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QueenNeferata - - 8 comments @ Between Empires

I'm guessing americas will be added later? Since one of the things can pick is "America settler" or "new world settler" or something along that lines.

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QueenNeferata - - 8 comments @ Ultimate Ultimatum

Thanks and welcome :) I sent you a private message on here with a link to the mod changes, though in the future I'll organize it a lot better kinda lost track of all the files I changed sadly. Hope happy with them, its not 100% perfect and maybe you won't use all of it like the CBs but hope whats there is good. I think the CBs in this mod might been causing crashing issues, might been Ultimate problem but thats something that requires more time and testing to see.

But yeah, the grain thing is such a small change but was sure a big changer. Its cool seeing everyone actually have armies. Such a small thing but sure made a big difference

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QueenNeferata - - 8 comments @ Ultimate Ultimatum

Last thing. If you want to keep byzantines, maybe give them the rest of thrace so they can recruit troops with grain. Since region of thrace has grain, and otherwise they can't recruit troops at all. Still makes them at a huge disadvantage and requires a lot of luck (like in EU4) but at least they can get an army

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QueenNeferata - - 8 comments @ Ultimate Ultimatum

Also there is something wonky with the reforms window as a heads up, I think its something I did. But all the text and options are misaligned and the interface for it is kinda broken but options still work. I thought it was something in GFX folder and maybe it is, but didnt seem like replacing it fixed it for me.

Update: nevermind, its actually the base mod not anything I did. I renamed my modded version and reinstalled this mod without any of my changes and reform window still buggered up. It works, it just doesnt look too nice. At least I didn't bugger it up by accident lol. And its not like reforms dont work, its just an appearance thing.

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QueenNeferata - - 8 comments @ Ultimate Ultimatum

Want me to upload the mod (probably google drive) with the changes I've made? And you can take a look at them if you want.

I changed cavalry and irregulars to need grain instead of wool (solves 99% of nations being unable to train troops.) I left cavalry to need wine, cause I kinda like that since it prevents natives from getting cavalry right away. This change is tiny but makes a huge difference in the game. Now almost every nation can get an army, except the rare cases they cant get grain, but don't think its an issue if they can import it and be a tiny amount of nations. Even hawaii has gotten a tiny military. This change makes a huge difference overall to the whole map. 99% of nations literally couldnt get an army, so this is a really good change.

I also added CB types, but you may not want to use them (they are from another mod) and there are two bugged CB types that show up and I dunno why, they dont break the game I dont think, never had an issue but never tried actually getting them. but I noticed the AI gets it too, but doesnt seem like they use them. CB types added make a huge change though and you can maybe see them and see if want to make your own similar ones.

I also added a population growth option at cost of -0.03 infamy and -20% tax modifier for the +3% growth, there is a smaller growth option for less penalties. And I added RGO change so player (AI cant use it) can switch resources to a different one, but I only added it to get wool to train troops but its not really needed anymore. I guess can still be useful if need sulfur/coal/iron (mining RGO option) or a different agriculture resource.

I added Byzantines to own constaninople too at start of the game (the event that makes them show up seems to crash the game. I tried playing greece and forming byzantines and got an instant crash), which probably not historical but there it is for those byzantine fans. If ottomans take constaninople they make it their capital again, so them not having it their capital wont break them unless they dont attack byzantines for some reason (one game they never attacked them for some reason).

I added mohawk culture to iroquois, with a nice lightish blue color for their culture. Mohawks reside in the province of new york, didnt put them anywhere else. This more for flavor than anything else, but also to spice up iroquois a little more. Their accepted cultures are still native americans and cree like they are by default, just mohawk was added to primary culture for them. In the end if they conquer a bunch, mohawks become a pretty small percentage, but still neat.

And think that might be it. I did change province pictures to ones I like more, so you may not want to use the GFX folder. I actually tried getting graphics for paris and stuff to show the actual city, but tbh I realized I had to manually change each txt file for the individual province. And going through each province file is too daunting of a task for me right now lol.

There is a slight chance it may fix some crashing issues. I think if it does it may because of the CB types, since I erased the CB text file and put in the one from another mod. But I changed a bunch of stuff, so could be something minor I did somehow that did it. Or maybe its something in the GFX folder that I replaced. But I can't promise this, because I only played up to 50 years or so so far, but no crashing during that time. And it may be computer specific, I dunno. And crashing may be just an issue later on further in the game, but I passed 1613 by like 20-30 years and never had a single crash nor did I turn the game off during that time. Granted this is a tiny chance that I might have done something about the crashing, it would need a far more longer playtest. Plus like I said could be PC specific as well. I'll need to play longer or more people will need to test it.

Oh I added startup options in setup txt file in decisions. You probably dont want to use it and just use the one that came with the mod, it doesnt seem to work. I tried preventing colonizing railroading where france or england or whatever great power it happens to be automatically colonizes all of the americas and it doesnt seem to work cause they still do it. There is one option that turns off anarcho liberals, dunno if that works or not (I guess thats much later in the game, and does this mod even have anarcho liberals?) and there are a couple others never got a chance to test. Its in the setup.txt file in decisions, pretty sure none of them actually work. If this mod has anarcho liberals, supposedly them not being around fixes some crashing/performance issues, but dunno outside that. That is just what it says in the tooltip for that option. That was mostly why I added that decision, but I don't even know if it works or is even needed.

Good karma+2 votes
QueenNeferata - - 8 comments @ Ultimate Ultimatum

Thanks :) I'm afraid though my time to do stuff is pretty limited due to health reasons with a loved one. But I'll do what I can to help as a volunteer, but I'm not sure I want to be an actual team member with real life issues going on.

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QueenNeferata - - 8 comments @ Ultimate Ultimatum

Want me to give you the version I modded? Otherwise I'll keep it personal use since sometimes modders might not like their stuff included. I took some stuff from BAI, and The Grand Compilation. Casus Belli from BAI is the main thing (though there are some buggy/weird options that came up dunno what went wrong there, but it works otherwise) and I gave the option for population growth, change mining/agriculture resource from TGC. The agriculture one is player only, but solves the lack of wool problem since you can change an agriculture resource into wool. Which TGC has the same issue that some uncivs can't recruit troops cause of it. I tried a primitive nation in TGC that had no wool and just couldnt get an army at all. So its not specifically this mod.

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QueenNeferata - - 8 comments @ Ultimate Ultimatum

Wow, surprised someone took up the mantle of the ultimate mod and made it a ton better with huge improvements. I look forward to the next update, thanks for taking the time to make this :)

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