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Weeaboos Attack! (Amnesia Custom Story)

WeebDevs Blog

So, We're currently working on a Custom Story. [Pending Name] Here's a quick overview of what it's about :)

October 13th, 2014

It’s been five days since Weeaboo Jones attacked you in the Weeaboo Protection Chamber (WPC). Frank made it out alive; however, Pink Guy was Captured (You play as Pink Guy). After Pink Guy woke up, he searches for a way out of the locked room..

After making it out of the room, Pink Guy finds himself wandering the halls of a Mansion..Pink Guy must escape before it is too late for him..”ey b0ss?”. Suddenly, Pink Guy hears noises down the halls. He sniffs vases and Pictures -- all of which are pictures of anime girls. Pink guy caught on...Weeaboo Jones brought him here. But where was Jones? Pink Guy surely doesn’t want to know..But unfortunately, He will soon find out..

Pink Guy has now come a long way, but the fun is just about to start. He starts to hear noises, Songs play in his head, He silently repeats “Rasengan” in his head..Now Pink Guy is starting to lose all sanity; It’s getting darker, the music is getting louder: “I live in my mom’s house..”. He turns a corner to see a bed, covered in anime body pillows..He found Jones’ room..But where was jones? Suddenly, The music doesn’t seem to be in his head anymore. Jones! He’s coming! Where will Pink Guy Hide?!...”I live in my mom’s house….I’m like 32…”

Please take note that this IS our FIRST Custom story and we WILL improve in the future. Enjoy!