I'm a HUGE fan of FFH2 for Civilization 4, Median XL / MXL Ultimative for Diablo 2, and also a big fan of mods. Been playing the above when and since they came out! :D

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MedianXL Changelog

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Man am I hungry...FOR A CHANGE-(log). :)

This is because the fabled medianXL is coming out with Ultimative XV Version. Boy am I psyched

Marco's leaving shortly after so hopefully this patch will keep me from missing his presence and help with the forums and hosting. :D

I host GS4 and I go by the username Will*

You should really check out Median XL Ultimative XV for Diablo 2 mod. It's free and fun. then go to TSW.VN.CZ for multiplayer. and don't forget the docs!

-William Roy