Hi, I am Michael, professional Sound Designer / Audio Engineer (and sometimes Composer) from Munich / Germany. I am specializing in interactive Audio, including integration, for video games and I am always looking for interesting projects / mods to work on! If the project requires it I have access to professional recording studios! But for the most part I work in my cozy homestudio using: Ableton Live 9 Suite / Reaper / Pro Tools / Renoise / Audacity Native Instruments Komplete 9 / Assortment of VST / VSTi Plugins FMOD / Wwise / Fabric / Unity3D / UE4 / Love2D Zoom H5 / Various sample libraries (including my own) / Adam A5X Laney Ironheart / Ibanez - Yamaha - Taylor Guitars / Fender Bass Intermediate coding skills in C#, Lua, Python, Javascript For more work samples please visit www.m-klier.de!

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Wrapping Up 2017#02

michaelklier Blog

Hey everyone! Quite some time has passed since my last Wrapping Up Newsletter. Well, I promised I won’t spam :).

I was super busy during the last months. Here’s a short rundown on what I’ve been working on.

Mother Earth, is a small student project of the MDH Munich for which I provided some additional sound effects during the final phase of the project. It is as much puzzle game as it is an interactive story in which you help Earth grow and flourish by aiding her evolution from an inanimate rock to a thriving planet.

Michiko, another MDH student project I’m involved, is a Story told through a short animated movie and a video game. It follows the Story of little Michiko and her struggle to escape a rampant A.I holding her hostage in a virtual simulation. I did the sound effects (excluding VO) & the music. The game is still in early development & things might still change.

In June I worked on X-Plane 11 again. This time I did the sound design & FMOD implementation for the Beechcraft Baron B58, a light, long-body, twin-engine piston aircraft that sits at the top of the light aircraft hierarchy. The recordings were outsourced to a contractor & turned out great & were a pleasure to work with.

In April I went to AMAZE Berlin, my favorite games event in Germany. It was great fun as always & I got the chance to meet some lovely people again. I also met with the team Broken Games of Rise Of Legions to discuss the further roadmap. The game is coming along nicely & we’re hoping to be at GamesCom later this year.

Since last week the 1st HOLOGATE setup is live at the Presence VR Center Munich. I provided the sound design & audio implementation (Unreal Engine) for the launch title SIMURAI. It’s a multiplayer co-op wave based retro shooter for up to 4 players with custom guns & the option to use a haptic west. We’re planning to have two of these setups at GamesCom Cologne this year.

Talking about GamesCom, if you’re there & you like to meet for a chat just drop me a note via gameaudio@m-klier.de or hit me up on twitter.

In other not work related news: I actually was on a vacation in June & visited the beautiful Norway. Here’s a picture of the Geiranger Fjord. I will remember this view.

And since we traveled via cruise ship here’s a little gift. I managed to get some decent recordings of the ships fog horn with my trusty Zoom H5N :).

You can listen to it & download it here.

Thanks for reading & have a great time!

Wrapping Up 2017#01

michaelklier Blog

I've been quite busy over the past weeks so lets get straight to it!

What I've Been Up To

Just a week ago I re-launched my website. I decided to remove my blog section for the time being because I'm getting more involved writing for designingsound in addition to being a news editor. I still have an archive with some of my old blog posts.

Currently I'm wrapping up two VR experience projects with Wasted Studios for Drehfrabrik (The Lake & Paragliding). Both are made using CryEngine & Wwise. Working with Wwise in CryEngine was a great experience. The Audio Translation Layer (ATL) makes integrating Wwise pretty straight forward & the documentation is very thorough!

My work on Rise Of Legions is also progressing nicely. At the moment I'm mastering the current set of sounds & we're doing the first audio related playtests. We're still working with OpenAL & a very feature limited custom sound manager. But we're planning to switch to FMOD which I'm very excited about because it will open a window to a world of improvements & possibilites!

I also started taking the new Hans Zimmer Masterclass on film scoring. Although my work is more focused on Sound Design, Hans Zimmer is one of my big idols in film music & I was really intersted in what insights he has to share. In a lesson about "working with producers" he makes a very good point in that he prefers to get the story of movie told by the director/producer instead of reading the script. This way he can get a better understanding of his/her vision on a deeper level.

I fully agree. One important part of my job as Sound Designer is to understand the needs of a project & the vision of my clients. I believe it's crucial to talk things through & ask questions face to face in addition to reading Game Design documents. That's why I prefer to do regular Skype calls to discuss project progress. Sound & audio are very subjective & everyone hears things different. Establishing a good understanding of how my clients "listen" & what they imagine the sound to "sound" goes a long way!

GameAudio News

Speaking about FMOD, Firelight has changed their licensing model & their indie tier now allows the use of FMOD free of charge for one game a year with less than $500k budget (that's the reason RofL is making the switch). This is really exciting & it's going to be interesting to see how Audiokinetic & other Middleware companies will react. I expect some exciting news/announcements from GDC next week.

In other news, the latest FMOD release now enables the use of FMOD in HTML5 projects. Live demos can be found here & here. Epic Games also announced that UE4 is getting a new audio system which I look forward to check out (highly recommend watching the video).

Lets Meet!

I'll be attending A:MAZE in early April. If you're there too I'd love to meet & say hello! Let me know if you can make it :)!

What's To Come?

I plan to create a short video or article series on getting started using Reaper (my weapon of choice) for GameAudio covering things like basic setup considerations & workflow improvements. If you have questions regarding this topic I'd love to hear from you!