Just a loyal elevn guard :P

Comment History
Woodlandguard*-* - - 10 comments @ Armored Elvenking


Good karma+4 votes
Woodlandguard*-* - - 10 comments @ Armored Elvenking

Glorious * - *

Good karma+2 votes
Woodlandguard*-* - - 10 comments @ Celebrimbor?

Melloren * - *

Looks great good job :>

(bring mirkwood fast pls)

Good karma+3 votes
Woodlandguard*-* - - 10 comments @ The Lost Realm of Angmar

Alrighty i am not joined to your discord yet but i shall do it at once :>

Good karma+1 vote
Woodlandguard*-* - - 10 comments @ The Lost Realm of Angmar

Bit off topic but may i ask , i think in terms of balancing i would give Idrial more HP or one more healing abbility.
As a player who mostly plays as lothlorien for now its flustrating that she is so squishy , she can get killed by a single battalion whitout dooing any damage. I would ask you to give her more HP , or maybe another AOE attack becouse atm she is quite usless , shame sence she was quite good in the third age games.

(keep up the good work you guys are amazing)

Good karma+1 vote
Woodlandguard*-* - - 10 comments @ The Lost Realm of Angmar

Looks amazing * - *

(woodelves are better tho :P )

Good karma+3 votes
Woodlandguard*-* - - 10 comments @ Greenwood Warriors

May i ask by any chance does something like palace guards will be a elite unit of some sorts ? maybe thranduil can summon some of them ?

Will we have an option to make our captains looklike these guys or something similar to a woodland elf ?

Great work keep it up best mode i ever saw and prettyest for sure :)

Good karma+1 vote
Woodlandguard*-* - - 10 comments @ Helmingas Wardens

breathtaking !

(still waiting for mirkwood :p)

Good karma+3 votes
Woodlandguard*-* - - 10 comments @ [April Fools 2019] The Big Decision

LOL good one had me there for a while :)

a quick question can you give us a bit of a update on what you plan for create a hero ? XD i know im asking it a lot but im rwaly intersted if we can get the cool new stuff we got for men and dwarves to every faction heroes (mirkwood guard outfit is a dread come true for some of us !

But yeah still amazing mod cant wait for new factions (and possibly pretty captains :P)

Good karma+1 vote
Woodlandguard*-* - - 10 comments @ Age of the Ring - FAQ

I have a few questions about the captains :)
-will we get some pretty skins for them like lets say a mirkwood outfit ?
- is it possible to get maybe a "dark servant" kind of captain class what could have constumization like castellans maybe ? (could focus in skills for debuf mostly) , or maybe something like a men ranger class ? would revolve around stealth and high dps ?
-do you plan to eventualy update al the captain options whit better graphic how you did whit dwarves and men ? (loved those *-* super pretty GJ on those :)
-and finnaly , can we accept some changes about the skills ? maybe lets say elven archer would have skills more focused on scouting ? or men maybe abou buffing ? or trolls like a tanks whit hard hitting DPS but almost zero buffs ?

BTW AWSOME work love the mod cant wait for mirkwood and i hope you will keep up the great work :)

Good karma+2 votes