Currently integrating into the numerous dev communities online and local, slowly writing up my GDDs and looking to create some demos with UDK.

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Rant: TMB

seVIInzhur Blog

Which is to say, Too Many Blogs!

For the past two months, I've been making a dedicated effort to introduce myself to the numerous game dev communities, all of which contain their own profiles, galleries, ...and blogs. And while I don't mind having the (near) same content in terms of my graphic skills, I find madness in repeating the same train of thought from one site to the next. Perhaps I just haven't embraced the new paradigm, where at best I'm updating more often on facebook than Livejournal.

But then, this at least breaks the convention, to a degree. I do look forward to presenting at least one or two upcoming game concepts, and a random assortment of potential graphics.