I`m a coder, 2D/3D, audio & video artist currently working in TEAM96. My role in the team is creating pre-rendered backgrounds that have the look of the classic old-school RESIDENT EVIL games. These are using in TEAM96`s project RESIDENT EVIL: Distant Memories.

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RESIDENT EVIL: Distant Memories

Resident Evil: Distant Memories WIP Logo

As a member of TEAM96 I wanted to announce that the Resident Evil 2 mod
Dark Memories
is now called Resident Evil: Distant Memories.

This is a consequence that was caused by the disbandment of one of the team`s members (HecRPD).
He will continue to use the name Dark Memories for his own project that is not related to the original Dark Memories mod (now Distant Memories) that the team is still working on.
I hope that this is clearing up some confusion that may have been caused.

We also have an official blog where you can read the newest stuff about the mod:


also check out these official facebook profiles

Official TEAM96 Facebook profile

Official RESIDENT EVIL: Distant Memories Facebook profile

thanks for your attention ;)

- The Mortician (2d/3d artist, TEAM96)