Hello! My small company is currently working on one game titled "Murder Town!" We like to take modern genres of games and turn them into a more classical arcade style, follow us to hear updates on our game and its release date.

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Recent whereabouts

Psychopath_Games Blog

Hello everyone!

There has been a few changes recently listed here:

We are thinking about changing the name of our company to "Psychopath" or "Psychopath Games"

We are putting "Murder Town," our arcade FPS, on hold for the time being to work on a different game that is yet to be titled.

This new game is going to be a First Person space exploration game that you can play with your friends. The game page for this will be up hopefully by the end of the month, along with more information. What we can tell you now is, you can fly around in spaceships, buy new ships, explore with your friends across many planets, admire(or not) the polygonal art style of many of the objects in the game, fight space pirates, commit genocide on a planet, and we're hoping to be able to build houses on the various planets.

Many more features will be announced later when the game page is up, so stick around for more information if you are interested in our games!


Psychopath_Games Blog

Good news!

Everything was successfully fixed and restored to its previous state. We were able to fix this two days ago, and we apologize for the late blog post.
We are continuing to work on the game as planned and we have been adding more sound effects to the game.
Stay tuned for more information!


Psychopath_Games Blog

Well anyone who reads this blog, we recently had a hardware malfunction and now unity wont load up Murder Town. We're trying to get it fixed, but if we are unable to fix it by tonight we won't be able to put up the game page for you guys.
Please follow us, to keep up on the news and our blog. We're doing everything we can to get the game up and running, but unfortunately we will be set back about a week or two when we get it fixed due to assets that are unable to transfer.
Thanks for reading!

Murder Town News!

Psychopath_Games Blog

This should be a short blog because we just wanted to tell whoever's interested that we are planning on creating the game page later next week and there you will be filled in with all of the facts and hopefully a release date.

A quick update!

Whats new?

We have been working on sound affects recently! so far we have:

  • Gun sounds!
  • Death sounds!
  • And other enemy noises!

What will we add?

  • A soundtrack!
  • Movement noises!
  • Reload noise!
  • Button clicking noises!

And probably some other things, we're not sure yet. This game is just suppose to be a fun arcadey 3D shooter, so it will not be anything too extravagant!

Updates and about us!

Psychopath_Games Blog

I thought I might fill anyone who reads this in on who we are and what our plans are, so eventually we might be able to get a small following to play our games.

Currently, we are working on a FPS arcade style game called "Murder Town!" which will be our first released game, and you can expect this game to be released sometime in May to June.

Our company, Empire Games, decided we wanted to lean towards a more arcade style when making games, meaning, you simply play the game, try to get a high-score, and see how far you can go. Of course we will be making other types of games, we feel like there arent enough of these types on the computer market(good ones at least). So that's what we're about.

Right now, we're planning on making almost ALL of our games free to play, but we will ask for donations so we can keep them that way.

We will be updating the blog more frequently now, so please recommend us to your friends so that we can get noticed for the launch of our game!

Murder Town!

Psychopath_Games Blog

Our game "Murder Town!" has been in production for 3 weeks now!
It is going to be a small free to play game, so expect it to be released by June!


Whats in the game so far?

  • FPS functions
  • One map so far
  • Guns!
    Machine Gun
  • And we are starting on small music!

What will be in the game?

  • Pathfinding and shooting AI
  • 5 maps at launch(more maps TBA)
  • A Zombies survival mode
  • More guns!
  • And more features are to be announced!