I animate in Blender sometimes, I also make Doom mods. Currently working on UniStrife with Vite.

Comment History
Razur - - 9 comments @ Operation Remembrance

I've gotten through what I'd consider a decent amount of infantry weapons tonight. Some are more faithful to their source sounds than others but that can always be fixed with further iteration. Is there a better way to contact you so I can let you know when I've finished up the set of infantry weapon sounds? I'd rather not continually flood the comments here.

Good karma+1 vote
Razur - - 9 comments @ Operation Remembrance

That does explain the issues I had, but while it is acceptable at these recommended settings I feel that it ends up a tad quiet for my liking (keeping in mind that I use headphones for my output and keep my PC's volume to 70% and my volume for BFV to 65%). I'd appreciate a conventional sound build but I think I also might take a swing at the sounds myself when I have some time to kill and see if I can tune them for a more generalized sound setup, not as a proposal for replacement but just as a personal modification or maybe as an unofficial patch if that would be alright with you.

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Razur - - 9 comments @ Operation Remembrance

I love what you've done with the gameplay side of things, a very nice sort of "freshening" for the standard Battlefield Vietnam experience with a lot of features I'm really happy to see implemented in this old engine. That being said the audio really drags this down, the usage of real recordings for weapon sounds is a commendable effort to be sure but in practice it becomes really hard to listen to when the battlefield gets chaotic, even just firing off a pistol quickly is hard on the ears. The original sounds were far from realistic, but they layered on top of each other well when fired off rapidly and didn't make an auditory nightmare of the large-scale combat scenarios that often come up.

I think you could still make your idea of using real recordings work if you were to take a metaphorical scalpel to the sounds and touch them up in the right ways, that would take a very long time but I think would be well worth it in the long run because what you have here is an outstanding mod that's difficult to stomach at a reasonable volume for too long solely because of the soundscape. I'm not sure how many people would be interested in modding Vietnam nowadays but it might be worth seeing if you can get some extra hands on board to help you out with the project and speed up future development. Best of luck!

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Razur - - 9 comments @ Operation Remembrance

Something you can do to get mods to load without the CD is to create a shortcut for Battlefield Vietnam, open that shortcut's properties and add "+game (mod's filename here)" on to the end of the Target field without the quotes. So if you wanted it to load, say, the WW2 Mod (I'd use Remembrance as the example here but I'm currently in the process of downloading it) the Target field would look something like this:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\EA Games\Battlefield Vietnam\BfVietnam.exe" +game BFV_WW2Mod

Good karma+1 vote
Razur - - 9 comments @ 9/20 Update: Real Gun Sounds!

Yeah that might do it, taking another listen at the video there does seem to be something slightly off with the recorded audio in general and I'm not sure how I didn't notice that before, maybe I was too tired. That said, looking forward to seeing how these sound in the field!

Good karma+2 votes
Razur - - 9 comments @ 9/20 Update: Real Gun Sounds!

All the non-weapon sounds in the video seem fine to me, but I suppose there could be something off with the recording. I'll try it out myself when release day comes around and offer further feedback from there, sometimes it just takes a little getting hands-on.

Good karma+2 votes
Razur - - 9 comments @ 9/20 Update: Real Gun Sounds!

This mod still looks really sweet, though I do have to admit the real gun sounds don't sound that great. They seem really airy and out of place in the environment because of how different recording the sound of a weapon firing (in varying qualities at that) is to actually hearing it. If you want an enhanced sense of immersion with the weapon sounds I would recommend possibly sourcing from other games with a similar goal in their sound design like Rising Storm 2 or Squad. Something I usually do when I work on my own projects is mix different sounds together and edit them to achieve the exact sound I'd like, that might also be worth considering. Everything else still looks great though, keep up the good work!

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Razur - - 9 comments @ 8/18 SPECIAL UPDATE: BfVietnam Looks GREAT!

I think something might be screwy with your install of Vietnam, how everything looks in your mod is how it looks in my vanilla game.

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Razur - - 9 comments @ 8/16 Update: Kits and Classes

Surprised yet happy to see someone making a new mod for Battlefield Vietnam, keep up the good work soldier!

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