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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 338)
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

Well, the new gzdoom bloom effect is nice, but makes the flamethrower absolutely blinding

Good karma+1 vote
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

I do hope the freeze beam isn't 100% inferior to the freeze missle anymore, that bothers me to NO END.

Good karma+1 vote
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

Seems acid grenades cause a huge frame drop on water, the acid clouds non stop spraying water splashes.

Good karma+5 votes
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

Honestly unsure about upgrading the mancubus cannon, but, could be interesting, so long as fire and acid aren't lost to getting a laser cannon.

Good karma+1 vote
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

I think your laptop is overheating or having power issues. Do you play any other strenuous games?

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mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

Those are good suggestions yes, but keep in mind nocturne this is by no means an exhaustive list. Theres more maps than you can shake a stick at out there.

Good karma+2 votes
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

Ah well essentially after x amount of damage they become invisible, run away, and don't go into pain/bleed, so they cannot be tracked. However they can still be shot. So unless you spray them with a lot of ammo, or hit them hard, they will run away, recover, then harrass you again. Would take effort to balance with pb, but would be cool as hell to get a true stealthy enemy.

Also mallow, you should check out hd, its completely different, but very fun IF you aren't afraid of a challenge.

Good karma+1 vote
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

Most of them, that don't have custom monsters / weapons. Just try one, it will most likely work if it doesn't have these

Good karma+1 vote
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

Are you aware how ninja pirates in hideous destructor work? imagine the stealth / speed of the fleshwizard, but only after getting hit, and a small amount of regenerative ability, so killing them takes a hard blow or a constant source of damage. Otherwise they will flea, cower, and heal.

It could even maybe have a heal limit, but I think an actual mechanic is much funner for variety than just number tweaks.

Good karma+1 vote
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

We could really use a new version of the specter. Have you considered maybe something akin to the hideous destructor ninja pirate? Pinky variations in general really aren't that different besides skin, hp, and attack speed. I think maybe a specter being a ninja pirate style of ai would be cool.

also, is there any way you could have a stun effect on SOME pinky variety bites? That would be cool, kind of like how a l4d zombie slows you with a punch, and would be more interesting than the blood demons insta-bite, instead having a bite hold you in place / reduce your speed by half for a second.

Good karma+1 vote
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

Why not have normal rev launcher controls pretty much, and knife attack work for punching? Just a thought. Also, a way to disable them would be nice, because getting it can sometimes be a burden.

Good karma+1 vote
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

I think the first rank past UV is faster, second is more damage, third is both, and forth is both and realistic move speed / crippled at low health.

However I agree, statistical change documentation would be nice

Good karma+1 vote
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

Tapping alt fire on rocket launcher only fires one, unless you hold it.

Just want to say the riot zombies were a great addition, they REALLY break up manotony, and make battles very interesting, since they do minimal damage, and require either a VERY good shot, or wasting powerful weapons on them. its very interesting to have to choose between dodging pistol rounds till you get enough enemies cleared to risk headshots, waste a grenade or mine just to slay one, or even spraying them down with plasma till the radiant heat melts them through the shield.

I do think maybe the plasma v2 should have a different special than dualing. Its not actually all that effective, and bolts split into 2 different directions due to how they are fired

Demon rune which makes you a revenant has a very NASTY effect on returned armor : Returned armor is defaulted to minimum quality with 30% damage reduction, so grabbing a megasphere before actually works less effective, since the armor won't protet you as well, because it is reducing at 30% instead of 50%. This is even more annoying if you are using the addon for PB with more powerups, including black armor, and golden ultra spheres which both give armor with a 90% block rating (the armor is almost completely destroyed if you die with it, and you can straight face tank 2 rockets without dying) Because going from 90% to 30% is incredibly disappointing.

Good karma+1 vote
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

Tapping alt fire on rocket launcher only fires one, unless you hold it.

Just want to say the riot zombies were a great addition, they REALLY break up manotony, and make battles very interesting, since they do minimal damage, and require either a VERY good shot, or wasting powerful weapons on them. its very interesting to have to choose between dodging pistol rounds till you get enough enemies cleared to risk headshots, waste a grenade or mine just to slay one, or even spraying them down with plasma till the radiant heat melts them through the shield.

I do think maybe the plasma v2 should have a different special than dualing. Its not actually all that effective, and bolts split into 2 different directions due to how they are fired

Good karma0 votes
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

Not sure, if the marine was going to exist, taking a spot of an archvile would be too much. Perhaps a mastermind, maybe cyberdemon, or replacing a lesser demon, but with more standard guns. Replacing an archvile, using a black hole gun would be broken.

Good karma+1 vote
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

PB 2.03 is its own file, doesn't need old versions, running with old versions will break it.

Good karma+1 vote
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

I think instead giving them lost soul esqe lunges would be better, Like higher aggression in response to pain

Good karma+1 vote
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

if its an autoshotgun, smg, those can drop from enemies as well. just fyi

Good karma+1 vote
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

Also, a very long standing bug : pinkies, zombies, or anything else that dies by fire can glitch badly if it has multiple burning states, if they change to the next state when not in eyesight of the player. (or aflicted by notarget). For instance if a zombie is lit on fire, and starts crawling, they will be completely still, and will be a bit glitched. And when shot, they will start burning again.

Good karma+1 vote
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

Zombie scientist (maybe a few other varieties of zombies / imps) take no fall damage when kicked off a ledge.

Spider mastermind with 2 miniguns, and BFG has no spawn toggle, which is a huge pain in the *** considering how powerful he is. Seriously, spawn a few dozen on default random.

Freezer rifle seems unbalanced, in that the beam is NEVER a better option than the blasts. Only perceivable advantage is the high fire rate stunning more, but that seems very null, considering the damage / way the weapon works.

Instantaneous bite of blood demon is a bit much, especially considering it outright disabled the tactic of faking them out, I can understand fast, but instantly hitting just isn't fair.

I would consider, adding in a feature of performance mode a non necessary particle / actor janitor which prevents spawning of too many of one thing at one time (like fire from burning enemies). I played a volcano map as part of DUMP 2 where lava rose up and tons of zombies lit up in flames, and it annihilated the frame rate from all the burning bodies. Also, the tracers from bullets take up quite a lot of resources, so a lower impact version might be nice

Good karma+2 votes
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

IIRC you need to include UDV base and UDV project brutality...

Good karma+1 vote
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

Minigun and lmg most certainly use different ammo types, i think the the carbine / minigun would use smaller, dmr / lmg using bigger.

After all minigun does very low damage per round , while lmg does high.

Good karma+2 votes
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

There's an actor which replaces ammo items with random items based on defaut random progression, and level. Find this and add in your custom ammo, tweaked for how you want the odds of spawning.

Good karma+1 vote
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

Those are called barons of hell, mancubi are the fat flamethrower dudes in doom 2

Good karma+1 vote
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

I agree about a nerf for acid, but also please make acid clouds bounce off walls instead of dying on impact.

Also detonating non stickies is 100% intentional, its called airbursting. Very useful for either using acid as a sortof flak effect on airborne guys, raining down napalm behind something, or just detonating a grenade exactly when you want.

Unless you mean it somehow doesn't detonate the sticky as well.

Good karma+2 votes
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

Uhm... I really don't think you are using the right word. Fruity in America means flamboyant in a homosexual way. And i doubt you are asking for flamboyant homosexual marines(i hope not) . I think the word you want is unique.

Good karma+2 votes
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

That, and why punch with tiny trex arms when you have giant trex teeth?

Good karma+3 votes
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

If you can, please make a machine gun death similar to how it was with odd world. The bullets keeping them upright and recoiling from every single shot till they are blown away.

Good karma+2 votes
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

Alternative is default random but with much higher odds to spawn unique stuff. Revolvers, kamikaze, special zombies, ect.

Good karma+2 votes
mumblemumble - - 338 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03

Fun fact. Dual ssgs are mechanically the same as a quad.

Also hes making it as an addon last i checked

Good karma+1 vote