I’m a freelance writer with a gaming passion for many years now. My freelance writing career kicked off in September of '08. In addition to my freelance writing career, I also write for two game enthusiast websites, Gamer Limit and Indie Games Magazine. Aside from my writing, I have appeared as a guest in several episodes of the KritzKast podcast, which is a fan-made podcast dedicated to the game Team Fortress 2. I am also one of the hosts for a new indie games podcast entitled 2 Girls 1 Game. Indie gaming has long been a passion of mine, so being able to host a show that discusses indie games exclusively is like a dream come true.

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2G1G Episode #06 Delay & Twitter Contest!

overlordror Blog

Both Mahkia and I recorded our latest episode of 2G1G today like normal, but when Mahkia sat down to do the actual editing, it turns out the sound quality was pretty bad. She recorded on her netbook instead of her normal computer, so her headset mic actually picked up the hum of her netbook. While the audio quality isn't terrible, it's not perfect and over processing would leave her voice sounding pretty metallic, so we're going do another recording when she is able to use her large computer.

The delay will only be a day or so, since we usually release the latest episode on Sunday. Instead, you'll have it tomorrow, along with the winner of the Whispered World giveaway.

If you're interested, we're currently giving away a code for Altitude on our Twitter account. All you have to do is login to Twitter and follow @2girls1game and retweet the giveaway tweet to enter. The winner will be chosen next Sunday and will receive their code via private message.

2 Girls 1 Game Podcast - Now On IndieDB!

overlordror Blog

The 2 Girls 1 Game podcast has been in existence since the beginning of March. Since then, we've explored indie content from Game Maker freebies like Spelunky, all the way to upcoming XBLA games like DeathSpank.

The 2G1G podcast has afforded me the opportunity to speak with some of the brightest minds in the business, including two great minds from Fatshark and Andy Schatz of Pocketwatch Games. All of this and we're not even ten episodes down the road!

This is why I'm excited to bring 2G1G to the indieDB community, since our content is made to be consumed by people who love indie. If you love podcasting and you love indie games, then 2G1G is custom tailored for you. Since the group is so small right now, we're looking to build it up and will be advertising for it heavily on the next podcast.

We frequently run promotions and other opportunities, such as giving away free games and game codes. If you're interested, go ahead and john the 2G1G group and we'll keep you in the light about any new events we have going on.