Hi fellow gamers and those who create content for games I wish you well! A bit about me, I've been gaming for 20 years. I had no time prior to that with various jobs and my family commitments, like a lot of us! I had little time but now that my children have grown up, things for me have slowed down, as time slowly fades away I play less of RPG, RTS and Simulations and Sports games. I enjoy sports games with adding mods that can convert US and Canadian Football games! I wish someone would seriously make an Official C.F.L game. I know it's a pipe dream, with all the money wasted on poor games every day! I think if it was done right (Canadian Rules, Field size, Physics, Simulations, Dynasty, Legends, History, CFL, CFLPA Endorsement, Modding and available on all platforms). It would sell, especially in Canada plus get exposure in the US! If a game is created with everything I mention and looks great people will buy it and play it! So have a blessed day in Jesus Christ name Amen! :)

Comment History
Whytcrozz - - 1 comments @ [RELEASE] Morrowind Rebirth 6.1.1 [OUTDATED]

Hi "trancemaster_1988", Thank you for your hard work and dedication over the years just awesome work! This was the very first T.E.S. game I played on my PC and it got me back into gaming when I had stepped away for many years! Mods bring classic games back to life! But not as good as been born again as a Christian with the Holy Spirit through my Lord Jesus Christ Amen, evil abounds when good men do nothing, not enough good men in the world!! so true! So now I can take my time and enjoy going through this again, it doesn't matter if I finish it or not, exploring will be fun, thanks again! Are you working on other modding projects and if so what?

Good karma+1 vote