Good Morning? - Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?

Comment History
FujingYama - - 24 comments @ Warcraft Giforged

Version: Both 0.7.3 and v0.7.3.1
Lang: English

Campaign: Orc - CH7: The Oracle

Issue: Wall rotated 90 degrees incorrectly, same wall assets used in Dota scourge base.

Good karma+1 vote
FujingYama - - 24 comments @ Warcraft Giforged

Yep it works with 1.26

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FujingYama - - 24 comments @ Warcraft Giforged

Game Version: 1.30.4 ENG
Mod Version: Giforged Beta v0.6 English

Mine shows all the chapters and it is working flawlessly however I didn't use a new save game.

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FujingYama - - 24 comments @ Warcraft Giforged

Most of the dota models I am using are working and modded except for Tiny (Mountain Giant) and Phantom Lancer but it's not the mod's fault but rather the dota map itself is using custom models which is why the issue also exist on the reforged version of the game. However if it's more than the two models stated above then you'll need to change your model detail to either medium or high

Good karma+2 votes
FujingYama - - 24 comments @ Warcraft Giforged

You'll need to change your model detail to either medium or high

Go to Options > Video > Model Detail to "High" or "Medium"

Good karma+2 votes
FujingYama - - 24 comments @ Warcraft Giforged

Game Version: 1.27a ENG
Mod Version: Giforged Beta v0.6.3.1 ENG

Issues Resolved after downgrading, looks like the issue only happens in the 1.30.4 Giforged v5/v6 version of the game.

Good karma+2 votes
FujingYama - - 24 comments @ Warcraft Giforged

Game Version: 1.30.4 ENG
Mod Version: Giforged Beta v0.6 English / Giforged Beta v0.5 English
Map: DotA v6.78c / VampirismSPEED 2.48d

Issue: Hero Taverns, Shops, Boss (Roshan) have dissapeard from the map

Description: Whenever a dota map is loaded in the game assets dissapeared from the game, it seems to only happen in the Giforged version, dota works in regular non modified warcraft 3.

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FujingYama - - 24 comments @ Warcraft III : Rebirth

I'm also just a regular member of moddb but I was able to find every files so why can't you? It would have been fine to say you're annoyed because you don't have the patience to read the instructions and find all the files (I even gave you a list so you won't have troubles). Although I understand that the page needs organization but your approach is to belittle the creator and mock him/her lacking smarts. Instead of adding fire to the flame why not help out like I do by helping others who can't install the mod or by supporting the mod's patron page so that the creator will know that we show him/her our support and give them motivation.

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FujingYama - - 24 comments @ Warcraft III : Rebirth

"does it matter that I installed the 7th release without the previous fixes?", yup it matters you will notice it when you play

the fixes can be found in the "images" tab, in the pictures you will see the fixes 😀

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FujingYama - - 24 comments @ Warcraft III : Rebirth

What do you mean by download all mod, can you be more clearer?

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FujingYama - - 24 comments @ Warcraft III : Rebirth

You're on track download the 6th release (the main file) and follow the instructions written below the 6th release (it will teach you about the registry editor) after that download the other patches in order

1. Download the 6th release
2. Download 6th release fixes
- CentaurFix.rar (Fixes centaur)
- Fixes.rar (Fixes BloodMage Kael, sorceress)
- Textures.rar (For the invisible batrider)
- Buildings.rar (For the buildings)
- sapfix.rar (for the goblin sappers)
3. Download the 7th release
4. Download the bandit mini patch
5. Download the various bug fixes

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FujingYama - - 24 comments @ Warcraft III : Rebirth

Even if the mod is dead anyone can't upload stuff that isn't theirs, you can do it if you want on your personal PC but you can't ask a favor to upload someone else's mod, don't get me wrong I understand your idea is great.

Good karma+1 vote
FujingYama - - 24 comments @ Warcraft III : Rebirth

You mean take the units of someone else's mod?

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FujingYama - - 24 comments @ Warcraft III : Rebirth



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FujingYama - - 24 comments @ Warcraft III : Rebirth

"I also noticed that human peasants can not build. When I tell them to build something, the building's base appears, they come near it and do nothing."

Are all maps like this or only specific maps?

Good karma+1 vote
FujingYama - - 24 comments @ Warcraft III : Rebirth

The newer versions of warcraft 3 no longer uses the mpq file format

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FujingYama - - 24 comments @ Warcraft III : Rebirth

According to eges96, "The tree bug you saw is kinda unfixable sadly I either have to remove the new trees as a whole or leave this bug."

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FujingYama - - 24 comments @ Warcraft III : Rebirth

just get the higher version of the game in battle net, if size is the problem you can get the pre-reforged version (1.31) in hiveworkshop but if its a 1.26a exclusive replay, can't help you there sadly.

Good karma+2 votes
FujingYama - - 24 comments @ Warcraft III : Rebirth

1.26a and other x86 based programs sadly has RAM limitations, if you exceed the max limit it will crash the game, this specially happens with demanding maps. decreasing the effects would just prolong the inevitable and still lead you to crashes.

Good karma+2 votes
FujingYama - - 24 comments @ Warcraft III : Rebirth

What is the architecture of your OS (x86 or x64) and what version of warcraft 3 are you using?

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FujingYama - - 24 comments @ Warcraft III : Rebirth

Three reasons why I didn't.
1st - I did compile the links before but my account ended up getting banned for posting multiple links in this page.
2nd - even if I compiled them into a single file, the problem would be uploading them, download is faster than uploading because ISP in the Philippines (my country) and other countries sadly limits our uploading speed.
3rd - I can rent a fast internet PC but I can't just upload/mirror stuff that isn't mine, only the author can decide because if I uploaded it I won't be different like the people in Warcraft 3 Ascencion mod.

My instructions isn't that much different from the author, if you check the files tab the author clearly indicates to apply the fixes before using the 7th patch

Good karma+1 vote
FujingYama - - 24 comments @ Warcraft III : Rebirth

Run warcraft 3 once then exit the app after that restart the computer, should be able to see it now

Good karma+1 vote
FujingYama - - 24 comments @ Warcraft III : Rebirth

If some are still getting confused by the order of how the files should be installed, here is a short list


Good karma+2 votes
FujingYama - - 24 comments @ Warcraft III : Rebirth

How to install Warcraft III - Rebirth Mod

1. Install Warcraft III and patch it to the latest version (This tutorial is for the latest version)
- For the retail version the last is 1.27b (not recommended)
- For the Battle. net version of the time of this post is 1.32 (recommended)

2. Download any extractor tool
- There are many out there, commonly winrar, 7zip

3. Download the 6th release and extract it to your Warcraft III Directory (Default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Warcraft III)

4. Download the Fixes for the 6th release and extract it to your Warcraft III Directory
- There is a total of 5 fixes for this mod you can find it in the images tab
- CentaurFix.rar (Fixes centaur)
- Fixes.rar (Fixes BloodMage Kael, sorceress)
- Textures.rar (For the invisible batrider)
- Buildings.rar (For the buildings)
- sapfix.rar (for the goblin sappers)

5. Download the 7th release and extract it to your Warcraft III Directory

6. Download the bandit mini patch and extract it to your Warcraft III Directory

7. Download the various bug fixes and extract it to your Warcraft III Directory

8. Open register editor
- Click "Windows key + R" then type "regedit" and press enter
- Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > SOFTWARE > Blizzard Entertainment > Warcraft III
- Click the Warcraft III folder and press "right click" then click New > DWORD (32-bit) Value
- Name it exactly as "Allow Local Files" then modify the value to '1'

9. Sign Out or Restart your computer then start the game
- This is important so the the registry editor will apply the values
- You can now play warcraft 3 rebirth mod

10. Support the mod's patreon page

11. Addiotnal Notes
- You NEED to have Warcraft III installed, you can't play the mod without it, you can get the game at Battle .net
- Make sure to do it in order exactly in how I posted this post to prevent problems in your game.
- Portable version (A.K.A. pirated) will work but will have problems similar to the retail version, I suggest updating to 1.30 or higher through battle. net if you still have your original CD-KEY
- Common question like disappearing batrider, broken faces of sorceress or prince kael's face, old model cages, centaur bug is because you haven't applied the fixes in the 6th release
- If you have the retail version and don't want to use reforged version of classic because it takes too much disk space you can download a backup of 1.31 at hiveworkshop also make sure you have your warcraft 3 cd-key with you
- If you encounter random crashes it is probably because you are using the retail version of the game which has limitations
- I started this post mainly because I'm amazed how a lot of people don't know how to follow instructions clearly given by the author of the mod because if I a normal moddb member can install it why can't you?

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