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Another update concerning

VEpP Blog

Well, I have yet another, extremely belated, update concerning the website that I moderate.

Around... say, December, we completely revamped the website. Boards were dropped, one was added. Also, the stylesheet has been completely redesigned. First impressions won't give you any assumption that this is an image-board. We no longer look like the generic 4chan clones around the internet.

No, we have decided to move in an entirely user-friendly and visually pleasing direction. By visually pleasing, I include our users posts. Our topics are much more entertaining now, and quite a few are thought provoking.

Now, one huge addition that happened sometime in November was when we made the transition to an entirely SFW (Safe-For-Work) image-board. That's very different than just about every other *chan out there. This is good, for two reasons: ▪ You may view the website, safely, just about anywhere. ▪ This reduces the amount of idiocy and perversion that is usually found on any given *chan.

So come, enjoy the new layout and overall design.


Official name change and more...

VEpP Blog

B64 is now known as Maruchannel.

We made this decision after realising what features were most prominant on our website.Specifically, the Image Boards dominated. So, while we still have file mirroring, content hosting and the likes, the welcome page is now all about the image board. We feel like over the last 12 months or so, we've really built up a community, one that focuses less on retarded memes, overused copy pasta, and n00b-ish actions, and more on content creation. We have a frequently used image projects section where you can go to show off your WIP art or finished art.We have a text projects board that isn't used enough in my opinion, and we also have an audio board.Aside from that we have your general "everything goes here" board, tech boards, and file sharing boards.We still have our clan, but that has been renamed from Base64 to Maruchannel also.Also, of some notable news;Maruchannel and another image board named IMG;Push The Net (PTN) have merged, making us the first ever image-board merger. The merger has been great for both websites. So come on over! Visit us, check us out, stay for a while.

My role in the B64 Clan.

VEpP Blog

While we do play online FPS', we also provide a mirroring service, along with our own media, submitted by the division 'Artificial Grape'. We hope you have some time to stop by and view our content @
Now, my role is essentially creative director. This wasn't originally what I was supposed to do, it just sort of evolved into that. My original job description was Marketing, and the design and creation and distribution of Base64 Merchandise. Which I do, and the first two images I have uploaded are designs for the front and back of a t-shirt.
I also create websites. My work can be seen in the original template that you view immediately on the front page, and other designs of mine can also be viewed from the site, via the directory

Download and Extract with winRAR - My design templates are under /004 and /005.
004 was my very first attempt at a template, so you can clearly see the primitive look of it. /005 is a newer template, and the nearly finished version has not yet been uploaded. I will inform you when it is.

But yeah, leave some love, and gimme some ideas!


New Here...

VEpP Blog

Love mods, kept wanting to comment, get my clan around. Perhaps someday, we will be bigger than the 7 person clan we currently are. We are actively recruting CS:S players, so if you are interested, head on over to Base64's website @ and post on our Image Boards, which is essentially our version of Forums. Be forewarned, my clan master decided to make the IB NSFW, aka not safe for work.

But yep. Thats it basically.