What does it matter what is written here? People form their own opinions rapidly, and they rarely change, except for the worse. Robert-33, a developer, writer, (Darkscribe) and generally knowledgeable person.

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Late July.

Robert-33 Blog 1 comment

Well, I was left speechless this Wednesday night. Not by any kind of science revolution, or by anything which could be considered amazing. No, it was by a Year 10 Educated, 23 year old man casually talking over a cup of coffe to someone about something he'd heard in the news. Why was is so amazing? Well, since I was sitting a few feet away, I wrote down what he said because I was so stunned.

"Like you know, I hear in the news a lot about this whole, you know, global warming thing. And I think, 'You know, we're becoming just like the Aztecs'. This idea that if we don't do something the world is going to end. The Aztecs used to think that if they didn't sacrifice people tommorow wasn't going to come. They'll end up saying that Abortion is a good thing because it reduces our carbon footprint."
The man he was talking with replied, "There's always an agenda behind it. There are a lot of things going on."

Good grief. I spend weeks carefully researching that subject. Some laypeople sitting over coffee come to the exact same conclusion in a more elegant fashion than me. And the point of it all is that they are perfectly right; we are just like the Aztecs. It's been rightly pointed out that, since it is a matter of fact that evolutionism is a religion in itself, the new religion of climate change is inherently pagan. People revere mother Earth, and anyone viewed as deliberately wanting to harm her are to be crushed. In fact, because they don't appriecated the mother Earth, they don't deserve to breathe her air. People are so used to subtle paganism that they don't even notice.
It is an interesting point, however, that killing humans might be viewed as 'good' because it protects the Earth. That's the kind of thing Deus Ex joked about in its ingame news reports...funny how satire becomes reality so quickly.
It is personally fascinating, the pure pagan animosity towards people who disagree with the dogma of man-caused climate change. It is not too difficult to image how this situation could be neatly steered around so that Christians become the villans of this scenario, as always happens. I also find it intruiging that people fail to recognise that they are trekking down the one way road to pure paganism. It's one thing to want to protect the Earth because of some sense of stewardship, it's quite another to worship the planet to the point where humans get killed because they somehow 'threaten' it. All the woes caused by people with a God so useless he or she or it needs them to mindlessly kill people in order to enforce his-her-its will.
It was wisely said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

ps. I need to get round to watching the copy of 'the Obama Deception' a friend of my friend gave to them - but because it's sitting twenty meters from my room, I'm perfectly able to take it for a few hours without anyone caring.
pps. I wonder whether I am magically becoming more coherent? It seems I am, though as one person put it, (and I hope they meant it nicely) I am reading more and more like Vangor with every passing week.

ppps. This is weird...years ago I was planning on writing Perfect Dark meets Evangelion. I did write it, actually, but didn't release it. Now...who was it that gave me some advice on the forums? It was a man I think, and he mentioned that he'd done an English Major. He was also a descendant of Hitler, apparently...though I might be mixing two people. It's ironic, considering I am told I have Jewish ancestory. But anyway, I might dig around in some archived copies of Moddb and try to find that thread. Perhaps it will shed some light on the twisted stranger I've become.


Robert-33 Blog

Well, my uploading beta 3 of T&A managed to coincide precisely with MODDB going down for a few minutes, meaning I'll have to wait until next week...never mind, more work won't hurt it. Now I've got to pad in order to get this blog to save...LALALALALALALALALALALA!!!! It still doesn't save! LALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALA!!!!

Tuesday & Ark.

Robert-33 Blog

Tuesday & Ark - Continuum should be ready by the 17th of July. Due to me being overambitious given that I haven't got any way of creating new animations, I had to cut the multiple endings planned. However, the new beta, beta 3, is going to be quite a step up from the old beta. Let's just hope that Thomas likes the additions to his mod.

Blog again and again until you want to consent to a life of decay and...

Robert-33 Blog

Well, I wrote another part to N.A.M. Part 8, to be exact. I did however have a setback when I suffered a bizzare episode, of which I am still recovering: a searing pain spreading through my entire ribcage and spine, which was aggravated by movement. So if I stood, I was in agony, if I layed down I was in agony, and if I breathed deeply I was in agony. Naturally, this made working on Tuesday & Ark - Continuum, Beta 3, the Far Cry mod, a little difficult. And I suspect the condition is going to resurface.
I did, however, manage to finish up part 8. Which is good, though it was actually written in late June. It just needed all the gaps filling in. That 'filling in' took the part from 32kb to 65kb. But I choose my own definition of 'filling in'.
Aside from that, I dug up the memory of being bemused by the finding that my opinions on global warming were almost exactly mirrored in an article I found written by Mr. Crichton. That was indeed bizzare, since I hadn't consciously been quoting him when I made a dismal attempt to bring up the issue on Moddb.com.
Things are ticking over, the world is in free-fall, and I just plug on. I am plucky, it seems. All I need now is a band, which is kind of my dream project. But a dream it shall remain. I am still awaiting a single comment on N.A.M. At least if people said how much they hated it, at least I'd know how people viewed it.
And in yet another digression, I have wondered whether I should try and contemplated using one of my other aliases and releasing a story which panders to public taste, then push that for all it's worth, merely because I feel sorry for Tom, because his site doesn't get the traffic it deserves: I have a fear that people read one of my stories, then never visit the site again because they're so offended. I can turn by brain off and write fluffy action stories full of stupid, 'the answer lies within you' heriosm and dire situations which are in reality excuses to spread the myth that all problems can be solved through human endevour. Seriously, I am so devoted to making sure Tom's site flourishes even in spite of me, that I might just write that story.

Some information about N64 Japanese Perfect Dark.

Robert-33 Blog

In the name of research, namely
for my Perfect Dark total conversion,
I decided to make a short list to
describe the changes made to the
Japanese region build of the
Nintendo 64 game, Perfect Dark.

They consist of the following:

() Bodies fade soon after death
This could be either a violence
reduction method, or it could actually
be a valid means of improving memory usage
by the game. Even if it were intended
only as a means of lowering percivable
violence, I put forward that it would
have the effect of freeing valuable
system resources, of which Perfect Dark
was perpetually running short of.
And trimming violence never hurt
anything. (Not that magically fading
bodies is a logical idea.)

() Joanna Dark reskin.
Her face has been redone. By whom, I
don't know. It could have been the
original Rare Team, or it could have
been a third party re-jigging team.
It could also be that this was
actually Joanna's original face, and
the one appearing in the English
language versions was a replacement.
However, given that in every screenshot
shown during the three years of development,
she has seems to have her classic face,
this seems unlikely. This issue does
merit investigation.

() Text translation.
All the text in the game is translated
into Japanese, naturally. The audio
was not altered, which from a videogame
designer's perspective is quite admirable.
The select agent profile texture was
also changed, to reflect the new look

This is where it ends:

This 'list' is not very long, but
not many others have catalogued
the changes, so this isn't bad. What has
been written is from Robert-33's
investigation through testing a copy of
the game, not parroting someone elses'
opinions. (Robert-33 never does that,
though his proxy might, but doesn't
anymore after the fiasco aka. Three
Issues Thread.)
Perhaps there are other changes.
I don't know. When a development team
has access to the raw source of a
videogame which has been already
released for a few months, I do think
there would be a strong temptation to try
to squeeze more performance and such
from the struggling game engine.
Is is worth pointing out, however,
that well-known bugs, such as the 'Janus'
AI glitch, are apparently still
present in the Japanese build. I
cannot solidly confirm that, however.
Lucern tower is still completable
in six seconds, but the dev team
most likely would not have known
about the physics glitch at the
time the build was finalised. All in
all, it would seem that very little
was changed code-wise in the Japanese
build, other than what seems to be
a rough hack to quickly remove dead
bodies, which would have been a
single variable.

I hope this information helps
someone. I do always try to provide
accurate, hard-to-find information
to people who need it. (I can't
imagine everyone who knows of me
agreeing there...)

Remember: the truth is there,
you merely need to change your
axiom, then:

"And like a crystal changing
position, everything becomes
suddenly clear."
- Unknown author.

Japanese Perfect Dark image gallery.Japanese Perfect Dark image gallery.Japanese Perfect Dark image gallery.Japanese Perfect Dark image gallery.

Take a lok at Darkscribes

Robert-33 Blog

Robert-33's Darkscribes profile

I have started writing a series
of stories at this fanfiction site.

Here's direct links to some of them.

Humanity Contemplations RSS Feed for Humanity Contemplations

No Comments Posted | Section: Poetry | 2 Chapters

Series: FLCL

Story Status: In-Progress

Download Archive of Story: HTML, ZIP

In mathematics: FLCL + X = Humanity Contemplations.
(Where X is anything and everything). A collection
of writings akin to The Eva Verses, essentially.

Nightmare Architect Mabase RSS Feed for Nightmare Architect Mabase

No Comments Posted | Section: Drama and Adventure | 5 Chapters

Series: FLCL

Story Status: In-Progress

Download Archive of Story: HTML, ZIP

A story which sets out to be different to most other stories
of its type. Vasya Computer Industries, Medical Mechanica,
and more sinister parties fight for control of the universe...
and perhaps even more....
It is Robert-33's debut novel.

Searching Wounded Valentine RSS Feed for Searching Wounded Valentine

2 Comments | Section: Drama and Originals | 2 Chapters

Series: N/A

Story Status: In-Progress

Download Archive of Story: HTML, ZIP

A very strange series of interconnected stories.
A great change of direction for Robert-33.
And a completely original work.


Robert-33 Blog

Well, everything is starting to stabilise. Works of fiction are coming along on rough schedule,
FC mods are going well. Sad to hear of the rage poured out upon the Jews for invading
Gaza. New novel thing will be out soon. Currently trying to contact the elusive
Thomas Mountfort, so that his permission can be obtained for Tuesday & Ark - Continuum.

New projects on way.

Robert-33 Blog

Some of the new projects I'll be coming around with soon, after the Eva Verses have now

been finished, (There are still "other" issues, but I won't say what they are.) is:

Between October and December (God willing)

Cryptic Episode 2 (the FC mod)


SOLDIER Beta 5 (Already finished, waiting for release.)


Cryptic - Eva Story

(Top secretish, but *cough* it's a 8 part book series; possibly surpassing

"The Eva Verses" in quality.)

[Assuming the world doesn't go spectacularily wrong --or right, depending on whether you're talking

to the "Everybody get together in labotomised unity" party or not.]

My one "pet" project that glimmers on the horizon is "CryEngine Evangelion", an Evangelion

modification for either Far Cry or the original Crysis (not Warhead, hate DRM.)

It would be nice if I could form a team to get it made, but it is unfortunately likely that many

of the people interested in such a project would disagree with someone as devoutly

devoted to preserving that indefinable "japan-ness" in works as me.

Image (dummied up Crysis level:)