Experimenting with editors for some years now. (mostly building maps for multiplayer). Well to be honest my first editor was "sim city" (I know its a game). Advancing I released a campaign and multiplayer levels for "sudden strike RW" (I'm afraid these resources are lost). Next map I released was for warcraft 3 (if you are interested I'll look it up and upload it here). Finally I created my first mod, simply because I made multiplayer-maps for BK2 and found out that the reinforcements are controlled by the game. So I started my first mod.

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How to turn ON/OFF MOD

How to turn ON/OFF MOD

Geralds Reinforcement Mod Starting a mod

simple tutorial to turn on/off mods in BK2 some get stuck and can not exit mod because they not find the right button, so I made this:

import 3D models into BK2

import 3D models into BK2

Blitzkrieg 2 Textures 1 comment

Found this tutorial on a Russian BK2-mod-site As it seems the guys found out how to import stuff from the 3D program Maya. Sorry I had to use Google translator...