that no one wants to play the mod at all :(. it dawned on us "how many people are actually going to play this mod once its out" we was told that there are a number of clans queing up to play but the figure in terms of player numbers remains to be seen. Hopefully its a ideal number (hell ill be happy with 20 people who are dedicated).


ill blog moar later cba now. lol 

if i just had an extra hour...

xcheeseontoastx Blog

If i had just an extra hour this morning i would be able to make blog here, update WT some more, work on some other stuff aswell, but noooo, illness has kept me from all of this! :O :D hmm maybe i can now.... so this could be classed as a needless blog? WRONGO! :D now i can do all of those things apart from the other stuff DAMN IT >.< (im now getting a life into work YAY)  so now its time for a SSS S*** Shave n Shower n ill catch up with joo peoples laters! :D

The Close Shift

xcheeseontoastx Blog

*sigh* what can i say? my current job SUCKS (just because of the title i have - the people there are legends lol) paying rent SUCKS, my net is going slow which, of course, SUCKS, the only thing thats not "sucking" is the mod im working on... thats just gunna be AWESHUM!. Apart from that the close shift at work today was a complete waste of time, all i did was stand around for 6 hours and do naff all, sure i was getting paid, but that still dont change the fact iw asnt needed and i could have been doing better things like sorting out my company or going to the pub for a pint or two with my friends. It just sickens me to know im missing out on alot because the manager couldnt give a monkeys as to the social side of life, seriously, the guy lives in that place... he has a tent.. ive seen it :O! giving me crappy hours, amoungst a payload of crap that i get from the other managers (they aint all bad else i wouldnt put up with it). Any form of "confrontation" with him ends up with "do you want a job?" which i immidiately reply with "yes" because if i dont have a job im out on the street (lol incentives work in funny ways sometimes) and no money so i cant put money into the company >.< meh, ive realised im ranting, so ill continue on something that might keep your intresting going? errrrrr the weather was crap. no wait, that sucks... girl at work.. MUCH BETTER! yea, this girl at work, ive got a small feeling that she likes me..... dunno, i have a tendancy to be completely wrong about these things but most of the time i believe in my gut feeling and this feeling says go for it XD now ill leave you in suspense.. *fades awaaaaaaay*

Freelancer: War-Torn

xcheeseontoastx Blog

 Thoguht it would be a good idea to post what themod im working on is about ^^ the wee storyline :P


War. Raging for decades. What we thought was a matter from the past comes back to haunt us.

The Nomad threat might be long forgotten, but the war is far from over. Already, armies are massing on the borders.

It all started some six years ago. What seemed as the greatest discovery of mankind in the Sirius sector might now be the dawn of our extinction. The technology, called Mass Phasing, can shatter bodies in smaller and smaller components, up to subatomic levels. Furthermore, it can then reverse the process and basically create mass from energy after transforming mass into energy. This discovery could open the doors of a new golden age for Humanity. Unfortunately, its first purpose was predictable: war. Samura Technologies, the minds behind this massive breakthrough, lost an experimental weapon during an undercover shipment. Soon afterwards, Rheinland is rumored to have access to a weapon of unbelievable strength. Worried, the Kusari government expects the worst. However, Rheinland surprises everyone by concluding a durable alliance with Kusari and declaring war on Liberty, destroying the planet Houston. Bretonia comes to aid Liberty and the Houses War... Has begun

This is............. Freelancer: War-Torn