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We're back

Mortido Blog

Recently, we've signed a sponsorship contract with BigGame Inc. so we are officially back on track!
What's more, we were invited to the White Nights Conference 2017 in St. Petersburg. In went awesome.

For all of you, who visited us there, thanks for your comments!

Stay tuned for our updates!

- team "Mortido"

excerpt from the script...My name is Cleo, I'm 7...

Mortido Blog

"...You are sitting on the windowsill of the old building. It is the orphanage. There are blurs on the walls because of the rain, which is penetrating through the all slits in the walls. Creaking floor will issue your location regardless in which part of the house you will find yourself.
My name is Cleo, I'm 7. This place... I can't say that it's my home, but in any case, here is warmer than outside.
- Hey Cleo!

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I've heard my old orphanage friend... he started to tell me strange things...
- Listen Cleo, I think, you shouldn't stay here, it's time to go away.
My friend was wet, as if he he was under the rainfall. And although his eyes were directed at me, my feelings told me, that it was something wrong with him.
Cleo: Where should I go? I have nowhere to go, what are you talking about?
Friend: Here is no one to see you, it's time to you to go away from here...
Cleo: l don't understand you! And what about you?..
Friend: I have already been taken...
After these words he got closer to me, he looked into my face and smiled kindly. I had only to blink, all returned to their seats as in dream . I stayed on the windowsill again, it was raining outside and I looked at the long corridor to the only way with a very dim lighting..."

Guys you have a chance to live better!

Mortido Blog

Think of how many people surround you, how many news, how many mysteries are concealed in humans. Surely, you've faced people to whom you wanted to say: "Guys you have a chance to live better! Look at the fate of people who are forced to look at everything with admiration, or on the contrary - with disgust". Think about it, what could it be? We will tell you the story of seven people, of how they lived their lives, and of what awaits them across the line. A doctor, an apostate, a thief, a psychic, a saint, a soldier and a father. We carefully and meticulously picked the main characters of the game and joined their fates in a way that deserves to be outlined, in one story. The profiles of the characters were partly taken from real-life stories. We do not just want to make a game, but we want to make you think, evaluate, and go over the long-forgotten rules.

Mortido conzept 4

New characters of indie game “Mortido"

Mortido Blog

Rush - who forgot about God. The soul consciously destroyed its mask just in order to prove their truth...


Otaru - a fortune-teller, who knows the destinies of people. Whose invisible hand guides her? God's or Devil's?...

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When we are asked about the names of those that they loved, who will we call?...
"We will be the happiest people in the world. We just need to wait a little bit. We are the only thing we have..."

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Game Art indie game "Mortido"

Mortido Blog

I see old scattered books, tumbledown dusty bookshelves, stuffed with old scrolls jars. Melancholy possessed me.

And the pouring through the only big window in this room light was so delightful as if the sun was just about to rise.Kontsept starinnaya biblioteka

Dear friends, happy halloween... Indie game "Mortido"

Mortido Blog


In ancient times the peoples of the world believed in life after death.
From a very early age, they were taught to be adamant and fearless even on the brink of defeat or death.
The warriors from all continents raised the flags of their devotion. They had expected to die as they believed that it was only a beginning.
But do they know what for they would give their precious and unique life that God once gave them?
Do they understand the essence and the price of mistakes that they would pay for in the end?

Rattlers - new characters of game “Mortido”

Mortido Blog

Rattlers, worlds pilgrims - eternal wanderers of this world. On the first face they looks clumsy, they greet newcomers’ souls, sometime they can help somebody if they wish… So actually they always seek. They are very curious. They live there so long so they can adapt to everything. They say they know where the God himself is residing… Their main characteristic is that they can transform themself in whoever and whenever. Malign forces know their abilities, and therefore avoid them. Don’t look at their appearance - when it has place to talk about protection – they are the leaders. They support peace and harmony.


Mortido conzept

New characters of game “Mortido”

Mortido Blog

Mortido 6

A good day to share new screenshorts: New characters of game “Mortido”) Meet new Mortido friends. Do not miss the opportunity to meet all out new characters soon!


Mortido Blog
  • Name of the game: Mortido
  • Team: "Corner-Studio"
  • The date of entrance on Steam Greenlight: autumn 2015

The central character will periodically come back in the world of alive (using FlashBacks), knowing every time more and more about his past and gradually recall it.

With every step you will know how and WHY the character was in such situation.

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Mortido 1

Indie-game "Mortido"

Mortido Blog

Mortido – the game, which move you in the incredibly colourful and fantastic world. You will soak into the story of people, who has the life with easy and not always correct decisions… The story about 40 days long path of the human soul after death.



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