Hello I'm night. This is the place I go when Im bored in class. Add me on steam if you want to talk or ask any thing you want. I'm nocturnal but need to live with no sleep thanks to high school YAY! I like coding, making 3d models, playing games, talking to people, editing songs/sounds, and more. If you use the myers briggs personality chart I am a INTP.

RSS My Blogs

New sounds soon :3

Night_Eoss Blog

I just got a speak & spell, a FM radio for my Game Boy Color, and a Russian professional jew/jaw harp. I will soon use these things for my mod. If anyone wants to give recommendations for what to add hit me with them.

s l1600


Night_Eoss Blog 2 comments

The past few weeks have been so boring. Having to wait for a package in the mail and me being burnt out on most of my steam games is hell. Even at school I cant watch youtube with out being judged. Some good news is that I have started to like tf2 again.

Hello World

Night_Eoss Blog

// MAPINFO for Hello World

episode map01
name = "Hello"
key = "h"

map MAP01 lookup "HUSTR_1"
titlepatch = "Night Eoss"
next = "END"
secretnext = "END"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 1
par = 30
music = "IGORR"

cluster 1
flat = "SLIME16"
exittext = "Hello there","This is my first blog","And I really don't know what to talk about","So I thought that I would try and be cute","This is what the map code for Doom II looks like","Neto right?","God I'm stupid."