So.... Hi. I'm just an ordinary guy who enjoys messing about with computers, martial arts and playing the guitar. Any questions? Feel free to drop me a line.

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Call of Duty: Black Ops (don't judge a book by its cover.)

mitch793 Blog

When I first saw Black Ops and the previews, I'll admit that I was unimpressed.

I could only imagine Modern Warfare 2 and World at War mixed together i.e. Nothing new, repetitive.Everyone knew that Infinity Ward were better at Call of Duty than anyone else, and Black Ops is a Treyarch production.I bought the game yesterday as it was on offer (£27.99). I thought, everyone else had got it so why not?I was pleasantly surprised when I started playing the multiplayer: this game is actually fun.

What can I say?

The guns are all balanced, as are the maps.
There's very little "Noobtubing," but that's probably because no-one wants a repeat of Mw2.
Some people are saying that the new COD Points system is good, and I would have to agree. Your weapon attachments and killstreaks are no longer determined by your level, or how long you've played the game, which makes an overall balanced experience which is fun for all.
Even better, I'm usually a PC player, so imagine my surprise when I find out that I'm actually not too bad at this game: its fit for newcomers to the series.
Zombies are back. 'Nuff said.
I haven't played much of the singleplayer, but what I have played is fun too.

Final Verdict:

This game is very good, and I recommend you buy it. It really is a case of don't judge something without playing it first. Obviously this game still won't be for everyone, so go ahead and read reviews, and borrow the game before going through with buying it.

Hello. Games and Stuff.

mitch793 Blog

Hello there!

Just though i'd say a quick few things about myself, seeing as I am relatively new here.
I'm mainly a programmer, using C++, C# and Visual Basic, but I do dabble with the Source Engine a fair bit.
This leads me on to my main online "occupation." I have a YouTube channel known as mitchr793, and I have made a few subscribers (around 200 at the time of writing) with my relatively popular series "How to make a source engine mod." I believe that anyone willing can make a Source Mod, and with my series, you can learn how to make one. Feel free to rate, comment and subscribe!

However, I don't only make games. I enjoy playing them too.
I'm a big fan of anything Valve and Nintendo. My favourite game at the moment would have to be Team Fortress 2 with Left 4 Dead 2 coming in at a close second. I also enjoy all the oldies: Fallout, Oblivion, The Ratchet and Clank Series and much more.

Whats my favourite games console?
PC. All the way. Although I do have an Xbox 360 on which I play regularly.

Whats my favourite tool for game development?
Hard choice. Probably Dark Basic Pro.

What games am I most looking forward to?
There are loads. At the moment: Fable 3, Portal 2, Diablo 3 and Gears 3. (and Half Life 2: Episode 3 of course).

How old am I?

And that brings us to the end of my first ever blog post. I hope you liked it, and feel free to ask any questions.
Over and out.