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More info on support for FPS Games

knowledgegranted Blog

All info coming from Jim:

"The games support is very detailed at this point, we have been thinking about this for sometime now. We would like to intergrate on everyonline first person shooter game a monitoring system. We will be starting a pilot program for this soon probably. We will start the pilot program for the game game 'Call of Duty: World at War,' we will provide 1 server to start. Gamers can come to the site to try and sign-up as an administartor of the server. A background check of the IP adress will be run as well as a background check on If all goes well the user will be granted administrator rights to the server (they will not get master admin password). This will ensure the server is administer 24/7. We are still working out problems and cases right now, like what if the admin decides he wanted to ban everyone for the server just to be funny and all that but its going to be work out."

Gamerz Revolution plans to support FPS games

knowledgegranted Blog

Gamerz Revolution has finally decided to support many First Person Shooter online games. Now many can get confused at the word 'support' by this we mean supplying online servers that will be readily available for anyone to join.

These servers won't be any original server, they will be GZ certified! Gamerz Revolution also plans to realease its certification system. Game servers that want to be certified must meet the Gamerz Revolution Against Cheaters Agreement (terms and conditions will be posted on forums). Basically these servers will either be monitored 24/7 or have an anti-cheat client installed other than the traditional one that comes with the game. Gamerz Revolution plans to realease its own anit-cheat client soon.

Gamerz Revolution Releases info on its upcoming game!

knowledgegranted Blog

Working title:

'Because of War'


We use the leadwerks engine (Leadwerks - Real-time 3D Solutions)


First person shooter as well as a multiplayer

Theme /Storyline

theme: post-nuclear war.


It would be about what we call 'Normals' (norm for short) versus the 'Affected' (affed for short, haha) Norms are self explanitory, they are everyday humans like you and me. The affed are a new civilization that mainly lives underground, they are affected by a disease that transforms the way they think. The disease was caused by the nuclear radiation mixed with a "dirty bomb", it was a chemical reaction. As a result, there came these deformed humans. There are to types of affed beings. There are type a (no name yet) and type b (no name yet). Type a is the affed beings that wanted this whole disease to happen. Right now (after the nuclear war) they live underground, they created their own tunnel system originally branched of the new york subway system. They whear these mechanical gas masks that are built into thieir faces and often mechanical limbs replace the blown or shot of limbs from war. Type b affed beings are like beings from the movie 'I am Legend.' They are a deformed human society which have found to be protecting the type a affed beings. They live above ground protecting the type a beings from norms entering their tunnel system. When a norm is found type b affed beings tear them apart devouring them at the spot. Type b affed beings are starved, crazed and very deadly.

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Gamerz Revolution plans to sell 3D models

knowledgegranted Blog

Gamerz Revolution is ready for its new section of supplying needs to game developers. It will soon be providing 3D models for Video Game developers and will include a variety of formats. An online store will be added to the site upon release on Janurary 21st, we hope to see you there!

We also plan to make animated versions of all models.

Formats will include:

-3DS,MAX — 3D Studio Max Model (.max, .3ds)

-B3D — Blitz3D Model (.b3d)

-BLEND — Blender (.blend)

-DTS — Torque Game Engine (.dts)

-EGG — Panda3D Engine

-MDX — Blizzard Entertainment's own model format (.mdx)

-OBJ — OBJ (.obj)

-U3D — Universal 3D file format (.u3d)

-X — DirectX 3D Model (.x)

New Supported Formats!

-LE — Leadwerks Engine (.gmf)