A science fiction nut, who loves Minecraft and Sins of a Solar empire and plays them in all my spare time (and some of my work time too). I love the ocean, and all it's wonders, and am a sucker for air, space, and sea battles (land battles suck with the exception of medieval stuff and Halo).

RSS Reviews

Sacrifice of Angels 2 - Trinity Collection

Mod review may contain spoilers

An absolutely amazing mod! As a big time Trekkie, I am very critical of mods like this, and make sure they match the world they represent. And this is the most realistic representation of Star Trek I've ever seen. The races ships match their respective personalities, and the races are balanced perfectly to how they are portrayed in the show itself.

On to the battles themselves. The dynamic movement of the battling ships is right out of the big battles of DS9, and the ships in this mod are designed for this kind of combat, with weapons that can fire at all angles, just like in the series. And the whole game still holds true to the original SINS game the mod stems from, with your feeling of running an empire spanning across an entire galaxy.

This mod is truly an amazing experience, and I will be playing it for years to come. I encourage everyone who likes Sins of a solar empire, and any Star Trek fan out there to download this right away and start playing. Like right now. Seriously, stop reading this review right now and get playing!

..............Your still here! Go have fun!!!


Sins Dark Reavers Mod

Mod review