An art student looking for some side projects to help develop skills and to get a foot in the door.

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Updated Website

mwylegly Blog

I spent much of the week adding to my website and updating content. I've included my design work and added paintings and illustrations. The painting + illustration page will become a sort of content dump for a lot of my sketches and id concepts aswell.

Take a visit at:

comments and critism is always appreciated.
If you have questions, or would like to know more about me and my services send me an email, and I'll do my best to get back to you.



mwylegly Blog 1 comment

If someone is looking for an artist, modeler I can do my best to help. I also have a basic understanding of computer programming with some oop classes, as well as artist/visual programming for languages in cocoa and processing.

I also have web design, graphic design and ui design background. See more at