julo66 alt account. the only thing that one say is uwu, everyone will hate him for so many reasons. #Spaggett'Os

RSS My Blogs

before i continue

unnamed066 Blog

hello, i write this to everyone. the new rise of rajas mod will upload screenshots when i can, about the progress or changes.

a little bad new is that there is not DE civ. but some changes from the DE are there.

i gonna stop publishing blogs here and the forgotten status will continue in the mod page.

forgotten mod status 1

unnamed066 Blog

hello, i have to say so many things about. when i create the mod page, the full mod will not be uploaded. i gonna upload betas to all of you to try it and found some bugs etc. im working in 2 different versions. (only changes some player colors). the mod is ready to publish but is not finished yet. i have to fix some things that are crashing the game.


forgotten mod and rebuild

unnamed066 Blog

hello, welcome to this thing. im writting from here cuz i forgot my password. my accout was julo66. (i had this accout before). but the reason of this is because i wanted to finish my mod.

you should probably saw this mod: Moddb.com.

new rise of rajas, a remake made in the AOE II forgotten empires version. in the past year i lost everything in the progress of the mod. and now i would like to make 2 different versions of it.

The mod was created using another mod called new forgotten empires as a base, if you like to try it here is the link: Aok.heavengames.com>

all the credits are for his creator: Bala Arizalu.

in the case if i can upload by the reason is a modification of new forgotten... i will made it in the conquerors version. (if i can recover my old account i will upload this in julo66 account).