Working in the game industry since 1999, I have created several Ambient Sound packs for game engines, over 39+ and counting, including Game Maker Studio, Torque 3D/2D by Garage Games, Unreal Engine 4, Unity 5 and many other engines not listed here. I am also a digital texture artist and some 3d modeling experience. Currently, I am working on a few small Android, Windows 10 and Xbox One games that I plan on porting between platforms as I finish them. I work mainly alone on projects but sometimes, get some help from family with ideas, testing and contract people to work for me on projects. I have a strong credited work ethic and strive to make the games I build the best I can humanly make.

RSS Reviews

GameMaker Studio

Engine review

After having Game Maker and Game Maker Studio 2 since March 2017, I have had it almost 9 months now. I'm actually moving towards finishing my first game with it. Yeah, it was hard to get into for a zero programming guy like myself, but after 9 months, I'm finally catching how it works. It is really a blessing to have compared to how you really do game design... through code and scripts... mainly, just saying.

I have invested $900 into this system... $100 in Windows, $399 in the Android side, and another $399 into making Xbox One and Windows 10 apps/games. Still have not been able to use the UWP yet, but will review it shortly. With the money invested, I decided to make a simple game, called Sky Fall. About alien ships and space. The game is turning out great. Hardly any programming back side required. I have been using a lot of drag and drop from asset modules they have already coded for me.

Overall, I'm happy with the experience else I would never have bought into the Xbox side. If you want a good system that isn't too complex, go with Game Maker Studio 2. The windows add-in will do most people just fine. Great learning tool on how games are made and work.