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PutridPete - - 28 comments @ DirectX11 Renderer for UT,UG,HP1,ST, Rune and DX version 1.4

Something I've noticed is that Unreal Gold has zero stutters for me with this renderer (I'm using the 227i patch), while UT99 has some hiccups similar to what you describe; first 30 seconds or so it's very noticeable and if I play for a while I'll get them eventually again for a second or two.

The fact that it doesn't happen in Unreal Gold prompted me to investigate a bit further. I discovered that unlike the original Unreal, UT99 was only using 1 of my cpu cores. I forced UnrealTournament.exe to use all cores with Task Manager by changing the core affinity for the executable. It worked phenomenally for me with that.

I don't have much technical expertise when it comes to these things, but my completely ignorant speculation is that the DX11 renderer is heavy on the CPU usage, and because UT99 only uses one core, it causes performance issues. In fact, I found that Unreal II also had a lot of performance issues for me de facto (that have nothing to do with the DX11 renderer provided here) and changing the game to use all cores mitigated a bit of that for me as well over there.

The only issue is that I have to set the affinity for all cores every time I launch UT99. There's probably some fancy fix that somebody can come up with that automates this process, but unfortunately I lack the knowledge to come up with it.

Hope this proves useful to you.

Good karma+2 votes
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ DirectX11 Renderer for UT,UG,HP1,ST, Rune and DX version 1.4

Thank you for the idea, this ended up in me finding a solution, which you can read on my reply to Edifice666's comment below.

And thanks again for the help!

Good karma+1 vote
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ DirectX11 Renderer for UT,UG,HP1,ST, Rune and DX version 1.4

So I found a solution to the stutter problem that hopefully also works for you. This solution works with the latest version (1.4) of the render.

I noticed that despite using the 'Max FPS' setting to match my monitor's Refresh Rate under the DX11 preferences for the game, I was getting around 11-20 fps. I was able to see my fps by using the console in game (with the tilde key) and typing 'stat fps'. So that gave me an idea to force the game to run at my desired FPS.

I went to the NVIDIA control panel and selected the option 'Manage 3D settings'. There, I added the Unreal Tournament executable (UnrealTournament.exe) and adjusted the setting 'Max Frame Rate' to my desired FPS. Boom, no more stutter for me!

Hopefully this works for you too. Good luck!

Good karma+1 vote
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ DirectX11 Renderer for UT,UG,HP1,ST, Rune and DX version 1.4

I am also experiencing this issue, and also did not have the problem with the DX10 render.

Good karma+1 vote
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ DirectX11 Renderer for UT,UG,HP1,ST, Rune and DX version 1.4

I'm having the same issue and have almost the same specs as you. This same renderer works flawlessly in Unreal Gold and Deus Ex, but on UT99 it has a noticeable stutter all throughout gameplay. I've disabled all performance hog settings for the renderer under preferences (by pressing 'T' while in-game, deleting 'Say' and typing 'preferences') to no avail.

I tried 1.3 and there was still stuttering, but not as much as in 1.4. Ultimately, I just had to go back to the OpenGL renderer since it presents no issues for me thus far.

Hopefully we can hear about a solution to this problem soon.

Good karma+1 vote
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ (NEW FIXES!) Vanilla Restoration Patch for Win/GL/QWCL

The music for Dissolution of Eternity is not playing in the right order. In DOS, track 07 (which is number 27 in the provided files of this fix) plays during the demo, while with this it plays track 06 (which is 26)

I'm not sure if anything else is out of order, but could be worth a look. Anyway, if there's any way of correcting this, please let me know and thanks in advance.

Edit: To be more specific and provide more useful information, the level R1M5: Towers of Wrath is playing the wrong track, be it in the first demo or if you go through the level. As I mentioned, it should play track 07 (27) and not track 06 (26).

Good karma+1 vote
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ Better Wolf3D

Much like others have expressed here, please consider making a version of this for Spear of Destiny. Great work overall!

Good karma+2 votes
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ Duke Nukem: Alien Armageddon

Using a newer version of EDuke32 with the mod fixes the issue, but I'm guessing it breaks other stuff. Any way that a newer, stable version of Eduke32 can replace the one that comes with the mod in an update?

Good karma+1 vote
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ Duke Nukem: Alien Armageddon

Loving the mod so far, but I've run into an issue. Whenever I get shrunk, the bottom part of my screen becomes green until I am full size again. Sometimes the green part turns into some sort of bizarre mirror. Wonder if it's on my end or other people experience it too?

Anyway, keep up the good work, the new campaign that came with this mod was incredible!

Good karma+2 votes
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ Blood HD HUD Module

Silly me, that's how I change HUD types in eduke32, and that is what nblood is based on. Can't believe I didn't think of that.

Anyway, cheers!

Good karma+2 votes
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ Blood HD HUD Module

Thanks man, now I got it working with nblood; however, only the default HUD (screenshot number 3 in the file's preview) is available. Any way of getting the other 2 to show up? I searched through the options of nblood and didn't find any way of changing it.

Thanks again.

Good karma+2 votes
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ Blood HD HUD Module

Any chance this is (our could be made) compatible with nblood?

Good karma+1 vote
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ EMSITH - Enhancement Mod for JkGfxMod (MotS Edition) 0.50 [FINAL FGR VERSION]

Quick update: I tried re-downloading the game from GOG and setting up everything from scratch and it ended up working just fine. I started wondering why. Then I remembered: I had patched the executable for MOTS to apply a FOV fix, as well as mipmapping. So, I backed up the original exe file and patched a copy; tried running it again and it crashed. So that seems to be the cause of the issue.

So just a headsup to everybody, the patches I applied were this ones:

Good karma+1 vote
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ EMSITH - Enhancement Mod for JkGfxMod (MotS Edition) 0.50 [FINAL FGR VERSION]

Sorry to be a nuisance again like I was on your other mod's comment section, but I ran into an issue.

So, near the end of level 8 and 9 in Mysteries of the Sith, there is a crash that happens every time while running the game through inject.exe. I'm not sure if it happens in other levels, beyond those two, since I cant progress further in the game right now without disabling jkgfxmod altogether now. Now, I started a new save just to be sure that it wasn't because of the bobbing fix file. I made it to level 9 after level skipping and had the same crash regardless.

I was able to finish level 8 by running the game without it, and was able to re-enable it at the start of level 9, but again, it crashed near the end as well, around the part where there's a walkway that explodes and falls down.

Other than the MOTS unnoficial patch, I'm also using this mod with jkgfxmod. I also contacted the author of jkgfxmod in case it's something on his end:

Anyway, thought I'd let you know about this hiccup in case there's something that can be done from your end and so you can be aware.

Thanks again for like the 12th time today!


Good karma+1 vote
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ EMJK - Enhancement Mod for JkGfxMod (JK Edition) 1.0 [FINAL FGR VERSION]

Thanks again, friend! Thankfully no issues so far with my Mysteries of the Sith previous save files.

Keep up the good work!

Good karma+3 votes
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ EMJK - Enhancement Mod for JkGfxMod (JK Edition) 1.0 [FINAL FGR VERSION]

This actually fixed it and was compatible with all the mods I was using.

The only issue I found is that my older saves crash after switching to the stormtrooper rifle, but newer saves don't have this issue. Thankfully I already finished the game, so for my next playthrough I won't have this issue.

BTW if it isn't too much trouble, could you provide the same fix for MotS Graphical Extension Pack? I'm currently on the first Mara Jade level and experiencing the same issue as I did in this game. Hopefully since it's the first level with her and she has no weapons it won't crash on me.

Thank you so much!

Good karma+3 votes
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ EMJK - Enhancement Mod for JkGfxMod (JK Edition) 1.0 [FINAL FGR VERSION]

Thank you for your response.

It's not a game breaking bug, but it does make me feel a little silly. It's like I'm playing with The Flash, haha.

Hopefully it will be easy to fix.


Good karma+3 votes
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ EMJK - Enhancement Mod for JkGfxMod (JK Edition) 1.0 [FINAL FGR VERSION]

First of all, great work!

I'm having a small issue though. After installing this, weapon bobbing is too much, specially with the trooper rifle. Any idea how to change this?


Good karma+3 votes
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ Jedi Knight Enhanced + Retextured + Patches & dgVoodoo

For anybody having the same issue as me, after several hours of trial and error, I ended up figuring out what was wrong. In order to make this run as intended I had to install all the files, including dgvoodoo as explained on this site:

I also had to increase the screen size to maximum and disable the crosshair on the in-game video options for it to work. Afterwards, you can decrease the size of the screen by one tilt to have the HUD appear again, and you can even turn the crosshair back on. Make sure 3D acceleration is turned on and your resolution is set correctly on the in-game video options beforehand.

After that, just follow the instructions provided on this file to get JKE and JKR running, as explained by GeneralTantor here in the comments, or on the video.

Good karma+3 votes
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ Jedi Knight Enhanced + Retextured + Patches & dgVoodoo

Hey man, I followed the instructions perfectly, but when I run my game it runs on a very tiny window instead of 1920x1080 with no way of maximizing it. Removing -windowgui makes it run on full screen in the appropriate resolution, but its impossible to use the mouse in the menus then. I also tried launching the game without dgvoodoo since I have an nvidia card, but all I see is a black screen.

I'm out of ideas at this point, any help would be appreciated.

Additional info:

windows 10 64x
nvidia 1070ti
1920x1080 monitor with 120hz of refresh rate
all drivers updated

Good karma+1 vote
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ Doom 3 Enhanced Edition - D3EE

Thank you for saving my Doom 3 experience. I mean that.

Long post ahead, so skip to the end for a TL;DR.

Being a long time doom fan, I recently got the Doom 3 BFG edition for the additional content it provides for the classic games, such as the episode No Rest for the Living for Doom II. Also, I figured I'd finally get around to playing Doom 3 since back in 2004 I kind of ignored it, being too busy with WoW at the time, and using a lot of my allowance money to pay for the subscription instead of getting new games back when I was 14.

After finishing NRFTL and the bonus levels, it was time for Doom 3. However, I was extremely dissatisfied with how badly it performed, mostly because the BFG edition is a terrible port. So, I decided to bite the bullet and buy the OG version of Doom 3. Got it running with a source port and all was well. However, the gameplay had me so frustrated, I nearly uninstalled it with the intention of never playing it again.

Now, don't get me wrong, I enjoy challenge. I finished Doom 1, 2 and Final Doom in the Black Metal Difficulty of the Brutal Doom mod. I also finished Doom 2016 in Nightmare. Doom 3 in veteran isn't hard, it's just irritating. From the rifle hilariously missing every shot while your enemies shoot at you with perfect accuracy, to the shotgun basically requiring you to stab enemies with it to be effective, I was ready to yank all the hair out of my head. I don't mind the ambushes, I don't mind the fact that you can't see your enemies or have to choose between the flashlight and your weapon. Hell, I kinda love that, to be honest. But Doom 3 was fundamentally flawed in it's gunplay. While in previous games, you had to know your arsenal and switch weapons to handle a specific situation better, I often felt that I was forced to use the rifle, plasma rifle or chaingun because of their higher fire rate, just so I can hope to kill everything on screen before my life was reduced to zero in a single closet spawn, which was often.

Enter this mod, and my whole experience has changed. Doom 3 remains difficult in veteran, but now I don't feel as frustrated. Shooting is fun, balanced, and effective without compromising the challenge of the mode. I don't have to pray for the best in every new room. I feel more in control of my shooting, and also find myself switching often between all my available weapons to better fit the situation I encounter. I also rely less on saving than before. Now, when I lose a bunch of health (which still happens often, mind you) I feel like it's 100% my fault and not the result of some ambush where every bullet of my rifle missed, or that my inconsistent shotgun blast simply decided to tickle demons at medium range.


Was about to give up on Doom 3 since Gunplay was frustrating for me, but this mod fixed this by making shooting more balanced without compromising the difficulty.

Good job. This mod deserves more love.

Good karma+5 votes
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ Ultimate DoomVisor HUD v2.13 ** 2019-06-07**

I ended up fixing this by opening the file "UDV_v2.12b_A_BASE.pk3" with slade, finding the text file that says MENUDEF.txt, and changing "Linespacing" to 18 under "OptionMenuSettings".

However, I ended up ditching this HUD altogether after realizing it was severely compromising my performance in all doom games. I suggest switching over to Catsvisor ( Sure, it isn't as good looking but it's regularly updated and has a similar design to what this was.

Good karma+2 votes
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ Tomtefar's Extension V1.12

That works well enough, but another issue seems to arise from it. I can't duel wield any weapon after making that change. I made sure that dual wielding is set to 'enabled' under the extension options but all that happens when I hit the assigned key is that doomguy tries to switch to dual weapons but nothing happens. Sucks because that is far worse for me than not having the updated textures for powerups.

Also, on an unrelated note, I found a weird issue when dual wielding: it seems that when you fire with dual pistols (beretta) and dual smgs, there's a strange glitch that shows bullets coming from behind the guns, instead of coming out of the respective gun barrels.

Anyway, thanks again for the help and sorry for all the trouble.

Good karma+1 vote
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ Tomtefar's Extension V1.12

Great work overall with this, really enhances brutal doom. I was wondering, is there any way of disabling just the powerup textures this mod adds such as health, ammo, armor, orbs, etc.? I'm using some improved textures for those but they seem to clash with the ones provided here.

I'd like to keep the gameplay enhancements but not the powerups textures. Is that possible in anyway? Thanks in advance.

Good karma+1 vote
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ CatsVisor HUD 1.10.3

Thank you, I was currently using UDV, but due to lack of updates I think now I will make the switch to this HUD. The menu issue was the only thing stopping me.

Good karma+2 votes
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ Brutal Doom v21

For the bobbing speeds, if you go into options > display options, you can find the following settings:

-View bob amount while moving
-View bob amount while not moving
-Weapon bob speed

Setting all these to zero removes bobbing altogether, but you can also customize at will here. Hope that helps.

Good karma+1 vote
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ CatsVisor HUD 1.10.3

I tried this mod with gzdoom 4.0.0 and its seems to mess up the menus, but works fine on gzdoom 3.7.2. However, I also tried another HUD mod similar to this one and it also broke the menus. Maybe the issue is on gzdoom's end? Any idea on what could be causing this and how to fix it?

Good karma+1 vote
PutridPete - - 28 comments @ Ultimate DoomVisor HUD v2.13 ** 2019-06-07**

Seems to mess up the menus in gzdoom 4.0.0, but it works fine on gzdoom 3.7.2. However, I also tried another HUD mod similar to this one and it also broke the menus. Maybe the issue is on gzdoom's end?

I doubt this mod will be updated as it hasn't been updated in over a year, but maybe somebody with more technical knowledge has an idea on what's causing this issue with the newest version and perhaps its something that can be tweaked with Slade. If anybody is having the same issue let me know, specially if you can think of a workaround.

Good karma+1 vote