Just someone who likes video games. Not very good at them, but I still try! :]

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Warframe Beta

missdisconnect Blog

I recently started playing this beta called 'Warframe'. It's basically about these warriors in suits and they kick a lot of ass. Not really much of a clear preview so i'll leave the link here: Warframe.com
When I first joined, the way to level up your Warframe and your weapons was pretty clear and easy to follow. The recent update 7 kind of ruined it. It's completely confusing and they didn't even give you directions on how to work the damn thing.
Besides that, the game is a lot of fun. But I must warn you, it gets a little boring after a little. It's a lot more fun with friends just like any other game. Sometimes you have to grind to get things and i'm personally not one of those people who enjoy games like that. Anyways, the guns are pretty cool, I just got the Sniperton and it's pretty ridiculous but I like it.
The bosses are so... unbelievably hard to kill and you'd probably die without someone there with you. Each mission can only hold up to 4 people but it's enough to complete a difficult one.
There are easy ways to get a beta key, you just have to Google it and search some of the websites. I have a website that works, so if anyone wants one, feel free to message me for the link.

Tomb Raider: Legend

missdisconnect Blog


This game wasn't so good, in my opinion. It really felt like they didn't give much thought into this game.

In the old games, the bosses were pretty much the hardest part of the game. In this game, however, it's pretty easy. Annoying but easy.

The story was decent and it was a fun game at times. But it just came off as boring and uneventful.

If you're a fan of Tomb Raider, this one will kind of disappoint you.

I also don't understand why the graphics were so much worse than Anniversary.

Ah well.

Tomb Raider:Anniversary

missdisconnect Blog


Let me just say this: I didn't beat the boss yet.

Yes, yes, I know. My excuse is....

I have no excuse.

I had no idea how to beat the boss and being stubborn sucks. I really wanted to just figure this entire game out by myself and not have to "peak" at a walkthrough. So far, I haven't.

I know a lot of people think that the new Tomb Raider games aren't very good compared to the old ones. Of course, I agree with this only because I feel like the stories with those games were a lot better than the ones they come up with now. However, I DO not--I DO not miss the controls for those wonderful games.

This game was surprisingly challenging compared to Tomb Raider: Legend. You would think that the games would get more and more difficult because that's how the old games were. Not with these new games. Tomb Raider: Legend was kind of a joke. And again, surprisingly, I enjoyed this game more than Tomb Raider:Underworld.

Controlling the grapple can be so annoying but you just have to set the keys comfortably. It's a lot easier to control her compared to previous games. So, suck it up.

With these games, you can do a lot more with her flexibility than you could before. Before, you could only really jump and back flip. It is nice but there's this little constant flipping thing that she does--- it's utterly pointless. You never have to use it. Anyways, the grapple is a nice touch to the new series and it's quite helpful.

I really enjoyed this game because I feel like they actually put thought into this one. So, if you're a Tomb Raider fan, you should definitely pick this game up.


missdisconnect Blog

First of all, this game is amazing.

This was another game I had sitting in my library. But unlike Half-Life 2, I watched someone play this game before-- the whole way through.

It's definitely one of those games that you watch and you're still not completely satisfied until you play it yourself.

The game play is great and the music is one of my favorite things about this game besides the incredible story.

It wasn't too difficult (I was on normal). Actually, I feel like it was a bit too easy. The boss is definitely one of the easiest parts of the game. Sad, I know. But it was still fun kicking his ass.

I also love, love, love, loved the weapons. The crossbow was awesome as well as the shotgun and just every other gun was so much fun to use.

I did hear that the second one wasn't very good. I really want to try it out so if anyone out there can convince me otherwise, I’d appreciate that!

I highly recommend this game to anyone looking for a great story.

Dota 2

missdisconnect Blog 1 comment


I don't have much to say about this one.

If you don't like being competitive, never, ever, ever, ever sign up for
the Beta/buy a Beta key.

If you don't know how every hero works, you're basically bending over for
anyone to take you.

Hey, don't get me wrong, it's a great game and I like playing it. But, it can
really get you angry, which is why I don't play it too much.

The music is great! The game play is very fun and it may be confusing at
first but once you play a little more, you will eventually learn how all the heroes

I advise not to stick to one hero for too long. Especially if you're up
for a challenge and you start trying different modes (Captains mode, Random
Draft, etc...)

If you're stuck to one hero and that happens,
your hero may be picked off the list or you'll have a bunch of heroes that
you've never played. Either way, it's not a good situation for you.

Although, if you've never played that hero before but you've been on a
team with that hero or against one, it shouldn't be too bad. And sometimes it's
pretty fun to learn a new hero out of nowhere. I just advise learning the

Alice: Madness Returns

missdisconnect Blog 1 comment


Wow as in: This is the creepiest game I’ve ever played. Although, Thrill
Kill does come pretty close.

I don't have many scary/horror games and I'm not one to want to watch
scary movies and such when I have some free time. But, this game looked promising.

When I was a lot younger, my Uncle had the first Alice game. All I knew
was I would never, ever play a game like that in my life. Well, now that I’m
older, I feel like I grew a pair or two and decided to buy it.

Sometimes the Steam screenshots lie to you and make the game look so much
better than it really is. Not with this game. This game actually is good as it

The story is... interesting. It's pretty screwed up but it's like
enjoying Tim Burton's films/books. It's so creepy and odd but you get so attached
to it.

Hah, the game controls are a bit to get used to. I think you can edit this but,
I had problems to begin with. Problems to a point where just because of the
crappy controls, I didn't think I was going to be able to get used to it. But,
I did. Again, I think you can edit it.

It's a bit confusing at first. You have no idea what's going on. At
least, I didn't because I never played the first one. After awhile, you learn
more about Alice's past and well, that's the main point of this game: learning
her past.

All in all, this game was extremely well thought out. I DID have two
problems with the game, however. The first one was when you controlled a ship
and I wasn’t able to shoot. The other was when you grew into a giant and you
could stomp and punch. The stomp wasn't working so I looked the problem up and
had it running well in no time.

I really enjoyed this game and I don't know if it was because I'm drawn
to really creepy stuff like this or what. The art was amazing and inspired me a
bunch since I’m an artist. I highly recommend this game if you're the kind of
person that likes huge, worn out baby dolls and flying pig noses. That is

Half-Life 2

missdisconnect Blog 1 comment


So, I was gifted Half-Life 2 about two years ago and never bothered
installing it. It sat there, rotting in my Steam Library, probably silently
begging for me to play it.

About 2 weeks ago, I finally installed it. I was bored of the games I
have now and wanted to try something different. Whenever I thought about
installing a game on my Steam that I’ve never played, I would become incredibly
lazy and groan at the thought of having to sit through a new story line.

I came to find that it is actually one of the best games I’ve played so
far. The story is so unique and interesting. It's incredible that people can
make up such amazing stories. It’s not easy trying to refrain yourself from
being envious of these people.

Anyways, as I thought, the game was a bit of a challenge. But it was a
good and entertaining challenge.

There were points where I wanted to scream my lungs out while throwing my
computer out the window and flipping it off when I was satisfied with its
punishment. But, I feel like most games can be like that when you soak yourself
into them.

It was a challenge, yes. But, nonetheless, it was a great game and I
wouldn't mind playing it again.