I love digital design, I'm a programmer in the making. Metal is my music of choice.

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Killzone 2: Will it change a thing?

Pathard Blog

Killzone 2 is the newest addition to the Killzone series. It takes and uses refrences to both of its predesessors but doesn't require you to have played either first. Awesome? Yes.

Personally, I think Killzone 2 looks great, sounds great, and will be great. The graphics are beyonds expectations.. with a few exceptions. The flamethrower and lazer gun for example, the flamethrower's fire looks rather fake, and the lazer looks like a 2D graphic. On the bright side, deaths will be a combination of scripted and ragdoll effects (awesome!) and the environments will be beautiful.

Online looks promissing as well. With "classes" and whatnot. Hopefully it all adds up to an amazing game. I know I'll be playing it starting the 5th of Feb. (this month) because I've got.. a pre-order code!