Names you can call me: Curumo Curunir Saruman.

RSS Reviews

Napoleonic Era

Mod review

This is a really great mod adding lots of new civilizations and much needed european focus.

So, try it out it is really worth downloading.


BFME: Tactics

Mod review

Nice Mod, but there are some issues, althuhh I am sure they will be fixed. BUT the deinstaller is rubbish, it deletes essential data.


Edain Mod

Mod review

The edain mod is a mod, wich gives a total new experience and manages it to keep bfme fresh. The use of the ring brings totally new tactics into the gameplay, the mod is also a very good portrayal of tolkiens books and jacksons films! The 10/10 is totally justified, and to those who haven't downloaded it already; download it! It's a great mod and it really deserves to be played.

Written by, Saruman.